Injustice Superman Breaks Through the Second Dimension

Chapter 612: This

Everyone looked at Kent with complicated expressions. They couldn’t accept a great **** lurking among them. It was as if a piebald tiger suddenly appeared in a group of pastoral cats, and the heart could not bear it.

“Who am I? You won’t know me even if I say it. You just need to know that I have a long and distant relationship with humans.”

“My master watched the goddess Nuwa create humans. In the ancient times, the goddess Nuwa temple was not only dedicated to the goddess Nuwa, but also my master. It’s just that time has passed, and slowly your human race has forgotten that there is my master. This great immortal.” After Zhu Bajie became a Buddha, he also knew Kent’s identity.

However, Honghuang is still the same, and he still only recognizes Nuwa and not Kent. It is not easy for Zhu Bajie to introduce that Kent is the husband of the goddess Nuwa, which makes Kent seem to be eating soft rice.

But it is enough to witness the identity of Nu Wa creating a human being.

Everyone gasped, and some even said, “Didn’t humans evolve from monkeys?”

“That’s right, your human race also has this statement.” Zhu Bajie nodded: “I heard Laojun say it, it seems to be called ‘Tian Yan Lun’.” After speaking, Ba Jie said in a high voice: “It’s just nonsense, your human race is not. How does a goblin change into a human?” Obviously, Zhu Bajie doesn’t understand the theory of evolution very well at all: “Your human race was made by the goddess Nuwa out of clay.”

The people present were stunned and felt that their three views were impacted.

“Okay, it doesn’t matter how the human race came, the important thing is to help Sun Wukong recover his skills first.” Kent told Zhu Bajie not to forget the business.

“Master, when you are here, I won’t do anything.” Zhu Bajie said that since Master is here, everything can be solved easily.

Knowing this would happen, Kent knew that once his abilities were exposed, everyone would rely on him. This kind of situation reminded him of Luthor’s point of view, and he had to say that Luthor was indeed right to some extent.

However, considering that the current situation is a difficult problem that cannot be solved by human beings, there is nothing we can do if we want to rely on it. At least what humans can do won’t depend on Kent.

Kent has been in the universe for so long, and he has long since lost his superman style. He is more like a chess player now, only placing pieces in key positions, and then quietly watching everyone move around this key piece.

Now the reincarnation team and Sun Wukong are all arranged by him secretly, so he will not take action now: “You people are too young and naive, you rely on me for everything, how do you grow up?”

“But we need help,” Zhang Heng said.

“Then how do you know that I didn’t help you?” Kent said after seeing everyone thinking, “Actually, I have already given you everything you need. Now you just need to work hard.”


“Master, you are still the same, it seems that your body has recovered.” Zhu Bajie said: “Little Junior Sister will be happy to know, okay, now I will go and help Brother Monkey.”

Zhu Bajie is gone, he will be back soon.

Leaving Kent behind, everyone didn’t know what to say, and they were most afraid of the sudden silence in the air.

“You could have saved everyone.” It was Xiao Susu, a newcomer to the Zhongzhou team, who suddenly shouted. In her opinion, Kent must be very powerful, but he has been watching the show, idly watching, and dying.

“Yes, I can not only save the people who were crushed by the landslide, but also the entire country, and even the entire earth. Do I have to do it if I can do it? Can I gain anything from saving you?” Kent asked back.


Silence, this is the almighty God.

Kent’s concept has changed. In the past, humans were the audience and he was the brightest star on the stage. But billions of years of life and high-dimensional evolutionary experience made him change his mind. At this time, he is the director, and human beings are the actors.

Manipulating the fate of mankind makes it more interesting for mankind to perform joys and sorrows again and again on the stage prepared by him.

“Are you considered an immortal like this?” Zhang Heng said.

Kent smiled: “The weaker the person, the more they will blame others for their bad luck. I found that everyone here thinks differently than you. They don’t blame others because I don’t help, because they know human beings. Life and death are only about human beings, not others.”

Chu Xuan nodded and agreed: “In the vast universe, human beings only represent human beings, and we have no right to ask for other beings. We can’t ask aliens to let us live, and we can’t beg for a savior from gods.”

Commander Wang Bao also said: “We naturally welcome immortals like Monkey King who are willing to help me. But if they don’t want to help us, we can’t complain. Besides, it’s not that Daxian Kent hasn’t helped us, but he is I am still very grateful to him for helping us in our own way.” “Both of you are too young to know what kindness is. It’s not that getting everything ready is helping, sometimes guidance is helping. Only parents, not gods, can help you selflessly and prepare everything for you.”

“Well said.” Kent applauded.

“Doesn’t it mean that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?” Zhang Heng said blankly.

“That’s just the excuse and expectation of the weak, and also the reason and prejudice of the strong to point fingers, because the responsibility is not divided.” Cheng Xiao said: “Our ancestors have a more accurate word, called ‘seeking their own political affairs’ , I think responsibilities are more specific than responsibilities, it should be said that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, the ability corresponds to the corresponding position, and then the corresponding responsibility.”

Cheng Xiao was really convincing when he was serious.

Zhang Heng, a young man who was educated by an old military doctor, is right to think so. Immortals do not serve in the human world. Immortals

How to deal with human affairs?

Besides, it is the end of the world now, so everyone thinks about the gods to save If the gods usually say ‘the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility’ and then point fingers in the world, they will only be hated by humans, because the name is not right. .

Of course, if one day an immortal suddenly becomes the commander-in-chief of the country, then everyone will stop talking nonsense, because immortals are the head of state and will naturally manage the entire country.

So in real life, jobs are often more valued than abilities.

At this time, Zhu Bajie had already seen Sun Wukong, and when he saw the monkey wearing black-rimmed glasses, Bajie smiled unkindly: “Brother Monkey, why is it necessary?”

“Why is Lao Sun also a fighting **** and Buddha, do you really watch the destruction of mankind? I just hate that the decree of the mother of Nuwa came too late.”

“Shen Yan, how can you blame the goddess Nuwa, this is the catastrophe of the human race. The goddess let you go down to earth because of karma.” Bajie said and took out Laojun’s pills: “Here are all Laojun’s medicine pills. Now, I don’t know if it will work or not, so just eat it all.”

“You help Laojun to cook, so he will give you this pill?” “I didn’t eat as much in the Tusita Palace when I made a fuss in the Heavenly Palace.”

“Brother Monkey, don’t dislike it. If it doesn’t work, I have to ask Master for help.”

“Master is here too?” Sun Wukong was taken aback.

“It’s not the monk master, it’s the master before I became a monk.”

Sun Wukong understood: “I didn’t expect that even the husband of Empress Nuwa would come. It seems that the human race has been saved this time.”

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