interstellar ego

Chapter 197

Chapter 197
Suddenly a hand stretched out from the door, with a grenade in it, and threw it directly in the direction of the Meier family.

"Everyone, step back and be careful." The captain shouted.

But it was too late. As soon as the grenade landed, it exploded, but the power was not strong, but a dazzling white light flashed. This is a flash bomb.

The dazzling light flashed away, and the soldiers of the Meier family were hit one after another, and their vision became blurred.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Luo rushed out of the room first, spraying the shotgun in his hand at the soldier in front.

The powerful impact of the bullet directly sent the soldier flying, and then knocked down several people.

Zheng Cheng and the others followed closely, switched the speed rifle to the grenade mode, and fired three grenades into the crowd on the opposite side.

"Boom, boom, boom." Three grenades exploded in the crowd, instantly killing seven or eight people, and a dozen people were injured to varying degrees.

After all, this is the corridor of the hotel, and the place is relatively narrow.

Then they fired a second round of grenades, killing several more people.

The Meier family soldiers had to hide in the hotel room to avoid the firepower of Lin Luo and the others.

The vision was destroyed by the flash bomb just now, and there was a surprise attack by Lin Luo and the others. More than a dozen people were killed and many others were injured. It can be said that the loss was heavy.

It's a pity that this is a hotel. Although there are many of them, they can't form a formation and suppress with Lin Luo and the others.

Lin Luo and the others immediately hid in another room next to them after attacking them all at once.

The two sides began to shoot at each other, but they didn't dare to charge. Because of the barrier of the wall, such shooting could not hurt each other.

"There is a situation on the 25th floor. We are under attack. It should be Lin Luo's group. There are four people on the other side. They are wearing individual armor and have excellent weapons. Due to the location of the hotel, we can't attack for a while. We apply for assistance." The enemy. Team member notifies other teams.

"Got it, we'll come over right away." The other teams quickly responded.


And Lin Luo also contacted Lin Jia.

"Lin Jia, have you come yet? We have already fought each other." Lin Luo said anxiously.

"I'm sorry, sir, to keep you waiting. We are now in the sky above the Sky Blue Hotel, and we are about to get off the plane and reach the top floor." Lin Jia said.

"Okay, now I'm on the 25th floor. After reaching the top floor, you immediately come to the 25th floor, wipe out the opponent's soldiers, and help us escape." Lin Luo said.

"Yes, we promise to complete the task, sir, please pay attention to safety, we will be there soon." Lin Jia said.

After turning off the communication, Lin Luo said to the people around him: "Don't worry, our reinforcements have arrived and are preparing to attack us from the top floor. As long as we insist on their arrival, then we will be safe."

"Okay, I believe Brother Lin." Zheng Cheng said.

"Well, I believe it too." Shen Lang also nodded violently.

Both of them knew that Lin Luo's identity was not simple. Now that Lin Luo was in danger, it was normal for someone to come to rescue him, but they didn't know how many people came this time.

Although Liu Feng who was at the side didn't speak, he also hoped that Lin Luo's reinforcements could save himself and the others, after all, no one wanted to die.


At this time, there were five huge transport planes in the sky above the Sky Blue Hotel. It was Lin Jia and others, and the vanguard had already arrived.

"Everyone is there. Immediately jump down to the top floor of the Sky Blue Hotel, and then quickly go to the 25th floor to rescue the officer. You must act quickly, and you must not let the officer make any mistakes." Lin Jia ordered.

The transport plane lowered its height as much as possible, so that the distance between the fuselage and the top floor became closer, and then the hatch opened, and one after another the marines jumped out of the plane.

Each transport plane can carry fifty marines, and these five transport planes have a total of 250 marines.

This is just the vanguard, and more people are coming here later.

As soon as the marines landed, they began to go downstairs and rushed to the 25th floor.


The transport plane stayed in the sky above the Sky Blue Hotel, and Luo Fu naturally noticed it, and thought that this might be Lin Luo's reinforcements.

I thought that Lin Luo only had a few dozen marines, but he didn't expect there to be transport planes.

Luo Fu felt a little tricky, but how powerful the Meyer family is, would they be afraid of these transport planes?
Lin Luo must die today, anyway, today they also offended Lin Luo terribly, they have completely torn their faces, and it is impossible to repair the relationship.

"Shoot down those planes in the sky." Luo Fu said.

"Report to the Governor, we do not carry anti-aircraft equipment, so we cannot shoot down their planes." The subordinates reported.

"Damn it." Luo Fu cursed secretly.

Today, I thought it would be easy to catch Lin Luo, but who knew that the other party had such equipment as a transport plane?It is also very normal not to bring anti-aircraft weapons.

"Forget it. They should have rescued Lin Luo. Inform the others that an enemy has already entered the Sky Blue Hotel from the top floor, so that they can prepare for battle. Also, let them kill Lin Luo and the others as soon as possible, so that no one will be left alive." Luo Fu ordered.

Luo Fu felt that there might not be enough manpower, so he mobilized another 200 people from the family to arrive in about 10 minutes, because Luo Fu asked them to come by transport plane.

Ten minutes should be enough time from when the soldiers board the plane to get here.

The soldiers of the Blood Maple Mercenary Group had just arrived on the 27th floor when they were blocked by soldiers of the Meier family.

"Damn it, you plan to stop us?" Lin Jia was furious.

Now that Lin Luo was besieged and in a dangerous situation, he couldn't drag on any longer, he had to fight a bloody road and join Lin Luo.

"Kill me, we will wipe out all the enemies who stand in our way." Lin Jia ordered.

Immediately, gunshots rang out, and the soldiers of the Blood Maple Mercenary Corps charged down fearlessly.

There were only more than 20 enemies blocking them, and they guarded the stairs on the 27th floor, preventing the blood maple mercenary group from moving forward.

But under the charge of the Blood Maple Mercenary Group regardless of cost, all the soldiers of the Meier family were wiped out.

The blood maple mercenary group also died more than ten people.


Lin Luo was also having a hard time here. When he learned that someone was coming to rescue Lin Luo, the members of the Meier family also launched a charge.

Fortunately, Lin Luo has a belt with storage space, which contains a lot of weapons and ammunition.

Lin Luo took out several boxes of grenades, and the four of them kept throwing grenades to the opposite side, causing the opponent to dare not take half a step forward.

A large number of explosions blasted potholes around this place, and many holes were blasted through the walls.

Lin Luo and the others only hoped that Lin Jia and the others would arrive soon and kill all the enemies outside.

"What the hell, why do those people on the opposite side have so much ammunition? Really, shit, shit." The squad leader of the Meier family soldier scolded.

It had been a stalemate for 3 minutes, but the dozens of them couldn't rush through, and the grenades on the opposite side didn't stop. In a short period of time, no less than fifty grenades were thrown from the opposite side, and the surrounding area was blown up badly.

As for the soldiers of the other teams, they were intercepting the soldiers of the Blood Maple Mercenary Group rushing down from the top floor. The two sides were fighting fiercely. The whole building had become a battlefield, and the sound of explosions rang out from time to time.

The dense gunfire never stopped, and the battle was very intense.

"There is no way to go on like this. We have to let people go to the 25th floor. I'm afraid the officer won't be able to support it for so long." Lin Jia was anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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