interstellar ego

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

"Tsk tsk, who is that little carrot? This sneak attack was well done, and his movements were not sloppy at all. He seized the opportunity and killed the enemy. Sun Long was really aggrieved by his defeat." One of the administrators said, He is also the instructor of the mecha department, named Yu Yao.

His tone was full of appreciation for Lin Luo.

"I don't know who he is, I don't know whose student it is. Anyway, none of my students has a game ID called Xiaoluobo. Because of the confidentiality, we don't have the right to inquire about the ten lucky viewers. Who is it?" Ma Wei smiled wryly.

He, Ma Wei, knew that the other party was a student of the military academy, because when he set the conditions for the lucky audience, he set that only students could participate, and instructors or other positions did not have the right to participate in this duel that belonged to young people.

But the id of this little radish is really unfamiliar to them.

"Let's keep watching. You have to watch to see what level he can perform. If he performs well, he might need to be trained well." Yu Yao said.

"I'm also looking forward to his next performance. He defeated Sun Long with a sneak attack. Based on this alone, he already has a strong reputation." Ma Wei laughed.


Lin Luo didn't know the reaction of those people outside, even if he knew, he just smiled lightly and didn't care.

Lin Luo's goal now is to eliminate the enemy and win the final victory.

Mo Yang and another silver-level player rushed to Lin Luo's position. Before they reached the target location, they saw the reminder that Lin Luo had killed the enemy, and the person who was eliminated was the grandson of one of the top ten dragon.

"What's going on?" Mo Yang was very surprised, how did Little Carrot kill Sun Long?
"Little carrot, what happened?" Mo Yang directly contacted Lin Luo.

"Oh, just now I took advantage of the opponent's unpreparedness and sneaked up from behind and killed him." Lin Luo replied.

Mo Yang was stunned for a while, Sun Long was unexpectedly killed by a silver-ranked opponent?
It took a while before Mo Yang accepted this fact.

"Didn't I tell you to wait for us to pass? Why did you act without authorization? If you are killed, it will be a loss for our blue side." Mo Yang said.

Mo Yang planned that the two of them would join up with Lin Luo, and then fight three-on-one to keep the other party. Unexpectedly, before they arrived, Lin Luo killed the other party, which was a surprise.

But Lin Luo didn't listen to his orders, and Mo Yang felt slightly displeased.

"Well, I saw such a good opportunity for a sneak attack, so I did it." Lin Luo explained.

"Forget it this time. Your success in killing the opponent also includes luck. In the future, don't be so impulsive and listen to the command. Otherwise, if one person makes a mistake, it will easily affect the entire team." Mo Yang said.

Lin Luo was able to kill Sun Long, and Mo Yang thought it was luck that Lin Luo got it in a sneak attack. If it was a head-on confrontation, he didn't think Lin Luo would be Sun Long's opponent.

Soon Mo Yang and Lin Luo reunited.

"Since we're assembled, don't separate. It's too dangerous to be alone, just like Sun Long, who is attacked by someone and doesn't know how he will die." Mo Yang said, and glanced at Lin Luo after speaking.

Lin Luo didn't care at all, the Mantis Mecha didn't move at all, and didn't express anything.

Although they are teammates, here, they can only see the mechs of both sides, but not the face of the driver.

Recognition also depends on the style and ID of the mecha.

At this moment, all three of them received support signals from other teammates.

"Teammates nearby come to support us quickly. We are ambushed and are fighting now. The situation is not optimistic. Come quickly." That was Mou Qichuan's voice, and his tone was very urgent.

Mo Yang's expression changed, and he hurriedly said: "Got it, I'll bring someone to help right away."

After finishing speaking, Mo Yang looked at the two people around him, "Li Yao and the others are surrounded, you heard it just now, a few of us will go over to help immediately, you follow me."

After finishing speaking, Mo Yang flew to the battle site, followed by Lin Luo and the other two.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the battle site, the surrounding meteorites had been smashed, and a group of people strangled together.

And there are only three people left on the blue side. It can be expected how tragic the battle just now was.

The enemy still has eight people, the blue side lost four just now, and the red side lost only one.

Seeing Mo Yang and the others coming, Li Yao, Mou Qi, and Wu Li were overjoyed, and quickly got rid of the fight and got together with Mo Yang and the others.

The people on the red side didn't continue to chase and regrouped.

Now there are eight people on the red side, four gold-ranked and four silver-ranked.

There are six people in the blue team, four gold-ranked and two silver-ranked, not to mention that the red team also has Connard, who is recognized as the strongest.

Whether it is in terms of numbers or strength, the red team is suppressing the blue team at this time, and the blue team's victory is slim.

Bai Zhuo, one of the top ten players on the blue side, has died in battle, and now only Mou Qi, Li Yao, Wu Li and Mo Yang are the only ones with gold level strength.

As for Lin Luo's two silver ranks, they naturally ignored them.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, there is no need to play peek-a-boo, let's decide the winner now." Connard sneered. This time, he has a chance to win the duel, and victory is only a matter of time .

"Hmph, want to win? It might not be that easy." Mou Qi stood up and said.

"Let's stop talking nonsense, everyone, let me fight, eliminate the opponent, and then end this duel." Connard sneered.

"Drink..." The eight mechas of the red side rushed towards the blue side's camp under the leadership of Konrad.

The expressions of Mou Qi and the others changed one after another.

"I have no choice but to fight the opponent head-on. Even if we lose, we must lose with dignity." Mou Qi said in a deep voice.

After speaking, Mou Qi also rushed up first, and the people behind followed.

Lin Luo was also among them. This was a team battle. Lin Luo was a principled person, so naturally he would not avoid battles.

Soon people from both sides collided with each other, and everyone adopted the most primitive fighting method, fighting in close quarters.

The four pairs of gold-ranked people have already fought together.

Konrad and Mou Qi fought together. After all, the strength of these two people was the closest, and they fought quite fiercely.

Others also have their own opponents, and for a while, they are fighting hard.

The audience on the sidelines were all hooked, after all, this was a duel between the ten strongest members of the mecha department in the military academy.

Lin Luo's opponents were the four silver-level players on the opposite side.

Of course, Lin Luo also has a companion.

For an opponent with silver-level strength, Lin Luo smiled. It is best to abuse an opponent of this level.

As soon as Lin Luo came into contact with one of the opponents, the tip of Lin Luo stabbed viciously in the direction of the other's mech pod.

Facing Lin Luo's swift strike, the opponent couldn't dodge in time, and Lin Luo stabbed him right through.

As soon as they met each other, Lin Luo killed him with one blow.

Lin Luo's combat experience is too rich. To avoid Lin Luo's blow, at least a player with gold strength can do it. Silver-level strength is really hard to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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