Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Returning home

The sound of an enchanting flute entered my ears as I flew back to the ship. I stopped mid-air, being cautious about what was happening...

Then Utopia spoke, "[I spotted an army of reanimated dead shambling towards Prydwen, and their leader is Litchma Balisk the Necro Lord, Third Harbinger of Life. They are also known as The Musician of the Decayed.]"

"Are they hostile?", I began to fly again.

"[Their intention is currently Unknown, Your Highness.]"

Fine, let's check it out for myself. I dispelled this combination as I was flying... then electricity covered my body—

"Manifest Destiny."

—And I found myself back on the ship. Just like Utopia said, a sea of shambling corpses moving to a soft and serene tune, despite looking so horrific. Yeah, I wish my eyes weren't perfect as I can see every rotting detail.

Thankfully, leading the army is something equally horrifying but easier to look at. Like a dark knight wearing a cloak made of smog and ember, its head is something of a hybrid between a skull and a knight helmet - glowing crimson eyes, and a lipless mouth made of metal. They play a flute made of bone, a somber yet happy tune...

So this is The Third Harbinger of Life.

"Delivery is here.", that soothing voice... Lughz Dustur.

I turned around to see The Enigma Code fly toward The Necro Lord. Floating just above them... Lughz Dustur is really tall when standing next to Litchma Balisk, an Angel that is over 4 meters tall standing to a 3-meter undead knight. I focused my hearing to see what they were saying...

"Pick whichever one you prefer.", their voice was like a howling whisper.

"Thank you, Litchma Balisk. For I need a new face to remain in another distant land, this time it will be longer.", they turned upside down, floating towards a random zombie.

"Hmm, this looks good enough.", they touched the head of a corpse, "Tell me, what doth thy wish for?"

Then the voice of The Necro Lord came out from that undead, "To be your flesh and blood, to have you in me as I am your shell. All I ask for is to return this hollow being to its prime."

"Very well, nameless one. I shall fulfill your wish as The Arbiter of Equilibrium, for if I am unable to fulfill it my form shall dissolve."

The zombie began to dissipate into golden mist, and then the mist wrapped around Lughz Dustur... and they took on a human form. Vibrant blue hair as if it's on fire with a backdrop of golden light, wearing a robe of gold and white that seems to flow against gravity and wind. 

Then they turned to look at me, those golden eyes bearing the power of Judgement, staring at me with instinctive prejudice. Fuck...

"Now all favors are paid, I wish for your voyage of Equilibrium to prosper.", Litchma Balisk bowed their head.

"And you too, may your melody touch all vanquished shell."

The Necro Lord returns to playing their flute, commanding the army of the dead to... dig the ground and create their own grave.

With their wings, The Enigma Code flew back to the ship... I should've used the opportunity to get away... fuck.

"We can go now, Charlotte.", they look up at me, since this body is shorter and, hmm, more tomboyish too.

"What did you just do?", I asked.

"I just perform one of many Loopholes.", they shrugged, "I am The Enigma Code after all, exploiting Glitches and Loopholes of the Celestial Matrix is what I am best at."

"I ask again, what did you do?", I glare at them.

"I performed two Glitch and that Loophole you just see.", she smiled, but despite how kind it looked all I got was shivers, "When we were in the Portal, I sent an Avatar of myself as my own Herald to this world. The Second Glitch is merging with my Avatar, so I am now double myself, double the power."


"What the fuck?", I can't even begin to comprehend WHAT EXACTLY IS THE ENIGMA CODE! They're like a singularity of existence, defying the laws of the universe itself!!

"Do not dwell on things you don't understand, Charlotte. I simply did it to extend the duration of this skin suit.", they touched their chest, "I will not obstruct your wish, as I shall only observe."

They turned to look behind me, "It seems like my own Jailer is here."

I turned around, and saw Lilia with a bucket of popcorn... he waved at us with a smile.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything important.", he turned around and walked away.

"Why do you call him your Jailer?", I questioned Lughz Dustur.

"Because Shemiss Aluqdim gave him the power to wield a Sword of Judgement, even I cannot handle a world-ending attack at point-blank.", a chuckle arose from them, "I thought the Unbirthed was the strongest Herald until I saw that sword."

They're talking about Elderstahl.

"That Blade can cleave Stars in half, what is The Pale Court doing?", they tilted their head, thinking.

"Actually, that sword is just Surtr's project, nothing to do with Shemiss Aluqdim, to see if he can do it.", I chuckled, leaning back for a throne to form behind me.

I got tired of standing. But seeing the dumbfounded expression of The Enigma Code is priceless!

"I... see... so a Jury of the Pale Court created a weapon capable of cleaving Stars... on a whim. These mortals, Life coming from The Template of Life is... interesting."

That's what you get for not letting mortals you exist, letting them grow naturally outside of your influence. To evolve is the natural path of life, to progress and grow is the path of life.

"Anyway, we are all done here...", I snapped my finger, "Utopia, we are departing!"

The aircraft began to lift off, burning the forest with its thruster. We took off from the ground and rose into the sky, the melody of The Necro Lord gets further and further away... I don't like that kind of tune.

Then the blue screen appeared.

[The Ego of the World had yet to wake up from its slumber]
[I thought you would bring more destruction]
[But this is salvagable]
[Thank you]
[Silver Princess]

The portal opened right above us and we entered the iridescent Gate. I feel amazing, having the System stripped away from me~ it is too restraining for my liking.

Working within a set system is something I dislike, especially when it dictates your direction in life. This is why I am trying to get away from Babel since there are rules that restrict my movement...

After this is all over, I'm going rogue for real.

We exited the portal, soaring through the familiar sky of Earth...

"[Your Highness.]", Utopia called me before I could bask in this familiar scent, "[Babel Organization revealed itself to the World.]"


"How much time had passed?!", I shouted.

"[7 hours, Your Highness.]"

Why didn't I get a notification?! Any sane person would send a three-day notice at least!!

I took out my phone... 122 missed calls from Seria.

I call her back.

"Seria, what the fuck is happening?!", I yelled at the phone.

[Chill! Chill! Charlotte! So, after Nyarla's... death.], she went quiet for a bit, [Anyway, Nyarla's death caused the obsuring veil to Babel's information to shut down completely. There is no way to contain the flow of information any longer so Issac decided to go into public.]

"How did the people respond?", I took out a cigarette.

[The governments are scrambling on how to deal with us, especially the nations in Asia. We are allied with the EU so we don't have to worry much. I got it handled here in America so don't worry.], she let out a sigh, [The people who we dealt with now remember who we are, luckily the identity of the agents aren't exposed because Morgan is the one dealing with that.]

"I see... then what should I do?", I let out a puff of smoke.

[For now, just keep being a Hunter. Your identity is safe. I'll hang up now, for once I'm working hard!]

She ended the call, while I just slumped down on my throne. Things are...

Progressing better than it should!


With the sheer amount of workload, I can slip away peacefully! I'm glad that Nyarla is dead!

I grabbed the throne, "Distill."

Ouroboros Omniscia returns to my side. I have two choices, one is to betray them now and go on my way. Or, to end my duty as the Akasha and deal with The Other Ego...

I closed my eyes, thinking for a bit. The first option is not bad and certainly gives me more autonomy, I could do whatever I want and they won't know a thing...

But I will still continue with Babel for now... it's a hassle to deal with two things at once.

I stood up, "Utopia, we are going to Brest next week. Send the email and we will deliver the Wendigo."

"[As you Command, Your Highness.]"

I got up from my throne, smiling as I was in a good mood.


I turned around to see Lilia... in his true form, a pale blue mercury-colored humanoid thing, his head was like a crescent moon, and he had no eyes nor visible mouth. Like skin wrapped in a skeleton, he stood tall with a slight hunch, a wisp of golden fire in his chest.

This is the true form of Lilia the Unbirthed, the First Jury of the Pale Court. He look like he would be the hardest boss in a game set in London.

"Thanks for the ride, Silver Princess.", he bowed his head.

"It's nothing, really.", I shrugged, "So where are you going now?"

"Back to The Garden, the place where all Jury come to rest.", he stated, staring at the fading sun, "I'll get going now."

And he jumped off the ship... we are still in the air. I quickly ran over to the edge... he fell down to who knows where.

"Where are we, Utopia?"

"[The Grand Canyon, Your Highness.]"


Hah... oh well, what is lost is lost.

"We are returning to Libertas, Utopia. Turn around!", I turned away from the edge, heading back to my room.

"Hmm, can I join this Academy of yours?", Lughz Dustur spoke up.

I stopped and turned around... they were still here...

"Why would you want to do that?", my eyes twitched, "You are an Eldritch God that can kill people by just giving them a funny look!"

"Because I have a skin suit now, I might as well look around—"

I snapped my finger, "Utopia."

The floor beneath Lughz Dustur opened up, making them fall down, and then a cannon rose up from the ground with the Eldritch God inside—


It fired, sending Lughz Dustur into the sky. Now, I don't know where they are sent, but at least I know it's another continent. I took out the eye they gave me...

"Utopia, put this into a box and bury it somewhere in the Arctic.", I commanded, dropping the eye on the floor for Utopia to consume it in a box made of lead, then another layer, then a black box to seal it all.

"Hah... there is no place like home, isn't it?", I chuckled.

Home... the only place I ever called home was Las Vegas, but in truth... this ship, Prydwen, is my true home. A solitary vessel traveling endlessly at my command, like me.

I can only be lonely as the one who stands above all.

That is my fate.

That is my destiny.

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