interstellar ego

Chapter 251

Chapter 251 Occupy a Place

"There are actually two groups of star bandits near us, Lin A, Lin B, Lin B, Lin Ding, the four of you are divided into two teams, and each team brings 15 troops to clean up these two groups of star bandits. , if the opponent refuses to surrender, they will be destroyed. If they surrender, the star thief will be reduced to slaves, and the slaves who were originally oppressed by the star thief will regain their freedom. After a while, they will all be sent away." Lin Luo commanded.

Lin Luo and the others obtained the star map of the surrounding star field from Qingshu, so they naturally knew the exact location of the two groups of star bandits.

Qing Shu and the others became captives, so naturally they didn't dare to trick Lin Luo and them.

Soon, logistics officers came to report the results of this battle.

They didn't have any losses against the Green Rat star cluster.

"Reporting sir, this time we seized 120 tons of food, 66 guns, 12 mechas, 4000 fighter planes, three cruisers, three transport ships, [-] billion in cash, and several other materials. We got another [-] million federal coins on their cards. There are also more than [-] pairs of C-level individual armor." The logistics officer said.

"The harvest this time is not bad. The mechas, fighters and warships are here to stay. We don't have many troops in this area, so we just keep them for our own use. As for the individual armors, all the armors are reworked." Lin Luo said.

Received Lin Luo's order, but the logistics officer withdrew.

Soon, Lin Jia and the others received good news that the Shanthorn Star Bandit Group surrendered, while the Shu Stone Star Bandit Bandit would rather die than surrender. They had been completely wiped out and only brought back more than 1 slaves.

Captured five cruisers and several transport ships from the Mountain Thorn Star Bandit Group, as well as a batch of weapons and equipment, Lin Luo equipped all of them with his own army.

Now the Blood Maple Army is temporarily unable to produce its own mechas, so it can only use these mechas temporarily.

Because Landguards are not suitable for space combat, while other mechs are.

And the Star Thief of the Shushi Star Pirate Group was ruthlessly killed by the Blood Maple Army because of their rebellion. Only some slaves were brought back, and many supplies were destroyed in the battle. All mechs and fighter planes were destroyed. .

Four of the five cruisers of the Shushi Star Pirate Group were blown up, and the remaining one was captured by the Blood Maple Army, but there were also many wounds, and it had to be repaired before it could be put into battle.

In addition, during the battle with the Shushi Star Bandit Group, the battleship also suffered some damage, but the problem is not serious, as long as it is slightly repaired, it can continue to be used.

So far, there are no other star bandit groups in the five nearby star systems, all of which are under the control of the Blood Maple Army, which is the first time that the Blood Maple Army has occupied a place in the Desolate Black Star Field.

There are more than 1 star systems in the Desolate Black Star Field. Although the Blood Maple Army only occupies five star systems, and it is still a star system with poor resources, it still has its own territory.

The central area of ​​the Desolate Black Starfield is the most well-developed, and the economy is naturally quite developed, and the environment of those secondary stars is no worse than that of Wenda Star.

In the fringe areas, there are basically only a few small star thieves with weak strength. They are simply unable to develop a secondary star. One must know that improving the environment of a planet without sufficient financial resources is simply an impossible task.

In District W, Bobby has already invested more than 1 trillion yuan to develop a secondary star, and only half of it is completed. Only then can people survive normally on it.

However, half of it has been developed, and the remaining half will be easy. I believe that in two months, the secondary star will be ready for use.

To develop the human and financial resources of secondary stars, both are indispensable.

After occupying five star systems, Lin Luo ordered to set up the headquarters on the No. [-] star, the old nest of Shanthorn. Lin Luo named this planet No. [-] star, anyway, this planet has no name.

The temperature here on Star No. [-] is suitable, but the oxygen content is low. If people breathe without oxygen equipment, they will be short of oxygen after a while, which is very uncomfortable.

This planet has liquid water, but no other life, so it is also suitable for development as a secondary star. After discussion, it was decided to transform this star into a secondary star.

Under the orders of Lin Luo and others, the members of the Blood Maple Army started construction, preparing to build a fortress city.

Tens of thousands of people started construction, and those star thieves who were demoted to slaves also honestly helped to build, because there are points, ten points for a day's work, and Lin Luoxia's standard is that as long as you accumulate enough points, you can earn 10 points. Give them back their freedom.

There is a certain workload standard every day. If the quota is exceeded, points will be added according to the proportion. If the standard is not met, the points will be deducted.

And the standard is not difficult, as long as it is an ordinary person can complete it.

In order to earn points, these star thieves worked desperately, hoping to get rid of their slave status as soon as possible.

Many people overfulfill their tasks every day. Lin Luo is also very satisfied when he sees this situation. Motivation comes only when there are goals, and it is free labor.

These star thieves are doing a lot of evil, it is kindness for Lin Luo not to kill them, let them realize their own life value now, it is a redemption, if someone dares to make trouble, the people of the blood maple army will suppress it with thunder.

Fortunately, many star thieves are not stupid, and they all work honestly. They still clearly remember that someone who yelled against them was shot in the head a few days ago, and now they still feel shivering when they think of it.

No one wants to die, they still understand if they shoot the first bird.

The food provided to the slaves every day is enough, white rice, vegetables and a few pieces of meat, the food is not bad, Lin Luo is not stingy about this.

Only when you are full can you have the strength to work. Seeing that the daily food is so good, the star thieves also have their eyes shining, and they think it is not bad to be a slave. They have enough food every day, but they are tired from working every day, but Nothing life-threatening.

When I was a star thief before, I could only eat two or three months of full food when the robbery was successful. At other times, I lived with tight stomachs. How could I get enough to eat?
During the robbery, if you encounter a rebellious caravan, you will lose a lot of manpower, and you don't know when you will die.

And they are just a small group of star thieves, without battleships, they can't make a space warp, and every man-made wormhole is guarded by government troops, how dare the star thieves borrow it?That's because he didn't die fast enough.

Therefore, the federal coins they grabbed were all grains bought from the regional Hou-level forces, and the prices of the grains sold by the Hou-level forces were quite black, equivalent to [-] to [-] times the normal market price.

For example, the market price of a catty of rice is two federal currency, and they will sell it for [-] to [-] federal currency per catty.

And these little star thieves have no way to get food, so they have to grit their teeth and buy these sky-high prices. Although they often have a huge sum of more than 20 billion, food is something that must be consumed every day. It is really impatient to sell food so expensive. flower.

Who made it impossible for them to buy food from other places?And the food they grow themselves is simply a drop in the bucket, not enough to eat.

As for the slaves who regained their freedom, they also joined the construction army. Lin Luo only gave them food for three days. If they wanted to continue to ask for food, they had to work. After the money, you can buy food from the Blood Maple Army.

The Blood Maple Army was not bad at all. They sold them at the market price. One day's wages for one person could buy four or five people's food for a day.

 Thanks for the reward of holy vegetables
(End of this chapter)

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