interstellar ego

Chapter 333 Unifying 1 Desolate Black Star Field

Chapter 333 Unifying the Desolate Black Starfield
"Let's retreat to Yanyue Star first, and take a rest first. After this battle, we should have wiped out almost [-]% of the army in the central star field, and the remaining enemies are no longer a threat to us." Lin Luo said.

Now the crusading army is also destroyed in the trap set by itself, and there is no force in the barren black star field that can threaten the blood maple army.

Besides, after fighting for more than a day, the soldiers of the Blood Maple Army are also tired. You must know that from the start to the present, the soldiers of the Blood Maple Army have almost no time to rest. They have been tensing their nerves and fighting all the time.

Under Lin Luo's order, the Blood Maple Army slowly withdrew and returned to its base camp, Yanyuexing.


Ten days passed in a hurry, and these ten days were strangely quieter, except for the three secondary stars of the Devil Star Bandit Group.

Because Joss disobeyed the order of the head of the devil, Dick wanted to attack Joss, and a big battle broke out between the two sides.

This is the only star field where a war took place.

After ten days of rest, many damaged warships and weapons and equipment have been repaired, and many new weapons and equipment have been added.

The Blood Maple Army has its own military factory, which can produce a lot of individual weapons, which can be used by all types of ground troops, tanks, fighter planes, mechs, etc.

In addition to battleships, the Blood Maple Army can independently produce cruisers and below.

Ten days have passed, and the strength of the Blood Maple Army has recovered quickly. Another thousand cruisers have been added.

After ten days of silence, the Blood Maple Army finally set off again. Now in the Desolate Black Star Field, the fleet of the Blood Maple Army is invincible. Except for the central star field, the eight surrounding areas fell into the hands of the Blood Maple Army again.

The army of the alliance of the five king-level forces suffered a disastrous defeat, and no force dared to go head-to-head with the Blood Maple Army.

Although no one occupied the eight domains, they did not dare to move.

Lin Luo also sent someone to deal with the remains of the 50 Blood Maple Army in Deep Shark Star of the Western Regions.

In the tense battle before, the remains of many soldiers of the Blood Maple Army could not be disposed of. Now the Blood Maple Army has another task besides sweeping away other Star Thief forces, which is to dispose of the remains of soldiers.

Under the torrent of steel from the Blood Maple Army, the remaining armies of the Five Kings had no intention of fighting any more and surrendered one after another.

They know that even if they continue to fight, they will only die, and they will not be remembered by future generations, because their identities are star robbers, and they still want to be remembered?That is impossible.

As for the Devil Star Pirates, there was a fierce battle inside, and both sides suffered losses. Although Dick finally killed Joss, the strength of Dick's fleet was also greatly damaged at this time.

Before the arrival of the Blood Maple Army, he led his subordinates to leave the Desolate Black Star Territory and develop elsewhere.

The original three secondary stars of the Devil Star Bandit Group were naturally occupied by the Blood Maple Army.

After sweeping away all the forces, the entire Desolate Black Starfield completely fell into the hands of the Blood Maple Army, and the Blood Maple Army became the veritable overlord of the Desolate Black Star Domain.

90.00% of those members of the star thief forces chose to surrender. As for those diehards who insisted on the so-called pride and refused to surrender, and wanted to fight to the end, the Blood Maple Army fulfilled their wishes and sent them back to the west.

Now that the blood maple army has become a big trend, and they continue to fight against the blood maple army, that is no different from courting death.

As for the star thief captives who surrendered, Lin Luo told them that they had to contribute enough to regain their freedom just like the previous star thief captives.

Seeing the hope of regaining freedom, those star thieves showed joyful expressions. If they worked hard, they would be able to regain their freedom in more than a year.

As for the enslaved slaves captured by the star thieves, Lin Luo set them free and promised to send them home at an appropriate time in the future.

Most of these slaves are hijacked civilians, including merchants and children of nobles, which is extremely complicated.

Looting the fleet is normal for star robbers. As long as the strength of your own side is stronger than that of the opponent, you can still rob it, regardless of whether you are a nobleman or a commoner?

If the noble fleet encounters a powerful star bandit group, it will also be doomed.

After the Blood Maple Army completely controlled the Desolate Black Starfield, it began to vigorously build and organize resources. The resource reserves of the five king-level forces are indeed extremely rich, but now they are all in the hands of the Blood Maple Army.

With a large number of resources, the Blood Maple Army finally started to build the battleship production line. Due to the huge project, it took about a month to complete the erection.

This battleship is called the Dark God Battleship, and it is the main ship type of the country of Aiur. Back then, the Dark God battleship was a regular ship type of the country of Aiur. It is very powerful and has a very strong defense. .

The Dark God battleship is 3200 meters long, longer than most battleships of the Human Federation. Of course, its performance is superior and its firepower is more fierce.

According to the data given by Bobby, the battleship of the Dark God battleship is equivalent to two to three times that of ordinary battleships, and even if it hits two, it will not be empty.

Now the battleships used by the Blood Maple Army are uneven, most of them are between 2500 and 3000 meters, which is also the standard for most battleships of the Human Federation.

Of course, some big forces will build some enhanced battleships, the length of which can reach between 3500 meters and 5000 meters. It is even rumored that there are super battleships with a length of 10000 meters in the human federal government. I don’t know if it is true or not, but the legend After all, it is a legend. This kind of warship is a government secret, how could it be leaked?
However, there is another type of ship above the battleship, which is the space carrier. The size of the space carrier is very large. The length of a ship is between 5000 and 10000 meters. It is a real firepower and can carry thousands of fighters. , mechs and some small ships have very powerful offensive capabilities, and ordinary battleships are really no match.

After dealing with the problems left over from the war, the Desolate Black Starfield finally ended more than 100 years of divided rule and completed the reunification. From then on, the Desolate Black Starfield is no longer a den of star robbers.

The surrounding five light-year range outside the Desolate Black Starfield, Lin Luo also included it in the daily patrol range of the Blood Maple Army. Although these places do not belong to the Desolate Black Starfield, there are still many star bandits.

Lin Luo's purpose is to attack the surrounding star bandits and make the environment around the Desolate Black Starfield safer, because after a while, Lin Luo plans to develop the Desolate Black Starfield, and then attract businessmen to come here to trade, Xuefeng The mercenary group can develop faster.

Now there are 24 secondary stars in the barren black star field, which are all huge wealth.

Each of the Five Kings forces has three secondary stars, a total of fifteen stars, and each of the eight Marquis-level forces has one, a total of eight stars. Including the No. 24 star previously developed by the Blood Maple Army, all add up to [-] stars.

And area W also has a secondary star named Bobby Star, so now the Blood Maple Mercenary Corps actually controls 25 planets.

From now on, the Blood Maple Mercenary Corps is the eruption period of strength. With a lot of resources and territory, the development of power is very fast.

(End of this chapter)

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