Investor That Can See The Future

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Yuri was shocked and shouted.

“Come on, senpai! ahead! Look ahead!”


When I came to my senses, I was about to jump into a fast-moving intersection. I was startled and hit the brakes abruptly.

To understand this situation, you must first know what the European Union is like.

The European Union begins with the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), which was created after World War II. As it grew in size, it became the European Community (EC) through the European Economic Community (ECC), and finally the European Union (EU) system was launched in 1993.

The largest national federation in human history was born.

There are two main reasons why European countries of different ethnicities, cultures and languages ​​have been able to unite.

The first is because they shared the political and religious values ​​of democracy and Christianity, and second, because they felt the need for a new community that transcends national and ethnic boundaries during the two world wars.

The EU, which started with 12 countries, has since been joined by several European countries, and now has 28.

The size of the economy is also huge as many countries with high GDP such as Germany, France, UK, and Italy are members.

At the time of its establishment, it was the world’s largest, and now it ranks second behind the United States.

“But the UK is now weighing its exit.”

How does he know this so well? No ordinary college student could know this much in detail.

With that in mind, I glanced around to see that Yuri had a related article on his cell phone.


In that case, wouldn’t it be better to just park and search for it?

Anyway, Yuri continued to look into her smartphone and explained.

The EU led to political and economic integration in Europe. To this end, member states transferred some of their national powers to the EU, issued a single currency, the euro, and signed the Schengen Treaty to allow free movement of people and goods.

As you can see from the map, European countries share borders in all directions. Full control over the border is not only impossible, but inefficient.

Previously, when going from Germany to France, you had to go through immigration and immigration, but the signatories to the Schengen Treaty can travel without any checkpoints, just like when you go from Seoul to Busan.

“Even though Britain joined the EU, it still uses its own currency, the pound sterling, instead of the euro, and it did not join the Schengen Treaty.”

“Then why do you want to leave?”

“The various regulations implemented in the EU are also a problem, but the biggest problem is immigration and refugees.”

This is not just a UK problem. The whole of Europe was struggling with the influx of refugees from the Middle East.

Huge refugee camps are installed at each border, and huge budgets are spent on feeding and putting refugees to sleep.

In addition, some refugees have committed various crimes, and, if forgettable, there has been one indiscriminate terrorist attack.

As a result, public opinion was extremely deteriorated.

Currently, Germany is pushing for a refugee quota system in the EU, led by the UK, which was fiercely opposed.

“Despite the conflicting interests of each country, the EU system has been able to maintain because of the common value of a united Europe. However, unlike other European countries, the UK is an island country and has a relationship with the United States, so it is traditionally considered a member of Europe.

Awareness is low.”

* * *

I parked in front of the cafe and went inside with the glass.

“Would you like an Americano?”


When I went up to the roof of the cafe with a hot Americano, I could see Paldang Lake. Although it was a weekday, quite a few people were seated.

Yuri gathered her blonde hair fluttering in the wind and tied it up. It’s so beautiful it’s hard to take your eyes off it.

“It’s good that I’ve had the wind after a long time.”

“Did you like to come with me?”

I nodded my head, thinking of Yeji.


It was really nice to come with you.

I drank coffee and searched some related articles on my phone.

None of the EU member states have ever left the EU. In the past, Greece has mentioned Grexit in its confrontation over debt settlement and austerity issues.

Greece has a small share in the global economy and in the EU. Even if Grexit had become a reality, the impact on the global economy would not have been that great.

But Brexit is a different matter.

The UK, along with Germany and France, is a huge pillar supporting the EU. If that axis is pulled out, other disgruntled member states may withdraw, and the European Union itself may collapse.

Therefore, the EU has also prepared an appropriate agreement and presented it to the UK side. In other words, I will take care of your situation as much as possible, so please stay.

The UK government has decided to put the EU agreement on a referendum in line with the Prime Minister’s pledge. If the people decide to accept the agreement through a vote, they will stay, and if they do not accept it, they will withdraw.

In fact, it was a vote for or against Brexit.

The referendum itself, whether passed or rejected, does not have any effect. In order for the UK to leave the EU, Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty must be invoked.

However, it is impossible to ignore the results of the referendum in a democratic society. If the vote is rejected, the UK will remain in the EU, and if approved, the UK will leave the EU.

In other words, Brexit will happen.

So what will happen?

The information provided by Yeji is extremely limited.

I was informed of the voting results. It doesn’t tell you what effect it will have or how to respond.

It’s up to me to figure that out.

“What are you doing?”

“I was looking for some articles.”

Yuri looked at me and asked.

“How do you think it will be?”


“The Brexit vote.”


I faltered in my answer and turned the topic to the other side.

“But why did your father go to England?”

“You left for work.”

“What are you doing?”

At my question, Yuri had a slightly bewildered expression on her face.

“Well, you work in the financial sector, and you do things like funds.”

“A fund manager?”

“Yes. It’s similar.”

“A foreigner?”

“You used to work in a foreign country, but now you are working in Korean.”

Is it a domestic stock exchange?

Somehow, he said he bought Seosung Electronics stocks with his pocket money.

“Are you free this weekend? There is a movie I want to see.”

I said with a smile.(Read more @

“sorry. I have some work to do with my friends at home.”

“Hmm, that’s right.”

We left the cafe and talked about this and that and took a walk around Paldang Lake.

By the time I returned to Gangnam, the sun was setting.

“Go in carefully, senpai. See you next week.”

“Huh. Good bye.”

I dropped the glass and called Hyunjoo noona on the way home.

“Please send me all Brexit-related materials as soon as you find them. as soon as possible I have something to check.”

* * *

Brexit has been the biggest issue in the financial world lately.

Reports related to Brexit have been pouring in from within Golden Gate. Hyun-joo’s sister collected all her materials and sent them to her by e-mail.

It was the weekend, so I stayed at home and read the material.

Taek-gyu asked.

“So you mean the UK is leaving the EU?”

“Because it is.”

“The experts expected most of them to stay.”

“I really can’t believe what people who are called experts say. If you know it so well, why are you talking about the neighborhood? You should know it alone.”

Taek-gyu nodded his head at my words.

“That’s right.”

So we keep our mouths shut and keep quiet.

“Good. So what happens next? Is it just the UK leaving the EU?”

“Is that possible?”

Perhaps a huge aftermath will strike the world economy. I can’t tell you just how big the impact will be.

That’s why I’m reading the Golden Gate material so diligently.

The most important thing in a short position is timing.

If the due date had been delayed by a few days in the L6 case the other day, we would have lost more than 10 billion won.

After that, he reflected that he should refrain from excessive betting on short positions. But this case is a little different.

Brexit is an event that will turn the global financial markets upside down, and I know the outcome and date clearly.

Are there any other opportunities like this?

After reading the material over two days, I came to a conclusion.

“I should thank the British Empire.”

Taek-gyu asked curiously.

“What does that mean?”

“It means a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

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