Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Aharle glanced at Heita’s speechless appearance, cleared his throat and continued: “However, although I don’t know who recorded it, I can guess it somewhat…”

Black Tower asked weakly.

“The man.”

Aha nodded in the direction of Gu Ze with the tip of his chin.

“Gu Ze?”

The black tower looked in Gu Ze’s direction full of doubts.

“Didn’t he just board the Star Dome train and become a trailblazer? How did you come up with this record book?

Heita said, looking at Aha and waiting for the latter to explain.

Aha noticed Heita’s gaze and smiled at her.

“Sorry, I just remembered, I don’t know him.”

Black Tower: “…”

Will you die if you give an explanation?!”

The thought of a hammer on his face suddenly came to the black tower.

Looking at Heita’s expression of being so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, Aha couldn’t help clapping his hands and laughing: “From your expression, I feel happy.”

“Hehe, you might as well explore it yourself to get to the truth.”

“There is still a long way to go…”

said Aha and smiled again, turning his gaze to Gu Ze.

Gu Ze pulled the bowstring to charge the power, while carefully feeling the flow of the wind.

He is guarded by the team, and he does not have to worry about the sneak attack of the Honkai Beast, which allows him to sense the enemy’s position without distraction.

He felt that the air flow in mid-air was disordered, and the explosion sound kept coming out, as if there was a super-high-speed object constantly moving.

This speed can actually be called teleportation.

Gu Ze suddenly thought in his heart.

He had probably guessed that this group of big birds was likely to be ancient beasts, those legendary powerful existences.

In the information given in the games he already knows, these guys are almost extinct, and I didn’t expect to see them here.

The fate power possessed by each ancient beast was not weak, and Gu Ze did not dare to underestimate them.

Suddenly, the air flow somewhere in the air exploded violently, and a group of figures appeared, and they made a dive and rushed towards Gu Ze collectively.

It seems that he intends to gather fire to Gu Ze and kill him first.

Gu Ze’s reaction is not slow, when he sensed the strange birds flying, he had loosened the bowstring, and the dense wind arrows broke out of the air when they landed, Gu Ze has been charging for a long time, the power of these arrows is already quite strong, and the power is full of colliding with those strange birds.

A harsh scream sounded in the air, and the strange birds were shot and fell from the air.


Gu Ze was overjoyed in his heart.

He had guessed that they should not be able to move frequently and for a long time at high speed, otherwise they would not have to show their bodies and burst the battleship at all.

Therefore, at the moment when they reveal their figures, it is estimated that they can no longer move at high speed immediately.

It was based on this that Gu Ze prepared in advance to ambush them.

Now it seems that it really works.

However, there was still a strange bird that barely avoided Gu Ze’s attack, that was their leader, although the largest in size, but also more responsive.

At the moment when the Wind Arrow rushed out of the string, it was already ready to deal with it, and slightly deflected its figure, which avoided the point.

The strange bird’s claws reached out violently at the same time, and while Gu Ze was receiving the recruitment, it stabbed him into the shoulder fiercely, and flew into the air with him.


Gu Ze’s teammates were shocked and killed towards the strange bird at the same time.

The mech team also aimed at it at the moment, and missiles kept shooting.

However, these attacks are almost equivalent to nothing in front of the strange bird.

It flexibly shuttles through the dense offensive without being hit, which can be said to have achieved the ultimate dodging action, which can be called a leaf without sticking to the body.

Gu Ze, who was caught by it, did not give up the struggle, and he took out the flame spear and stabbed towards the body of the strange bird.

Flames rushed out, burning the body of the strange bird with the power of destruction.

The strange bird screamed, but did not let go of its claws, and it entered the hyper-speed flight again.

Gu Ze only felt a huge impact coming towards him, and he quickly summoned his shield to block it.


The strange bird dragged Gu Ze with both claws and slammed him into the nearby hill, shattering the entire mountain.

Gu Ze was also thrown out and planted in a cloud of smoke.

However, he had two layers of shields and did not take damage.

However, Big Bird’s attack did not stop, and it flapped its wings like a sharp blade towards Gu Ze.

With the blessing of speed, the wing blade is fast enough to see the afterimage.

It is clear that there is only a pair of wings, but it feels like it is being besieged by thousands of blades.

Gu Ze raised the flame gun to block it.


The wing blade was constantly colliding with the Yan gun, and with his superb marksmanship, Gu Ze could keep up with its rhythm, and it was in a stalemate for a while, and neither side could help anyone.

However, Gu Ze had already calculated in his heart how to deal with it.

He fought and retreated, luring the strange bird forward.

Suddenly, Gu Ze picked it up with a flame spear, picked its wing blade apart, and raised his hand to wave.

A wind field suddenly appeared at the feet of the strange bird, constantly dragging its figure.

That was the trap left by Gu Ze when he retreated, and the strange bird’s attention was all on the flame gun, so naturally he didn’t notice it.

The strange bird was startled and hurriedly tried to leave, it screamed and struggled.

But it’s too late!

Gu Ze would not miss this opportunity, he had already raised the flame spear in his hand, and the power given by the star core and the system kept rushing wantonly inside.

He shouted loudly, raised his spear and ran towards the strange bird.

Flame gun! Charge!

The flames rushed past, drawing a bright red.

The strange bird screamed, its entire body was divided in half, and the raging fire engulfed it, quickly burning into slag.


Looking at the ashes left by the strange bird, Gu Ze gasped, and the series of responses just now also consumed a lot of his strength.

Just as he was about to return to the battlefield, a huge black shadow hung over his head.


The black shadow fell, it was a fist.

The strength of the fist was extremely strong, and it crushed Gu Ze to the ground with just one blow.

“Hahaha! Isn’t this Gu Ze? My old friend, it’s been a long time!

A voice full of resentment came out, followed by another heavy punch towards Gu Ze.

Punch after punch, punch after punch is more powerful than punch.

Although this guy called Gu Ze an old friend, his move was extremely ruthless and fast, with an attitude of wanting to kill Gu Ze.

“What about your indomitable Star Dome train?!”

“What about your group of invincible nameless guests?!”

“What about your power?!”

“What about your authority?!”

“I didn’t expect that! You have actually declined to this point!

“Or do you say… You and Ben are not him!! ”

The fist fell like raindrops, and in a few strokes it dented the ground and shattered.

Suddenly, a hand held down this powerful giant fist, and Gu Ze’s figure slowly stood up from the big pit.

The clothes on his body were full of torn, and the attack just now was too sudden and powerful, so that he could not make a complete response, and he fell behind for a while.

He looked up and saw the attacker.

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