interstellar ego

Chapter 248 The Green Rat Pirates

Chapter 248 The Green Rat Pirates

In the starry sky where the edge of the Desolate Black Star Field meets the Xuanwu Star Area, the space is slightly distorted, and then a big hole appears, and a battleship begins to fly out of the hole, followed by the second, third, until five battleships come out After that, there are transport ships behind, and a total of twelve transport ships also flew out of the hole.

Not long after, the wormhole slowly closed, and this fleet was Lin Luo and his party.

At this time, the appearance of this fleet has changed drastically. Skulls were sprayed on the surface of the battleship, pretending to be a star thief.

"Check where we are now? Are we approaching the Desolate Black Star Territory?" Lin Luo ordered.

After about ten seconds, Bobby said: "I have confirmed that we have reached the edge of the Desolate Black Star Field. If we continue to move forward, we will be able to enter the range of the Desolate Black Star Field."

Lin Luo set the Bobby as the flagship, which is controlled by Bobby through wireless signals. Under Bobby's control, the Bobby is extremely flexible and its combat power has greatly increased.

Lin Jia and the other four were captains of other battleships.

"Well, let's move on, and first settle down on the edge of the Desolate Black Star Field, and then annex the surrounding Star Pirates, nibbling them step by step." Lin Luo said, all of this was planned in advance.

Annexing the entire Desolate Black Starfield with 50 troops shows how crazy their plan is. Of course, the 50 troops are just the vanguard, and more soldiers will be added in the future.

How much can be supplemented depends on how much territory and resources Lin Luo and the others can occupy. War feeds war. If it is implemented well, then the completion of the plan will be a matter of course.

"Send a few scout ships to the front to check the situation and see if there are any star bandits or any traps." Lin Luo said.

Soon, three reconnaissance ships flew out from the battleship Bobby, and the reconnaissance ships flew forward quickly.


The Green Rat Star Thief Group just made a vote, robbed a small caravan, and snatched back all the people and supplies of that caravan, and they are celebrating now.

After all, they are very lucky to be able to snatch a small caravan for small star thieves like them, and this batch of supplies is quite a lot, enough for star thieves like them to enjoy for a few months.

"Boss Qingshu, the successful robbery this time is thanks to your wise command." One of the long-faced little bosses said flatteringly.

"That's right, as long as we follow the blue mouse boss, we can continue to eat delicious and spicy food in the future. Haha!"

"That's right, Boss Qingshu will definitely lead us into a powerful Star Thief Group. Do you want anything by then? Haha."


Many people are saying that Tsingshu is good, to please Tsingshu, and Tsingshu is also very useful, and it is indeed a very wonderful thing to be praised by others.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet. This time we succeeded. In addition to having more troops than them, there is also everyone's credit. I really dare not take credit for it." Qingshu interrupted everyone's words and said.

Although he said so, the smug expression on Qingshu's face had already betrayed him. There were so many small bosses present, many of whom were smart, how could they not guess what Qingshu was thinking?

This time they left the Desolate Black Starfield to search for prey, and they encountered a group of pitifully weak caravans. There was only one cruiser, and there were three transport ships behind them. I don’t know if the person leading the team lost their mind , To send such a small force to dare to come out to transport, if you don't rob you, who will you rob?
And the businessman thought that this place was far away from the Desolate Black Star Territory, and the transportation journey was only one day. The person in charge of the caravan thought that one day was so short that he should not encounter star robbers, nor did he travel with other caravans.

Who would have thought that they would run into the Blue Rat Star Bandit Group, which had three cruisers and a small number of small warships, so it would be no pressure to deal with a caravan with only one combat-capable cruiser.

This matter can only be blamed on the bad luck of the caravan, because Qingshu and others ran a little far away, it took them two days to bring back the supplies.

"Boss Qingshu, it's a pity. Although we grabbed a lot of supplies and hundreds of people during this business trip, what's annoying is that there are no women here, all of them are men. It really makes me happy .” A tall, black and strong leader said.

"McGonagall, didn't I give you two women last time? Why do you still want them?" Qingshu asked.

"Don't mention it, those two women are really impatient, and within a few days, they all died." McGonagall said.

"That can't be helped. We have a scarcity of women here. Only those of us at the top have our own women. The brothers below don't have their own women. That is, the women who are sometimes captured with poor qualifications. Throw it to them to vent, as for the hundreds of people, let them be slaves, just a while ago we killed hundreds of slaves, let's add these hundreds of people." Qingshu ordered.

There are more than 5000 people in the Green Mouse Star Bandit Group, and they also control more than 4000 slaves.

The Blue Rat Pirates have three cruisers and some transport ships and small warships.

Qingshu was originally from the Desolate Black Star Field, but he couldn't get along in the center of the star field, so he came to the fringe to seek a living. After all, the fringe was not as fierce as the competition in the center of the star field.

The life of the slaves is very miserable. They have to do heavy work every day, but they don't have enough to eat, and they don't wear warm clothes. A lot of slaves died of cold and starvation.

The old lair of the Green Rat Bandits was built on a small planet, and an energy shield was arranged in a certain area to lock the air and prevent the air from being lost, and all the members of the Green Rat Bandits lived here.

Slaves will also plant. Unfortunately, the soil and climate of this planet are not very suitable for the growth of plants. Although the crops have not died, the harvest is very small, and the harvested crops are enjoyed by the star thieves. How can we talk about slaves like them?
The daily food of the slaves is only two steamed buns, and the steamed buns are dark and rough, which is better than nothing.

But with so much work every day, this little food is not enough at all, so the slaves are all black and thin.


In outer space, there are three scout ships observing the asteroid in front of them. To be precise, they are using computers to analyze the opponent's strength.

"According to calculations, the opponent is a group of small star thieves, with about 1 human beings. Let's go back first, the enemy has already found us." The captain of the reconnaissance team said.

Dozens of fighter planes flew out from the planet below and rushed towards the three reconnaissance ships.

The three reconnaissance ships had already flown far away, and the fighter planes didn't dare to chase them. After all, the fighter planes didn't have much fuel. If they rushed into space recklessly, when the fuel ran out, they would have to wait to die.

"Report, leader, just now we found three reconnaissance ships in outer space. We sent dozens of fighter planes to shoot them down, but unfortunately we let them escape," the soldier said.

(End of this chapter)

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