Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

139 - System Communique

David hung upside down from a protruding rock, his wings wrapped comfortably around his body. The cavern they were in was far more impressive than he'd imagined. Smooth, packed earth formed the walls and ceiling, with thick roots weaving through them like a natural support structure. The air was cool but not damp, and a faint breeze suggested some kind of ventilation system.

Damn, the old man's been busy. I admit I like the cave, it's…weirdly comforting to know nothing can just run up on you down here.

His empowered echolocation had given him a rough layout of the place. Three main chambers, each easily the size of a small auditorium, branched off from a central hub. The one they occupied now seemed to be the primary gathering area, while the others were honeycombed with smaller burrows and sleeping spaces. He'd even detected a small underground pool in one of them.

Talk about your fixer-upper. Bet those old naturalists would have a field day with this place.

Claire lay nearby, her massive form dwarfed by Herold's even larger bulk. The old beetle barely had room to turn around, but he'd managed to settle himself facing them, his antennae twitching as David and Claire finished recounting their encounter with Esmeralda's caravan.

Herold rumbled thoughtfully, the sound reverberating through the chamber. "Most intriguing," he mused, his cultured voice vibrating with interest. "This Esmeralda seems a shrewd operator indeed."

Kai jingled to his feet, metallic feathers chiming. "I'll go take a look, see if I can spot them from the air," he announced, carefully picking his way over Herold's legs. As he vanished up the entrance tunnel, the tinkling sound of his takeoff echoed back into the cavern.

Well if anyone can spot something that far off it's him. I wonder how high he can fly these days? I can get up pretty far now, but he's built for it more than me. I remember not being able to handle the winds at first…heh, good times.

Herold busied himself cleaning his antennae, a habit that seemed comically mundane given his size. "I must say, David," he began, his voice filled with amusement, "you do seem to attract the most interesting situations. Do you always find yourself embroiled in such fascinating affairs?"

David sighed heavily, his ears drooping. "That's not even the half of it, old timer. Sometimes I think the universe has it out for me."

Herold chuckled, the sound like boulders grinding together. "Ah, yes. Our good friend Kozlov was quite thorough in his debriefing. He regaled me with tales of your exploits since your paths first crossed. I must admit, I might not have believed half of it if not for our own experiences with you and Claire. You two certainly know how to make waves."

David's wings rustled as he adjusted his position. "Yeah, well, at this point my power level has kind of outrun my ability to keep up with it. As much as I loved my last adventure," he said, sarcasm dripping from every word, "I really need some time to practice and experiment. Figure out how everything works, you know?"

He lowered his voice, glancing around conspiratorially. "Did Kozlov fill you in on the whole Wildsoul manipulation thing? And about..." he trailed off, searching for the right words.

"The impending shitstorm?" Claire supplied helpfully.

"Yeah, that," David nodded.

Herold's massive head bobbed solemnly. "Indeed he did. I must confess, I've struggled to utilize my own Wildsoul effectively. The very concept of 'magic' existing flies in the face of everything I once understood about the world."

Thomas, who had been quietly listening, suddenly spoke up. "David, do you realize you seem to figure out something game-changing about the System at least once a month?"

David scoffed, his fur bristling slightly. "Oh, come on. It's not that often."

Claire snorted, a puff of steam curling from her nostrils. "Actually, he's got a point. Remember how you figured out Combos so early on? That's how we managed to level up quickly and take down the Crusher Boss when we first got here."

David waved a wing dismissively. "Anyone with multiple same-category abilities would have figured that out eventually."

Claire shrugged her tiny arms. "Maybe, but it wasn't someone else. It was you."

Thomas nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! The Hunting Team picked up Wildsoul bullshit within a day or two of Kozlov explaining how it worked. You know why?"

David raised an eyebrow. "Enlighten me."

Thomas grinned, all four paws smugly kneading the ground in front of him. "Because it came from you. We just assumed it was true without any complaints or rationalizing. If David says it works, it works. You've got a reputation now, you know?"

David blinked, genuinely surprised. "How does that track?"

"Face it, bat-boy," Claire rumbled, amusement in her voice. "You've got a knack for this System stuff. Your brand of crazy seems to line up with whatever logic this whole mess runs on."

David pondered this for a moment. It was true that he'd made some leaps that others hadn't. Was it possible his tendency to consider outlandish possibilities actually gave him an edge?

Maybe being a little unhinged is an advantage in a world gone mad, who'd have thought?

"Alright, alright," he conceded. "So I've got a talent for figuring out System quirks. That still doesn't explain why the universe seems determined to throw me into one crisis after another."

Herold's antennae twitched thoughtfully. "Perhaps, my boy, it is precisely because of your aptitude that you find yourself at the center of such events. The System, or whatever force governs it, may be drawn to those who can unravel its mysteries."

David groaned, hanging his head dramatically ‘up’ towards the floor. "Great. So I'm like catnip for cosmic shenanigans. Fantastic."

The group chuckled at his theatrics, the sound echoing through the cavernous space. As their laughter died down, a comfortable silence settled over them. David found himself marveling at the strange turns his life had taken.

And to think, a few months ago my biggest worry was making rent.

As if reading his mind, Claire spoke up. "You know, for all the craziness, I can't help but feel like we're on the verge of something big. Like all of this," she gestured with her tail, encompassing the cavern and its inhabitants, "is just the beginning."

David nodded slowly. "Yeah, I get that feeling too. Question is, are we ready for whatever comes next?"

Herold's voice rumbled through the chamber, filled with a mix of determination and hope. "Ready or not, young David, I believe we must face it together. The world has changed, and we must continue to change with it. But if our past accomplishments are any indication, I dare say we stand a fighting chance."

As David looked around at his companions – Claire's massive form, Thomas's multiple eyes, Herold's colossal bulk – he felt a surge of something he hadn't experienced in a while: optimism.

Maybe, just maybe, we've got this after all.

As David felt that glimmer of optimism, a familiar chime rang through the air. For a heart-stopping moment, he thought Omega had sent him a personal message. But then he noticed everyone else had frozen too, not just him.

The sudden crack of Claire's tail against a rock as she jumped in surprise echoed through the cavern, the only sound breaking the shocked silence that had fallen over the group.

David's Cuddlebugs, sensing his spike of anxiety, immediately rallied around him and Claire. Captain took charge, herding the others into a loose defensive ring, their tiny eyes darting around for any sign of threat.

After what felt like an eternity but was probably only a few seconds, a System announcement materialized in front of them all:


Greetings, Earth Inhabitants!

Congratulations on completing the first phase of our Special Integration! While overall interaction was lower than anticipated, we are pleased with the data generated during Wave 1.

We would like to extend special recognition to several standout participants:

- Emilia Rodriguez: Most Resources Gained

- Takashi Watanabe: Highest Evolutionary Progress

- David Fisher: Most Potent Offensive Ability

- Sarah Chen: Greatest Contribution to Userbase Survival

Overall survival rate for Wave 1 Participants: 63.2847%


Wave 1 and the first phase of the Special Integration will conclude in precisely 48 hours. Please make your preparations accordingly.

A special System Event will occur during the final hour of Wave 1. Participation is voluntary but highly encouraged. Users who choose to engage will have the opportunity to earn additional rewards and potentially influence the parameters of Wave 2. Further details will be provided as the event approaches.

Wave 2 will introduce greatly improved and wholly reworked functionality in many areas, including but not limited to:

- Fine-tuned Abilities, Mutagens, and Bloodlines

- Implementation of an intuitive tutorial system for new Users

- Recognition of settlements above a certain population threshold as System-designated Territories, including Safe Zone status

Ecosystem and Environmental changes will be made as necessary to accommodate increased population density.

Wave 1 Participants will receive rewards based on their performance at the onset of Wave 2. This will include a distinctive mark in the form of an Aesthetic Mutagen, denoting your status as a Wave 1 Participant. This Mutagen will, of course, be freely available for fusion at your discretion.

The Overseer Council commends you on your resilience and adaptability. We look forward to your continued participation in this unprecedented Special Integration.

Warm regards,

***System Overseer Ω***

The message faded, leaving behind a stunned silence. David blinked, his mind reeling as he tried to process the information dump. He looked to Claire, finding her equally gobsmacked, her jaws hanging open in shock.

"What... the actual... fuck," David managed to croak out, his voice barely above a whisper.

Claire shook her massive head, as if trying to clear it. "Did that just happen? Tell me that didn't just happen."

Thomas, his eyes wide with disbelief, let out a nervous chuckle. "So, uh, congrats on the 'Most Potent Offensive Ability,' I guess? That's... something. Are you not focusing on Control anymore?"

Herold's antennae twitched rapidly, a sign of agitation David had never seen in the usually composed beetle. "My word," he rumbled, his tone tinged with worry. "It seems our situation is even more precarious than we imagined."

David's mind raced, latching onto the bits of information that stood out most. "Two days," he muttered. "We've got two days before... whatever the hell Wave 2 is supposed to be. And I still don't know what the fuck an Originator is. Great."

Claire's tail lashed nervously, nearly taking out a chunk of the cavern wall. "And what's this about 'rewards' and 'Aesthetic Mutagens'? Like we're in some fucking game show?"

"Don't forget the 'Safe Zones,'" Thomas added, his tails twitching anxiously. "That could be huge for places like Woodland."

David nodded absently, his thoughts whirling. The System's cold, clinical tone made his fur stand on end. The way it treated their struggle for survival as some kind of grand experiment...

Fuck you very much, Omega. Glad our 'data' is so entertaining…ugh.

"Okay," David said, taking a deep breath to center himself. "We need to break this down. First things first – we've got 48 hours to prepare for whatever shitstorm Wave 2 is going to bring."

Claire nodded, her initial shock giving way to determination. "Right. We should coordinate as many people as we can. Get everyone ready for... well, anything. I don't like the sound of that ‘System Event’.”

"Indeed," Herold agreed, his massive form shifting slightly. "We must also consider the implications of these 'System-designated Territories.' If Woodland qualifies, it could provide a measure of security we desperately need. I admit I am concerned about the implied... necessity...of a 'Safe Zone', however."

David's wings rustled as he paced back and forth, his claws clicking against the cavern floor. "All good points. But there's something else we need to consider." He paused, looking at each of them in turn. "If Wave 2 is coming with 'improved functionality,' we need to be ready for the System to throw us some serious curveballs."

Claire's eyes narrowed. "You think it'll be worse than what we're already dealing with?"

David let out a humorless laugh. "Oh, I'm counting on it. Remember, this is the same System that thought turning the entire planet into a menagerie of monsters was a good idea. I doubt they're going to dial it back now."

The group fell silent, the weight of their situation settling over them like a heavy blanket. David could almost hear the gears turning in everyone's heads as they grappled with the implications of the announcement.

Finally, Herold spoke, his voice carrying a quiet resolve. "Well then, my friends, it seems we have our work cut out for us. Two days to prepare for the unknown. Shall we begin?"

David nodded, feeling a familiar mix of determination and resignation settling in his gut. "Yeah, old timer. Let's get to it. After all," he added with a grim smile, "we've got a whole new apocalypse to get ready for."

As the gravity of the situation continued to press down on them, David cleared his throat and continued. "Right, we should probably gather everyone up. Thomas, want to help me round up the troops?"

Claire shifted her massive bulk. "Actually, I think I'll stay here. Got something I need to discuss with Herold." Her eyes met David's, a silent message passing between them.

David nodded, understanding. Whatever Claire had to say, it was important. "Alright, big girl. We'll catch up later."

As David and Thomas made their way out of the cavern, the first hints of chaos became apparent. The tunnel echoed with distant shouts and the pounding of feet – or whatever passed for feet these days.

Emerging into the daylight, David blinked, momentarily stunned by the scene before him. People were pouring in from every direction, a flood of bizarre forms all converging on the warehouse. The air buzzed with a cacophony of voices, ranging from panicked shrieks to angry growls.

"Well," Thomas muttered, his four eyes darting around, "looks like we won't have to do much gathering after all."

David nodded, watching the spectacle unfold. "Yeah, seems like public consensus beat us to the punch."

The field that had been relatively peaceful just a short while ago now resembled a disturbed anthill. Creatures of all shapes and sizes scrambled towards the warehouse, their movements a strange blend of urgency and confusion.

David spotted a group of rodent-like beings scurrying along, their tiny voices raised in high-pitched debate. Following close behind was a mob of slower, larger creatures, who seemed careful even now not to step on anyone smaller than they were in the confusion.

"You know," Thomas said, a hint of pride in his voice, "they're actually responding the way we've trained. Heading to the Arena for a meeting in times of crisis."

David raised an eyebrow. "Huh. Guess all that mandatory combat training paid off in more ways than one."

As they made their way towards the warehouse, David couldn't help but marvel at the diversity of reactions. Some faces were contorted with panic, eyes wide and movements frantic. Others seemed eerily calm, as if the System's announcement was just another day in paradise.

But what struck David most was the defiant anger he saw in almost everyone's eyes. Fangs bared, claws clenched, a collective determination to face whatever fresh hell Wave 2 might bring.

These folks have been through the wringer. And they're not about to roll over now.

As they reached the warehouse doors, the crowd parting instinctively for Thomas, David felt a twinge of something unexpected – hope. Maybe it was foolish, given everything they'd been through and the ominous tone of the System's message. But looking at these people, this hodgepodge community of monsters united in the face of cosmic fuckery, he couldn't help but feel a spark of optimism.

Wave 2 wants to throw us some curveballs? Bring it on. We've got two days to prepare, and something tells me we're going to make every second count. After that, assuming we're not fighting for our lives immediately…I'm taking some time off.

With that, he followed Thomas into the warehouse, ready to face whatever plans, theories, and probably more than a little panic awaited them inside. The next 48 hours were going to be... interesting, to say the least.

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