Iris and Me

Chapter 18 : The longest day of my life (An uneventful meal)


You won't believe it, but here's another chapter ! :o

Happy reading,

With love, Sh'.

PS : I cannot believe I'm more than 200 pages in. Do you ?


Chapter 18 : The longest day of my life (An uneventful meal)


Midtown High cafeteria, Midtown High, Queens, New York, 25th of January, 12:11


I gently smile at Jessica as I nod assent to her conclusion.


“Yes, we are.” I tell her, “Sorry if I came out a little strong here, but I could hear you think about how you wished you could throw away Ms. Prattson ‘as far as yesterday’s dumpster’ this morning and took a little peek.”


She actually thought so, as a matter of fact. She doesn’t really need to know that I was already suspicious of her before that because of who I am.


I clasp my hands in front of me with a wink in an apologetic gesture.


“I didn’t mean to intrude and I’m sorry, but I can’t really turn off my telepathy.” I explain simply.


Jessica’s eyes widen even more as she finally understands what I’m implying.


Her expression turns ugly almost instantly.


“You went and looked into my fucking head ?” She blurt-hisses at me.


Gwen frowns and answers before I can formulate an appropriate response.


“Easy there, Aria just told you she cannot really stop it.” She clips.


That actually makes Jessica pause, as her eyes shift between us.


I sigh.


“Again, I’m sorry, but unshielded minds thinking really loudly about something are like clarion calls to me.” I apologize again, “I could help you with that actually, like Cindy and Gwen here.”


Jessica's eyes roam between us again, before sighing.


“Ok, I’ll bite.” She says as she crosses her arms, asking archly  “Why the big reveal ?”


I mentally pump my fist as Iris let [Amusement] ripple on our mind-link in answer to my childish reaction.


“Because I want to make a little club with all of us.” I start, “I want to gather Midtown High’s powered people so that we can help each other and develop our abilities. Maybe do some heroics together if we’re into it.”


The black haired girl mull over that for a minute.


When she opens her mouth, the answer is instantaneous.


“Hard pass.” She says as she scowls.


Uh ?


I raise an eyebrow.


“Alright, why ?” I ask, my puzzlement genuine.


She scowls.


“I don’t trust you and I’m a loner.” She clips, eyes hardening.


Jeez, such angst.


Iris and I roll our eyes mentally simultaneously.


“Sure, we’ll leave you alone.” I answer while shrugging, “Don’t come back whining when you realize you’ve bitten more than you can chew, though.”


In the corner of my eyes, I see Cindy’s eyes widen while Gwen is visibly struggling not to laugh.


Jessica’s expression turns dumbfounded for a beat, before she scowls anew.


Quite impressive, that scowl.


“I’m serious !” She growls.


Her right hand at the edge of the table clenches slightly and the sound of the metal giving painfully under her might is heard.


“Oh, I know. You’re strong, you can fly and you’re pretty resistant. Surely nothing in this town can harm you right ?” I deadpan.


Before she can muster an answer, I carry on.


“But what if you stumble upon another telepath like me with far fewer scrupules ? Or some guy whose powerset is like Johnny Storm's, someone that can fly around faster than you and spew fireballs out of his ass all day long for example ? Or even worse and you find yourself on the bad end of Lenshnerr’s aim ?” I ask archingly, “We may be powered for x or y reason, but at the core, we’re still humans. The simple fact that there is safety in numbers remains the most basic truth of our species.”


She flaps her mouth open a few times, arms still obstinately crossed, but remain short on arguments.


I sigh as my expression turns gentler.


“I get it.” I start, “School sucks, people sucks, everything is lame and you’re angry. Life shat on you pretty hard from what I’ve heard and all you got in return is the capacity to vent your frustration by bench-pressing a car instead of being a normal and happy teenager.”


She clamps, eyes growing cold.


“If I’m here now, it’s because I can sympathize with all of that, minus the heavy lifting. But face it Jessica, you’re not normal. Nobody around that table is normal anymore. And that’s actually a good thing.” I carry on, determined.


That startles her as much as Cindy whose attention turns focused.


Gwen simply smiles because the smart cookie has probably already determined where I was going with this.


“Why ? Because normal is fucking boring after all. Look at those folks around us, right here, right now.” I add and both Cindy and Jessica’s eyes shift around us, “What’s the probability any of them marks history ? Close to null. Meanwhile, we’re the cool kids, the ones who could one day stand proud and spew shits like ‘Captain America inspired me to do the right thing’ to an interviewer as we put criminals behind bars.”


Jessica’s expressions ease, considering.


“But you know what the Captain had that you don’t ? A fucking team.” I hammer down.


I exhale as my tirade ends, closing my eyes for a beat.


When I open them I can see Gwen’s expression alternating between a scowl and an approving smile at regular intervals.


Right, I did swore a lot.


My expression turns a little apologetic.


“Sorry for the rant, girls.” I admit, eyes downcast, “But I won’t apologize for being honest here.”


I turn my attention back to Cindy.


“Be it just to avoid being captured and to learn to defend ourselves…”


My eyes shift toward Jessica.


“...Or to have some potential backup someday when things go pear shaped, we should at least be able to rely on each other during High School.”


I pin Jessica with my eyes.


“Nobody is ever fine all on their own.” I state with certainty.


She gulps, then exhales after a beat, eyes closed.


“Fine, I get it. I’m in.” Jessica finally admits.


I let a little happy smile blossom on my lips.


“Great, if that helps, you’ll be free to spar with Flashy as much as you want when he joins.” I tell her, eyes dancing with mischief.


She blinks, expression turning a little scary.


“You should’ve started with that.”


Iris’ side of the mind-link explodes with [Amusement, mirth, schadenfreude] as I throw my newfound ‘twin’ under the bus.



Midtown High cafeteria, Midtown High, Queens, New York, 25th of January, 12:19


While we’re eating our now lukewarm food, I explain a few technicalities to my two spider-totemites protégés.


“So, the both of you actually represent a different type of spider.” I start.


Chewing before swallowing, I point at Gwen first with my fork.


“Gwennie’s powers here are based around a Hunter Spider.” I explain, “Like those that you can see in those scary videos of Australian wildlife. She’s crazy strong for her frame, has better reflexes and explosive speed than Cindy, can control spiders in her vicinity and has venom coated fangs in her forearms.”


Gwen blinks at that, instantly paying a closer look to her arms while Cindy and Jessica are throwing her weird looks.


I chuckle.


“Don’t bother, you won’t find them by just looking. They are not in your arms per se, but it’s a magical trick that you can learn. A good surprise weapon that you should keep close to your chest just in case.”


My attention turns toward Cindy.


“Meanwhile, Cindy’s powers are those of a Trap Spider.” I carry on, “You know, those that we find in our home around here. You’re not as strong as Gwennie but you’re nimbler, you can emit pheromones to lure your prey in or make them avoid you, yes I’m talking about other humans, and create silk out of your fingers to weave webs.”


I pause, taking a bite.


“Same thing as Gwennie, you do not have any spinnerets at the tips of your fingers, it’s a magical construct.”


That doesn’t stop Cindy from looking at her hands like they might bite her the next second.


I smile, shaking my head.


“Both of you are exceptionally resistant to blunt trauma which, and that might surprise you, doesn’t include bullets, and the magic running in your veins naturally enhances your healing capacity aside from doing the same to your senses and granting you a danger-sense, a simili predictive instinct that your tie to the Underweb gives you.”


Cindy looks askance as Gwen got it.


“We can see fate.” She blurts out, a little googly eyed.


“Not quite, but close enough,” I start with a smile and Gwen blushes slightly under the praise, “That magical instinct will grant you a warning when something endangering your fate occurs in your vicinity.”


As I take another bite, I mull over what happened earlier today.


“Take this morning for example, when I was broadcasting my mass suggestion, your instinct didn’t know if I was a danger or not and decided to act as if because it’s better to be safe than sorry.” I explain.


As Gwen nods her ascent and Cindy is looking like she had an epiphany, I carry on.


“As spider-totemites, you share the weakness of spiders, so you’ll have to always remain careful in case of wasp-totemites came knocking around. Nasty folks, don’t ever face them unprepared or alone. A spider is an easy target in an open environment for a wasp, but you’re queens inside a closed off building. If you ever see one and your danger-sense is blaring in your ears like there’s no tomorrow, run as fast as you can to one of us if you do not have time to set up a counter-ambush.” I tell the both of them with as much levity in my voice as I can.


As they wordlessly nod their understanding, Jessica finally asks the one thousand dollar question.


“How do you know all of that ?” She says, throwing me weird looks.


“Because what I suspect to be magical bullshitry brought me here from a parallel universe.” I lightly explain.


Her mouth flaps open wordlessly at that explanation.




Hiding my own mirth, I shrug.


“That’s the only viable explanation that I can think of. I know about those subjects from a previous incarnation living in a different world where those information were freely available to all.” I pause, “Or I’m just pulling the most elaborate prank someone ever had on three teenagers, your choice.”


I scrunch my nose, thinking for a bit, as Jessica wordlessly nods.


“We’re going to put you into armor.” I say decisively, fork pointed at her.


She startles and puzzledly looks at me.


“Why ?” She asks.


“Well, because you can fly and you’re strong, obviously.” I explain, “You're tough, but how much ? We have no idea and that requires some testing. But that doesn’t forbid you to wear extra protections, considering said protections will probably weigh nothing to you and won’t hamper your flying.”


She blinks.


“That does make sense.” She concedes.


“Indeed.” I smile, “And we’re also going to look into some ranged options for Gwennie and you. It’s not because you’re hitting like a truck that you have the obligation to go close and personal.”


Cindy throws me a look at that.


“You thought a lot about it.” She states.


“Still am,” I answer, “The army has a saying : proper planning prevents piss poor performance. I happen to agree with the general sentiment quite strongly.”


The silence stretches as I take another bite, the three girls contemplating what I just said.


I scowl.


My veggies are cold now.


“[Amusement, mother-henning] : You have to eat those, it’s important for our health.” Iris says kindly.


“I know sister, it’s just that I would have wished for an uneventful meal and proper food and I am left wanting.” I mock-whine on our mind-link.


She chuckles and sends me [Love] which warms my little heart lots.


I pause.


Someone just entered my telepathic radius.


They are psy-shielded to the gills.


“What is happening ?” Gwen asks when she sees that I’m focusing on something.


The unknown stranger is apparently making a beeline towards the center of the radius.


So, in my direction.


I groan audibly.


“I don’t know, but I’m sure I’m going to be annoyed.” I deadpan.


The only things stopping me from physically flipping the table in frustration are the looks of expectations from the three girls and Iris’ soothing feeling on our mind-link.

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