Is it Wrong that I Woke Up in Danmachi as the Main Character?

27 – Is it wrong to commission our family friends?

"What are you doing, Daddy?"

I lifted up the bisected helmet of Black Demon and said, "Studying, Princess."

"Oh. Okay. ...Can I watch?"

"Of course." I absently responded and started taking notes in my personal imaginary notebook with my imaginary pencil.

It was my turn to watch Fina today. I didn't mind, especially since I seemed to be having a run of terrible luck with the Dungeon.

The plan was to spend the day hanging out with my cute and adorable daughter. But before that, I wanted to figure out what the hell was going on with me and my visits to the dungeon.

To do that, I was sitting down outside in the grass and taking notes on what went wrong.

Seriously. Falling through the floor, landing in a monster box room with no way out, then meeting that superboss monster...

Did reality have it out for me or something? There's no way I could be this unlucky-

Wait. Reality. Luck.

I rummaged around my inventory and picked up the copy of my status Tia gave me. After that, I carefully reread the description of Liar's Phrase.

'Reality is nothing more than the lies we tell. Growth is determined according to the user's will. External influences are subsumed and overwritten.'

There were three parts to the skill. I had been focusing on the second and third part, but the first...

Reality was nothing more than the lies we tell...

While I didn't think the skill was OP enough to bend reality itself, when considering the fact that I had Quantum Magic which seemed to affect probability to some extent and since Compilation directly translated theory into practice...

"Right." I groaned and facepalmed. "It really *is* a double-edged sword."

"What is, Daddy?" Fina hopped onto my back and peered down at the paper. "The paper?"

I laughed and put it away. "No. Just thinking out loud, Princess." I paused. "Though using paper as a sword, huh?"

Well, paper cuts were a thing. And since the edge was so thin, if I could increase the durability of it enough to at least iron...

Ah, wait. In this world, metal was cheaper than paper, so that would be pointless.

Interesting thought though. I'd have to shelf that somewhere. Maybe bring it up with Welf to see if he could do anything with it.

But for now...

I put the pieces of Black Demon I was examining back in my inventory. After that, I stood up and gave Fina a piggyback ride.

She giggled and then held on tight. "Yay! Are we going on a trip, Daddy?"

"Yep! It's boring staying inside all day anyway, right?"

"Yay! A trip! A trip!"

I laughed and started walking off.

Let's see... We could go shopping, but I was running low on potions, so...

"Let's go meet one of Mommy's other friends."

"Ooh! Like Miss Heffy?"

I blinked. "Miss Heffy?"

"Mmhm! Mommy said she was going to have a playdate with her later!"

"Is that so?"

Heffy... Hm. Didn't know who that was, but it looked like Tia was prepping for our future too.

I'd have to ask her about that later. And about what I should do with the fact that another goddess seemed to be stalking me. For now though...

Miach said his shop was the deserted looking one around the corner, right?


"Wow!" Fina looked around the shop and said, "It's spooky in here!"

I had to agree. While there was a small bell that chimed when we entered, the place itself looked abandoned. The counter was unmanned and it was completely empty. Not only that, but a few glass bottle with various monster parts were decorating some shelves in the back next to a closed door.

Still. Spooky, huh?

I paused and looked up at Fina. "Where'd you learn that?"

"Mommy taught me when we were reading stories!"

"She did, huh?"

Maybe I should look for a few more books then...

A low chuckle echoed from the distance. After that, the door in the back opened and Miach walked out. "I suppose it would seem pretty spooky like this."

The god looked as haggard as I saw him last time. While he was smiling, his robes were still threadbare... In fact, they seemed a bit worse. While they were sewn shut, I could see a few holes that weren't there the last time I saw him.

Miach looked at us and smiled. "How may I help you and your daughter today, Sir?"

"Hm?" I blinked and said, "Did you forget about me already, Miach?"

Miach tilted his head, frowning. And then his eyes widened in shock. "Bell?"


His gaze shifted to Fina and said, "Then who is-" He suddenly froze.

I could practically see the gears spinning in his head.

Fina waved and said, "Hi, Mister Miach! I'm Fina!"

"Fina?" Miach frowned and said, "Not Hestia? But..."

I cleared my throat and said, "Anyway, I'm here to pick up some more potions."

Miach looked like he had a lot of questions to ask. But he nodded and said, "Of course." He walked up to the counter and said, "Is there anything in particular you wanted, Bell? Judging from your build, I take it the last potions were effective?"

"More than effective."

Miach laughed. "Clearly so. Then, did you want some more? I'm afraid we're a bit short on materials for the moment, but there should be enough to-"

"About that. It's just a question, but how much would it cost to buy some diluted potions?"

Miach blinked. "Diluted potions? Why would-"

Before he could finish, a sleepy voice called out from the back. "300 valis each."

Miach glanced back and frowned. "Naaza..."

The door in the back opened again and a woman walked out. Long brown hair, purple eyes... paired with dog ears? And was that a tail?


The woman... Dog woman? Anyway, the woman who Miach called Naaza walked out and stared at me.

Like Miach, her clothes were a bit worn-out. Unlike Miach's plain gray robe though, her clothes were a bit more colorful. A white scarf over a blue and yellow tunic paired with a black skirt. And one that somehow let her tail out. Somehow.

Fina waved at Naaza as well and said, "Hi, Miss! I'm Fina!"

Naaza smiled at her and then looked at me. "Bell, is it? I heard from Lord Miach about your reservations for potions..."

Miach's frown deepened. "Naaza." A firm voice. "Bell is a friend-"

"And business is business, Lord Miach." Naaza pursed her lips. "At this rate we won't be able to pay rent."

Miach winced. "E-Even so..."

Fina blinked and placed her head on my shoulder. "Daddy?"

I turned to look at her and said, "Yes, Princess?"

"What's rent?"

I paused to think about it. "Well... It's complicated. Basically, it's money you pay to live somewhere or use a place."

Fina gasped. "You have to pay money for that?"

"Well, not if you own a place. But it gets pretty expensive."

Fina frowned. "...Is that why Mommy and Daddy have to work so hard?"

"Partially, yes."

I think that Tia mentioned we were living rent free because she got the church as a gift, but there definitely were other expenses we had to deal with.

Naaza glanced over at Fina and then lowered her gaze, biting her lip.

Did she feel guilty about bringing it up?

Miach sighed and then shook his head. After that, he forced a smile and said, "Forget about that for now. You said you needed potions, Bell? Just give me a few moments-"

"Hold on." I cut him off and looked back at Naaza. "You said a diluted potion is 300 valis, right?"

Naaza flinched, caught off guard. But she quickly recovered and nodded. "That's right. 300 each."

"How much can you dilute it?"

Miach frowned. "Bell. I understand cutting costs, but-"

Naaza continued. "As much as you want. But don't worry. We won't pass off water as a potion."

"And you can measure the dilution amount? Exactly?"

Naaza nodded. "Of course. We might not be as big as Dian Cecht's family, but both Lord Miach and I won't lose at all in terms of potion making. Of course, making such precise adjustments would cost extra..."

Miach shook his head and then looked at me. "Bell. Diluted potions might be effective to an extent, but in a dangerous and unpredictable place like the Dungeon, they aren't suitable. Please, reconsider."

I blinked. "Who said anything about using diluted potions in the dungeon? I'm planning to use them to train."

"...Pardon? Train? But that does not-" Miach stopped talking, staring at me with wide eyes. "...Is that how you used the potions I gave you?"

I laughed. "A bit more complicated than that, but basically. Anyway, about those diluted potions... 300 valis each is a bit expensive, but I'll consider that as a service fee. I still want some normal ones though, so..."

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