Into Unscientific

Chapter 395

Chapter 394 – Stickers’ Sense Of Justice (8.4K)

In the meeting room.

“.What? Gaul?”

Heard the place name that came out of Tian Liangwei’s mouth.

Gu Qunqing was taken aback for a moment.

After regaining consciousness.

He quickly shook his head and repeatedly denied:

“This is impossible. How could it be Gaul?”

“Among the seven companies, the only one located in Gaul is Vareny Pesticide Company, but at the meeting they came to the chairman of their group. How…how could this be reversed?”

In Gu Qunqing’s view.

If you don’t consider the size and scale of the company, and just judge from the perspective of internal rank, only two of the seven participants in the entire meeting are the least likely to rebound.

One is Kyoichiro Tokuda of Aspen Club.

Another one is Gareth Toure of Vareny Pesticides.

Because they are the top leaders of their respective companies, theoretically they are the least likely to reverse.

After all, once the video of the meeting is exposed by the rebound, it will basically be a huge blow to the corporate image.

They will only seek their own death when they are tired of living

Theoretically speaking, unless Song Huizong possessed himself, they would never be able to do that kind of thing.

The result was unexpected.

That Gallic company really jumped back?

Looking at the bewildered Gu Qunqing, Tian Liangwei couldn’t help but smiled, and explained what he learned from Hou Xingyuan:

“Manager Gu, you don’t know about this.”

“The initial fuse of the matter was actually the Yuli de Oliveira you mentioned.”

“At the beginning of this month, Lisa Zuo Nuo just fired the marketing specialist named Yuli de Oliveira on the grounds of poor product sales in Q3 and Q4.”

“This practice is very common in European and American companies, not to mention that Lisa Zuo Nuo’s Q1 performance this year may be very high. According to the gambling agreement, it will pay Yuli de Oliveira a large sum of money.”

“So in order to save money, Lisa Zuo Nuo fired Yuli and compensated him with a considerable amount of competitive subsidies, but it was far from the bonus.”

Hear here.

Gu Qunqing couldn’t help but nodded.

He has worked at Sanofi for many years, and he couldn’t be more clear about the rules and regulations in this area.

Marketing specialist is a back-up position in European and American companies, so generally speaking, their contracts and treaties will be signed outrageously.

For example, if you can achieve XXX performance, how much money you can give, etc.

The amount of this money will generally be very, very high, probably around 100 months of after-tax salary.

But there is often an additional sentence after these clauses, that is, the enterprise can unilaterally terminate the contract.

That is, in fact, you cannot get the money, but it is only used for some operational means of accounting.

This is considered an unspoken rule in the industry, so most marketing professionals only care about salary compensation during the competition period, and everything else is floating clouds.

This is the case under normal circumstances, let alone Lisa Zuo Nuo.

This time, Lisa Zuo Nuo attracted a lot of new users at the beginning of the outbreak of public opinion. Compared with Q4, which is the fourth quarter of 2022, which is squeezed by a mob, sales will increase sharply.

If Yuli de Oliveira is not fired, Risazuno estimates that at least a year-end bonus of nearly one million euros will be awarded.

Then Tian Liangwei paused and continued:

“After being fired, Yuli de Oliveira once went to Lisazuno’s headquarters to make a fuss, and mentioned something related to webex in agitation—Dean Hou didn’t know exactly what he said, but Mostly something like ‘I have evidence’.”

“These words finally reached the ears of Gareth Toure of Vareny Pesticides. Unexpectedly, Gareth Toure also backed up a video of the meeting.”

“Perhaps it is considered that instead of being exposed by Yuli de Oliveira, it is better to negotiate some conditions with the Academy of Sciences in exchange for some benefits.”

“So Gareth Toure comforted Yuli de Oliveira, and at the same time found the door today.”

After finishing speaking, Tian Liangwei also sighed with emotion.

In fact, when Hou Xingyuan learned the news, he was as shocked as everyone present.

This can be said to be a werewolf killing.

Then Gu Qunqing suddenly thought of something and asked:

“Wait, Academician Tian, I have a question I want to ask.”

Tian Liangwei glanced at him:

“But it’s okay to say.”

Gu Qunqing pondered for a moment, organized his words, and quickly said:

“Why would Lisazuno send Yuli de Oliveira, a back-up guy who might be fired at any time, to participate in such an important event?”

“The level of this kind of meeting is generally above vp or even svp. Although the marketing specialist can barely be regarded as the most ordinary company executive, there is still a gap between the qualifications for this kind of meeting?”

“Oh, you said this, Dean Hou just told me about it.”

Tian Liangwei smiled and explained to Gu Qunqing:

“The meeting was held on December 8th. Manager Gu, I heard that you studied at the University of Bologna. You should know what date it is?”

“December 8?”

Gu Qunqing was taken aback for a moment, and then blurted out a word:

“Inmaculada Concepcion?”

Tian Liangwei nodded:


Inmaculada Concepcion.

The Chinese translation of this word is called the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, also known as the Day of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, or the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

It is one of the important festivals of the Catholic Church. It is a feast to celebrate the gift of the Virgin Mary who received the gift of innocence. It is held on December 8th every year.

Italy is a standard Catholic country, and Catholics account for about 90% of religious believers.

The rest of Protestantism, Judaism and Christianity add up to only 10%.

Therefore, every year on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, all Italian enterprises will have a day off.

Even when Italy fought Ethiopia, it had to choose a truce on this day, let alone a company.

Foreigners sometimes have brain circuits that are pretty strong, and they like to stick to themselves when it comes to weird things.

“The CPO and deputy of Lisa Zuo Nuo are devout Catholics, so they were absent from the online meeting that day.”

Tian Liangwei sat back on his seat at this time, and continued to explain:

“So, Yuli de Oliveira, the marketing specialist who is second only to the product officer and is not Italian, was sent out.”

“After all, before the meeting, several core foreign companies did not notify in advance of such an important matter to be discussed at the meeting – the VP-level meeting itself is a threshold, and it is not surprising that the participants talked about everything.”

“In short, due to legal holidays, Yuli de Oliveira was temporarily kicked out of the shelves. Whether it was stubborn thinking or a coincidence, the fact happened anyway.”

Gu Qunqing nodded thoughtfully:

“I see.”

You can say how coincidental this matter is, but it really doesn’t matter.

To put it bluntly, the date was not chosen well, other executives took a bad vacation, and Yuli de Oliveira was temporarily pulled out.

Then a series of things happened.

The core problem of the whole thing is still that the participants are not in harmony.

After all, no matter how bad the day is, it will not affect Gareth Toure, a Gaul, to intercept the video of the meeting.

It can only be said that this product has been reserved from the beginning, and there is no kindness in it.

In Xu Yun’s opinion.

Although there is no evidence, he doubts that Gareth Touré and Yuli de Oliveira are not the only ones left behind

Foreign companies have often done this kind of face-to-face and heart-to-heart discord.

For example, Kimberley acquired Shuermei back then.

For example, the child labor incident involving IKEA in the Asan area.

Another example is the insider trading involved in Rajat Gupta, the former co-director of McKinsey, and so on.

Basically, they are backstabs from insiders or partners.

The line of sight returns to reality.

Now after listening to Tian Liangwei’s introduction, Xu Yun has a general understanding in his mind.

But he soon realized something, blinked, and asked:

“Teacher, that Gaul named Gareth, what request did he make?”

Tian Liangwei looked up at him and said:

“A fertilizer contract with a period of five years and a total amount of 150 million Huaxia coins.”

Xu Yun: “???”

Then, without waiting for Xu Yun to ask for details, Tian Liangwei explained:

“Of course, this contract is not given out just for you, it is specifically related to the status of the Valeni company.”

“The business of Vareny’s company in China is mainly the production of chemical fertilizers, and the annual sales of cockroach medicine are only three to four million—this is one of the important reasons why Gareth will rebound. disinfect industry boycott.”

“Vareney’s annual fertilizer sales in China are about 20 million. However, domestic fertilizer production capacity is generally oversupplied these days, so Gareth Toure proposed such a five-year cooperation intention.”

“As for our Academy of Sciences, considering that the quality of Vareny’s fertilizers is really good, we asked the subordinate Agricultural Research Institute to sign a cooperation agreement with Vareny.”

Xu Yun finally understood.

As Tian Liangwei said.

Although China is a major exporter of chemical fertilizers, its annual export scale has been hovering between 6 billion and 7 billion US dollars.

But on the other hand.

High exports do not mean no need for imports.

From a national level, the dependence on imported chemical fertilizers is actually not small.

Our average annual import of chemical fertilizers is about 3 billion U.S. dollars, which is close to 20 billion U.S. dollars when converted into Chinese currency.

The main ones are mineral potassium fertilizer and chemical potassium fertilizer.

At present, domestic fertilizers are mainly sold in field crop areas, and imported fertilizers are sold in cash crop areas, so the demand is not low.

So now that Gareth Tourey is actively approaching the door, the Academy of Sciences naturally has no reason to refuse—the money for fertilizers will be spent anyway.

It’s like you have to buy vegetables every day. There is a vegetable farmer whose vegetables are always very good. He just has something you need urgently.

As soon as the two parties combined, they signed a long-term food supply agreement.

Gareth Toure had a long-term contract to protect his capital, and the Academy of Sciences obtained the meeting video without much effort.

Wait, meeting recording!

Think here.

Xu Yun just realized another thing:

In the hands of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, there is already a video of the round of webex meeting at this time!

Doesn’t that mean.

Looking at Xu Yun whose eyes were getting brighter and brighter, Tian Liangwei nodded emphatically:

“That’s right, Xiao Xu, the University of Science and Technology has now decided to release that video!”

“Of course, the way of disclosure may be a bit special.”

While Xu Yun and the others were talking.

Outside the wall.

A hacker organization code-named ” suddenly posted a news on a certain Twitter:

【A video was accidentally discovered in the personal network disk of the president of Neon Aspen Pharmaceuticals. Out of the sense of justice of the Republic of Korea, we feel that it is necessary to make it public】

There is a video in the appendix below the news.

This is an account with more than 200,000 fans. Compared with poizon, Prohet, and lulzanonymous hackers or organizations, it is not particularly popular, but it is not completely unknown.

The gold content of a 200,000-tweeted account is often higher than 5 million followers on Weibo.

This ”—translated into Chinese as the strongest hacker organization in Han Country is not particularly active, but as long as it releases news, it will basically be related to the scandal of Neon Enterprise.


This account has a relatively indifferent attitude towards Huaxia, and often clamors such as [XXX belongs to our Republic of Korea].

So although this account is not particularly popular, in fact the fan activity is still very high – most of the fans are sticks.

After the account posted the news, a large number of fans quickly clicked on the video.

The content of the video is a screenshot of an online meeting. You can see that there are seven dialog boxes distributed in the conference room at this time—this screen has obviously been processed by the recorder. Except for the two hosts, the other screens are in a regular distribution state, and you can’t see them. Which dialog box belongs to the recorder.

The video is more than ten seconds after it starts playing.

A woman marked with the identity of the meeting host and remarked as ‘Collina Asensio’ spoke:

“Gentlemen, may I ask, are we doing a silent prayer before dinner?”

Immediately after.

These words were simultaneously translated into



It was Adams Boronat, vice president of Bayer Group Greater China, who appeared.

He introduced the origins of the seven participants, and said an important sentence:

“. As for the reason for the temporary opening of this meeting today, it is naturally. Our original plan to cut off supply to Huadun Biological Sciences has completely failed!”

Following that is Gareth Touré’s quarrel with Isco Edu

Adams Boronat’s Circus


Corinna Asensio proposed a poisonous plan starting with pets.

After Corinna finished speaking, a Japanese sentence sounded in the meeting room:

“Ms. Corinna, when can this plan be implemented?”

It can be heard clearly from the tone and surrounding environment. The recorded voice of this person is obviously much clearer, and the sense of position is also closer to reality.

If there is no accident, this person is the person who recorded the video.

See here.

Most fans of Bangzi have made up a general idea in their minds:

The person in charge of the neon company of the Asi Club participated in a meeting to encircle and suppress Huaxia companies, but for some very dark reasons, he secretly recorded a video while attending the meeting.

You really deserve to be a neon man, Smecta.

Although the country of Bangzi has a lot of moral shortcomings, there is one aspect that deserves praise:

That’s how they never forgot Neon’s history of aggression.

Back then, Liu Qiang set fire to the Yasukuni Shrine and fled to Bangzi by plane. Immediately after the incident, Bangzi regarded him as a hero.

Bangzi officials even hired a luxurious team of lawyers to defend Liu Qiang. After Nihong senior officials went to South Korea to extradite Liu Qiang, large-scale demonstrations even broke out in Bangzi.

This is really not whitewashing Bangzi. It has only been eleven years since this happened, and the relevant video records can still be found. This should be regarded as one of the few advantages of Bangzi.

Later Liu Qiang was deported back to China, but encountered a lot of personal attacks from the second devils in China, which is really embarrassing.

all in all.

When sticks deal with neon, they often burst out with an amazing sense of justice.

Some people even joked that the reason why Bangzi has no character in other things is because he puts his character on his attitude towards Japan

So fast.

A large number of Korean content mixed with “inner ghost” and “Xiba” began to appear on the Internet, and gradually began to spread.

all in all.

Under the running water of these sticks.

Three hours later.

It is not surprising that this news was “accidentally” observed by Sichuan Province Observer, who observes everything except Sichuan Province.

Sichuan Provincial Observation quickly forwarded this content to domestic social platforms, and directly tagged it with #徐云##中科大##小鸟#.

It just so happens that the popularity of related topics has not subsided at this time, so this Weibo is also on the hot search list again ‘coincidentally’.

And then.

The incident exploded.


This is not the first time that Xu Yun and others have had disputes with foreign companies.

For example, as early as the night of the listing of “One Mantis”, the University of Science and Technology had encountered the black hands of several neon foreign companies.

In the end, the unlucky UCAS was also implicated.

Later, the University of Science and Technology of China and the University of Science and Technology of China jointly organized a counterattack, which dealt a severe blow to those foreign companies.

And it just so happens.

In the previous hacking incident, HKUST also blamed Bangzi.

After that incident.

”One Mantis” also enjoyed some public opinion dividends, and its sales increased greatly.

From the perspective of time, it saved about half a year of development time for the company.

But compared with the leaked video of this meeting, the original hacking attack is nothing.

after all

This time, it was not a certain company from a certain country that did the trick this time, but seven foreign companies!

The words “joint encirclement and suppression” undoubtedly belong to the sensitive point in the hearts of Chinese people.

Since 1840, we have encountered bullying by foreigners in groups.

Not to mention that Xu Yun’s incident also involved pet lovers, male-female confrontation, and so on.

Among them there are demonic party members, but there are also passers-by who were misled at the beginning and later came to their senses.

In the case of the above multiple groups and psychological complexes.

#webex七家外企# This topic quickly became the number one hot search topic in less than five hours.

What broke out at the same time, and .

Consumers’ enthusiasm for shopping.

Half a day later.

Huadun Biotechnology Headquarters.

“Dr. Xu!”

The door of Xu Yun’s office was pushed open from the outside, and the figure of Gu Qunqing rushed in:

“Sixty thousand, sixty thousand!”

Gu Qunqing’s words sounded a bit out of date, but Xu Yun immediately understood what he meant:

“Aaron, has the daily sales exceeded 60,000?”

Gu Qunqing nodded heavily, and walked quickly to Xu Yun’s desk, waving a document in his hand:

“Ten hours ago, our daily sales were only about 7,000. Normally speaking, it is only in the early 2.5 at this moment.”

“I didn’t expect that the hot search would suddenly explode, and it would directly increase the sales of the product.”

“There are still nearly four hours before 12 o’clock, and it is no problem to break the daily sales of seven or even eight!”

After finishing speaking, Gu Qunqing took another deep breath, his tone still very excited:

“What’s more important is that today is just the beginning!”

“Even under the most conservative analysis, this wave of consumer sentiment will last at least until tomorrow — and in fact it will last longer.”

Xu Yun nodded in agreement when he heard the words.

The current trend of extinction is a bit like the recommended position when he was writing a novel in his previous life. The peak of the data is not the day when it was uploaded, but the day after it was uploaded, and the long-tail effect can generally last for several days or even a week or two.

Nowadays, the national sentiment of consumers has been mobilized. Not to mention how long this psychology will last, at least it is difficult to subside in the short term.

Because this is a spontaneous behavior, not a marketing technique that is deliberately hyped and provoked.

To be honest, there are not many people who eat patriotic meals these days.

For example, a certain hair dryer that pulls on Dyson, has overwhelming advertisements, and is known as the light of domestic products.

Another example is the liar Guo Shenghua who claimed to have planted the national flag all over the Neon website in 2013 and so on.

They are all cases of marketing patriotism.

But marketing and exaggeration are false behaviors after all, so you will rarely see the advertisement of that hair dryer on the Xiaopo website recently.

But a mantis is different.

This hot search is not a marketing example initiated by the company. Huadun Biotechnology has never advocated or sold it miserably [We are targeted by foreign companies, come and buy our products to support domestic products] such words .

The hot spot of the topic this time is the foreign companies, because they themselves are not clean, which leads to the exposure of chicken feet.

So consumers don’t need any encouragement, they spontaneously support Huadun Biotech with actions.

When Huaxia’s consumer groups are inspired by national sentiment

The original Baixiang and Hongxing Erke are the best examples.

Driven by wild consumption psychology, Baixiang suddenly soared from 7% of the instant noodle market share to 71.4% of the monthly sales of the instant noodle market, and the sales of Qitianguang live broadcast reached 10.397 million. (You can see this part of the data in Douyin Handpicked)

Not to mention Hongxing Erke.

After the public opinion broke out in July 21, 5203.3W of shoes and clothing in a single day, 2977W of official flagship stores, 160 million of brand flagship stores, 2381.2W of sports flagship stores, 1383.2W of children’s wear flagship stores, 149.9W of Hongxing Erke factory stores, and a total of seven live broadcast rooms Sales are about 390 million yuan.

This is only the online situation. There are 4,266 offline stores, with a single-day offline sales of about 130 million, and a cumulative online and offline sales of about 520 million.

520 million a day, how terrifying.

And now.

The aroused emotions fell on Huadun Shengke without warning.

In the early morning of the day.

The daily sales volume of a mantis has exceeded 76,000 pieces, and the sales volume has exceeded 1.3 million Huaxia coins.

January 18th.

The daily sales volume of a mantis has exceeded 97,000 pieces, and the sales volume has exceeded 1.6 million Huaxia coins.

January 19th.

The daily sales volume of a mantis exceeded 100,000 for the first time, reaching 114,514 pieces, and the sales volume exceeded 2 million for the first time!

The original live broadcast of cockroach killing at the University of Science and Technology of China accumulated the first wave of popularity for “One Cockroach disinfecting”.

The hacker attack on the day when the product was launched once again strengthened the popularity of “One Mantis”.

And the ‘leaking’ of the meeting video.

completely exploded all the accumulation of the original product in one fell swoop!


Yesterday, 80% of the code was completed overnight, and I woke up at two o’clock in the afternoon. I could have sent it out very early, but when I went out to look for food, I met a group of Feng Shui masters. After asking about it, I found out what it was.

It was the first time I saw this kind of situation in my life, and I saw Lie Xinxi watching for a while. In fact, I always wanted to ask them if they could use the Beidou real map to look at Fengshui, but I didn’t ask because I was afraid of being beaten.

Continue to stay overnight today, the amount of updates in the past few days should be obvious to all, please ask for a monthly pass! !

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