Investor That Can See The Future

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Hyun-joo’s older sister asked, seemingly confused.


“Didn’t you hear? Sell ​​the pound right now with 50x leverage.”

[Once you calm down…]

I shouted at Hyunjoo noona.

“I do what you tell me to do!”

After screaming, I was startled.

I said calming my excitement.

“sister. Do you think I’m crazy? It’s only natural to think that way. But now I’m perfectly fine. No, I’ve never been as clear as I am now. I know it sounds crazy, but one thing is for sure. Brexit will happen. I don’t have much time!”

The answer came a long time later.

[I just talked to Taek-gyu on the phone, and he told me to obey only what you said.]


That bastard believes in me even though the situation is like this.

Hyunjoo noona said with a sigh.

[I will do as instructed.]

The call was disconnected.

The hologram in front of him disappeared.

I couldn’t tell if what I had just seen was foresight or if it was just an illusion.

I couldn’t see anything anymore.

* * *

Golden Gate Asia Branch.

While everyone was busy with their work, when they had a little spare time, they turned their attention to the TV. On TVs throughout the office, screens of CNN and BBC were played.

The sound was turned off because it was business hours, but just by looking at the screen, I could see how the counting process was going.

I was worried that something might happen, but nothing happened.

Asian stock markets including China and Hong Kong rose together, and fund managers were relieved. Analysts have been pouring out reports that Brexit fears have eased and that the global economy will continue to experience a relief rally for a while.

Eli asked Hyunjoo.

“What does Jinhoo say?”

Hyunjoo shook her head.

“I want to go all the way.”

“What, what? why······?”

Hyunjoo took out the vodka from under the desk. And he filled the glass and drank it all at once.

Eli looked at Hyeonju with a bewildered expression.

Hyeonju was sure of the construction. Maybe after work, I never drank alcohol while at work.

“What’s wrong?”

“From now on, I’m going to do things I can’t do sanely.”

Hyun-joo placed the order according to the CEO’s instructions. The $3.2 billion OTK Company held until the end became $150 billion and poured into the foreign exchange market.

Seeing this, Ellie was startled.

“What did you do?”

“Jinhoo is doing this.”


She couldn’t be sane, neither was she.

Ellie grabbed her bottle of vodka and took a gulp.

* * *


I received a text message indicating that the order had been placed.

Now it’s really over. There was nothing more I could do. just waiting for the result.

The cell phone rang again.

I struggled to answer the phone.

“Yes, senior.”

Senior Sangyeop said urgently.

[The situation is bad, Jinhoo. The Asian market is practically dead. Stop for now, get the rest of the money and take the next opportunity…]

“It’s already too late.”


“I just poured everything into the foreign exchange market.”


Senior Sangyeop seemed to be at a loss for words.

I said muttering.

“Buy cheap. Just risk your life.”

These are the words of Kinzo Korekawa, who was called the god of Japanese stocks.

The principle of investing is to buy low and sell high. Even if there is no guarantee that you can sell high, if you buy low, the price will no longer fall, so there is no loss. Therefore, it is important to live as cheaply as possible.

But being cheap means that everyone in the world turns away, and buying it means that only you think differently.

In other words, you have to face the world alone.

“Just think of dying. Did you start with no intention of doing that?”

Anyone can analyze or predict. But it took courage to pull the trigger.

[Cheuk … . . ]

Even if things go wrong, you don’t actually lose your life. I’m just throwing away all my fortune.

“If we fail this time, we start all over again.”

After a while, Sangyeop senior cried and said.

[If I go to you like I did back then… will you accept me again?]


I smiled and said

“I’ll be successful soon, so I’ll go find the senior first.”

[Thank you, Jinhoo.]


The phone is disconnected.

I pretended to be calm, but I was really scared. Losing all of my fortune was such a fear that I would rather die if I thought otherwise.

His hand holding his phone trembled.

Suddenly, the water under his nose filled up to the top of his head.

* * *

Britain was in full swing.

Those supporting the EU’s stay and those supporting its exit poured into the streets and squares. From the beginning to the middle of the counting period, Remain had the upper hand.

The rest were certain of victory.

The European Union flag was waving, and voters in support of the exit bowed their heads.

Immigrants dressed as janitors and workers also cheered along with British voters with their arms wide open.

“Europe is one! Europe is one!”

* * *

London Forex Exchange.

Attacking the foreign exchange market meant fighting the government of that country.

The British government did not have to fight directly against the pound sellers. This is because many hedge funds and financial companies have joined as allies.

Instead, they threw bullets at the enemy. The British government simply had to command and watch the fight from behind.

As concerns over Brexit dissipated, buy orders continued to pour in and the pound rose moderately.

David, the chief dealer, exclaimed.

“Sell orders are pouring in!”


Although the strong sell-off shocked me for a moment, the pound did not turn downwards. This is because hedge funds and financial companies have accepted all the selling volumes.

Josh was convinced it was the OTK Company.

After the accumulated orders were digested, there were no further sell orders.

‘Is this the last blow?’

As he expected, at this point the OTK Company had exhausted all live ammunition. In fact, it was like standing naked in the middle of the enemy line.

If someone pulls the trigger, so the pound moves up a little, OTK Company will bleed to death on the spot.

Josh laughed.

“The otaku are bankrupt.”

Even if you liquidate your position now, you will have already suffered an astronomical loss.

He dared to fight against the British without fear, and he turned out to be the worst.

* * *

I sat down in the hallway and thought.

What did I really see?

Resign or stay?

Approved or rejected?

What is true and what is false?

Did I make the right choice or did I make the wrong choice?

What the hell have I done to the world?

I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t afford to see the results. I wished time would stop like this.


The cell phone rang. It was Taek-gyu.

I pressed the call button with trembling hands.

“Say it.”

Instead of words, sobbing was heard.


“…are you crying?”


Taek-gyu cried for a long time, and I heard him cry without saying anything.

[Uh-huh! Jinhooya……..]

Taehyung cried and cried.

[Ooh, what do we do? We are now… Uh-huh!]


Is it over?

Is everything over?

At that moment, someone appeared in front of me.

When I looked up, Seon-ah was standing there. She looked down at me and asked.

“What are you doing here?”

I don’t even know what I’m doing here.

She said as if she had remembered something.

“You won.”


“It’s a bet I made with the kids earlier.

Seon-ah said calmly.

“The counting situation has just been reversed. Britain left the EU.”


Taek-gyu’s call came from his cell phone.

[We did it, Jinhoo! The UK has left! Uh-huh!]

When he came to his senses, all the water up to his head had drained out.

* * *

London Forex Exchange.

At some point, the buying stopped and the selling stopped. No one moved.

It could not be explained other than that it was an aberration.

Suddenly, a different air current flowed, and those with a keen eye first sensed the abnormality. And it quickly spread throughout.

At that moment, the pound sell-off surged like a tidal wave.

Josh was astonished.

“Do you still have money left?

He didn’t know, but that was no longer the amount OTK Company was pouring out.

No matter who came first, the financial companies turned their guns upside down, which were aimed at the OTK Company. Then they started shooting towards England.

The forces that were buying the pound all turned to sell, and the pound, which had been slowly rising, fell in an instant.

“0.68 lbs broken!”

In an instant, the exchange rate from 0.65 pounds to one dollar rose to 0.68 pounds. That was just the beginning.

“0.70 pounds!”

“0.72 pounds!”

“0.75 pounds!”

Screams erupted from all sides. Forex dealers did not know what to do when the pound plummeted.

Why did this happen?

Why did things suddenly change?

What the hell happened?

Josh’s eyes stopped on the TV. It was then that he realized why.

Until recently, the graph that showed 52 remaining and 48 leaving had suddenly changed to 50/50… No, 49.9 to 50.1.

As the tide went down, those who were allies turned to enemies.

Financial companies that had been buying the pound until just before, poured the purchased pound back into the market to reduce their losses.

A sell-off led to a sell-off, and the pound plummeted.

“Hey, this is absurd…”

Are you dreaming right now?

Pounds were falling like a waterfall.

It is a quasi-key currency, not a currency of a developing country. It is unheard of for the pound to change so rapidly.

Did OTK Company know it was going to be like this? So, at the last minute, did you pour out the stock?

Josh recalled a nightmare from the past.

The worst case of a single investor toppling the UK and bankruptcy of a government-owned bank.

‘George Soros…’

Josh couldn’t take it any longer and screamed.

“Stop selling, you bastards!”

The British Treasury’s prediction that the pound would lose 10% in two years in case of Brexit was completely wrong.

It took less than a few hours for the pound to fall 20 percent.

That day, the pound recorded its biggest fall in history.(Read more @

* * *

Counting in other regions was over.

Scotland had a majority to remain, Northern Ireland to remain, and Wales to slightly to leave.

However, England still has no results.

With the largest number of voters, England counted votes until dawn. In the second half of the counting, virtually only England votes were counted.

The graph, which had been tilted toward retention at 52 to 48, moved slightly in the opposite direction due to the continued counting of votes.

This was due to the fact that England’s withdrawal votes were higher than expected. The magic number disappeared while the graph was slightly tilted, and the withdrawal was confirmed.

Stock markets around the world, which had been slowly rising, began to plummet together. Everyone was shocked to see the stock price falling.

Investors sold risky assets all at once and moved in search of safe assets. Then the damage spread to the wrong place.

Prime Minister Okazaki was in a meeting with businessmen. In a situation where they smiled and said good things about each other, the chief of staff rushed over and whispered.

“It was a big deal. Brexit has happened.”

Prime Minister Okazaki’s expression hardened.


So far, it’s surprising enough. But the real surprise was something else.

“The yen is skyrocketing. 100 yen per dollar is broken.”


The exchange rate dropped from 110 yen to 1 dollar to 99 yen.

The yen is one of the important policies of the current government.

So, throughout his tenure, he bought unlimited bonds and freed money on the market. However, in an instant, the yen that had been dropped after suffering for four years returned to its former position.

‘What a crazy….’

If the exchange rate dropped to this level, it was obvious what kind of shock the exporters would have.

Now is not the time to relax and drink tea.

Prime Minister Okazaki jumped up from his seat.

“Call the cabinet meeting immediately!”

* * *

Seon-ah asked me with a worried expression.

“What is it? What’s going on?”

“What’s the job?”

The disappointment was greater than the joy.

What were you so afraid of?

In a way, it’s nothing.

“Thank you for telling me.”


I passed Sun-ah and walked outside. The sun was shining strongly on campus.

Ever since, her cell phone has been ringing like crazy.

Taek-gyu, Eli, Sang-yeop, etc.

Instead of answering the phone, I turned off the phone.

How much would you have earned?

You’ll have to liquidate the position to find out, but you’d have made tens of billions of dollars even if you held on. It has completely robbed the global financial market.

After standing idly for a while, I went in looking for a pay phone booth in the corner. Then I picked up the handset and dialed somewhere.


“It’s me.”

[Jinhooni? What did you call this on your cell phone?]

“How are you?”

[then. How are you.]

Tears seemed to flow when I heard his voice.

[What is it? What’s wrong with my son?]

I said, swallowing the cry that broke out.

“I just called because I wanted to see you.”

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