interstellar ego

Chapter 16 Trainee Mechanic

Chapter 16 Trainee Mechanic

Time passed slowly, and half an hour after the exam, the results were finally announced. As soon as the written test results came out, everyone gathered around, eager to know their own results.

Seeing that everyone was so excited, the staff who announced the results said loudly: "Don't worry, don't worry, listen to me slowly."

Everyone fell silent after hearing this.

"The results this time were good. Only six candidates failed, and 28 candidates were able to continue to take the next part of the exam. The most important thing is that this time there was a full score in the written test. I remember when there was a full score last time, that It happened three months ago. According to our regulations, those who get full marks in the written test for trainee mechanics will be rewarded with [-] federal coins!"

"What? Someone got a perfect score? Are you kidding me? There are more than 200 questions, and someone can finish them in 10 minutes? And all of them are correct? There must be nothing tricky in it." Someone said suspiciously.

"Maybe there really is such an awesome person. After all, the person with the full score cannot be me, because I haven't finished the written test."

"Wow! There is someone with a perfect score, I don't know who is the lucky one, a thousand federal coins."

"Hey! If you are capable, you can get a full score in the exam, then you also have a thousand federal coins."


Everyone whispered here because they heard the characters with perfect scores.

When the staff who announced the results heard that someone doubted the authenticity of it, their faces sank, and they said, "Our exams are very strict, and the test questions are often changed, and there are surveillance cameras everywhere in the exam room. If this is the case, you can also cheat. , then he is also capable, and our Mechanics Guild will not do anything for a mere thousand federal coins, I hope some of you are cautious."

After finishing speaking, the people around fell silent, and the staff members were all angry. No one is a fool, and it will be a bad luck under this situation.

"Okay, the candidates whose names I read next will enter the next stage. Those who haven't read their names, I hope they can pass next time."

"Zhao Wei, Shen Huihuang..."

The staff recited the names of all the qualified personnel in one go, and many of them were happy, but of course, there were also a few people who couldn't read their names with sadness.

Lin Luo's name is also among them.

Lin Luo wasn't surprised that he could pass the test, because he didn't think these questions were difficult, otherwise he wouldn't have handed in the papers so quickly.

"Okay, the names have been announced. If there is anything unclear, I will post the list later. There are your scores on it, so you can see for yourself. The one below is the lucky one who announced the full score." The staff relaxed Tone, then said.

"This person is..."

Many people fell silent, not daring to breathe out, for fear that they might not be able to hear clearly.

"Lin Luo!"

"I asked him to come forward to receive the bonus. Which of you is Lin Luo." After the staff finished speaking, they looked at the crowd, eager to know who Lin Luo was.

It was a surprise for Lin Luo to hear that he got a full score. The happiness was too sudden. Since there is a benefit to get it, Lin Luo is not polite, and went directly to prepare to receive the bonus.

When the staff saw someone coming out to admit it, they were also surprised. They didn't expect that Lin Luo would be such a young man, he looked only seventeen or eighteen years old.

"What? He's Lin Luo? Isn't that incredible? He's so young, he looks only seventeen or eighteen years old. I thought he was in his 30s or 50s, or even [-]s or [-]s." Some people couldn't help but exclaimed.

Although the staff was surprised by Lin Luo's age, such a thing was not without precedent, so the mood quickly calmed down, and smiled: "You are Lin Luo?"

Lin Luo smiled and said, "Could there be a second Lin Luo in this exam?"

"Haha, young man, you are very good. It seems that your basic knowledge is very good. Even if a low-level mechanic does these test questions, it is not easy to get full marks. How old are you this year?" The staff were full of appreciation.

"Seventeen!" Lin Luo said.

"It's really scary for young people. If you continue to work hard, it's no problem to become a low-level mechanic in the future, and even a mid-level mechanic. You have to work hard."

"I will work hard." Lin Luo thanked him and accepted a bonus of [-] federal currency, which is enough for ordinary people to spend for a month.

After the bonuses were paid out, the staff member said: "The next part of the exam will start. We will answer the questions raised by the instructor face to face. Each person will have 5 minutes. During these 5 minutes, the instructor will ask questions and you will answer. As long as the instructor thinks you have passed, Only then can we enter the next link, the practical operation. We have five instructors, and I believe it will be over within an hour. I wish you success in obtaining the qualification certificate, so that you can find a good job."

Apprentice mechanics can also find good jobs. In Langjin City, most maintenance personnel in machinery shops are apprentice mechanics, and there are very few low-level mechanics.

Soon, everyone finished this part of the exam. After this time, another nine people were passed down, because this time the questions asked by the instructor were deeper than the written exam questions, and many people couldn't answer them.

Of course, this kind of knowledge is nothing to Lin Luo, and the answers are fluent, which surprised the instructor.

Finally, it was time for the actual operation, and there were only 19 people left.

"Okay, now we are entering the last link. Have you seen the pile of electrical appliances in front of you? This is your test this time. Each person picks two electrical appliances at random to repair, and gives nine 10 minutes. , If you repair two electrical appliances, you will pass the test. These were entrusted to the people of our Mechanics Guild to repair them, and now this is your exam topic." After the exam, the invigilator pointed to the mountain of machines piled up in front of him and said.

After everyone heard the words, they each picked their own targets, and Lin Luo was no exception, choosing two at random.

Lin Luo chose a microwave oven and a motor, and Lin Luo plugged them in to check if there was a problem.

After finding out the problem, Lin Luo quickly picked up the tools and materials for repair. It took only half an hour to repair the two damaged electrical appliances, and then handed them over to the invigilator for testing.

"Why, it was done so quickly?" the invigilator was dubious.

"That's right, I've fixed it, please test it." Lin Luo nodded.

After the power was turned on, everything was normal, which meant that it had been repaired. Next, the invigilator asked some maintenance questions, such as why the two electrical appliances were damaged, and how to fix them.

Lin Luo couldn't be bothered by all these, so he answered them one by one.

The invigilator nodded in satisfaction, and lightly patted Lin Luo on the shoulder, "Young man, you are very good. It is really rare for you to have such a level at such a young age. I am very optimistic about you."

"Thank you for the exaggeration!" Lin Luo laughed. Judging by the invigilator's expression, he should have passed the exam.

Next, Lin Luo confirmed his personal information again, handed it over to the invigilator, and successfully obtained the trainee mechanic qualification certificate, but Lin Luo didn't really care about it, his goal was a low-level mechanic.

Lin Luo looked at the time, it was a bit late today, and he had to come back to take the low-level mechanic qualification certificate next time.

Money, money, Lin Luo really needs money. Although he has Bobby's brain, if he wants to get rewards, he must invest.

Lin Luo now has the status of a trainee mechanic, and it is not difficult to find a job. He is considering whether to resign from Taylor.

(End of this chapter)

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