Infinity and Magic

Ch 28: A mistake

*Anos's POV*

I fell out of the door and landed on the ground of what I assume is still Hogwarts by the stone around us. One by one everyone came out of the door and by the time I looked back it had disappeared again.

"Well let's get going." I stood up and all of us moved through the corridors and exited them. It seemed we were on the 3rd floor as I could see the stairs moving.

'The worst place for getting drunk'

These very stairs were the reason that almost no student tried to drink alcohol or brew it in the castle. Being drunk when the stairs beneath your feet are constantly moving isn't the best combination.

As we all traversed our way through the moving stairs we finally reached the Great Hall to find it empty except Dumbledore in his pajamas and a  hat which believe it or not had stars and moon patterns on it, eating Cereal and drinking orange juice.

"Yo! How's it going old man," I said with a cheery tone, not minding the half-awake Ron behind me who seemed ready to slump over our house table and just turn to dust.

"Oh! We've got early birds this year." Dumbledore said while his eyes moved between each one of us.

"Where's everyone else? Have the classes already started?" Hermione asked totally ignoring the fact that the Headmaster was in his pajamas so the classes of course haven't started.

"Oh, it seems you're a bit misinformed Miss Granger. The first day after the sorting ceremony is meant for students to explore the castle and make friends though it does end up with everyone except the professors sleeping till noon." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Well, clearly we weren't informed," Draco said with a lazy tone. Clearly unimpressed.

"The Perfects are supposed to inform this to the new students," Dumbledore replied.

"Well, we don't have one. Interesting." Draco retorted.

" Hmm, that puts us in quite a pickle, Mr. Malfoy. Do you have anything in mind Anos? " Dumbledore asked.

" Hmm, I'll choose one student from any of the 4 houses and train him for this," I replied and Dumbledore chuckled.

" I can assure you that all senior students will already be well-trained. Hogwarts is a Wizarding school after all." Dumbledore said with a smile.

" And I can assure you Professor that being trained to do something and being prepared to do something are quite different things. I would give a few examples but it's morning and Orange is but a shade of Crimson. " I said with an eye smile even though only my eyebrows were visible.

Dumbledore looked at his orange juice and sighed.

"One more thing, since it'll be quite hard to make another schedule for the teacher's students of your house will be sharing classes with Gryffindors. The houses will be different so just consider this as students sharing a teacher." Dumbledore replied with his own eye smile.

" Fair enough. Now let's get our bags." I said and moved behind the Teacher's table and grabbed all of my luggage with the others following.

I then touched the glass and the door for our house appeared again.

" Not staying for breakfast?" Dumbledore asked.

" We already cooked and ate Professor," Harriet replied as we threw our bags into the common room and I closed the door.

"I certainly know quite a few wizards who'll be less threatening than a puppy without their wands. Non-magical skills are truly important." Dumbledore said with a sagely nod.

"Well singe they are taught to rely on it from their birth what else can you expect," I said calmly.

"And  I'm fairly certain that a competent wizard would rather lose a limb than their own wand so the situation seems extremely hypothetical." I continued.

Sure I had trained till now to use Cursed energy without any form of tool but an enemy without his wand should rather lay down and die and I didn't like weak enemies.

"Professor Dumbledore!" I suddenly heard dad's voice.

"You guys go ahead. I'll get the timetable." I said and Draco nodded and led the others outside.

"Yes, Severus," Dumbledore said and Dad noticed me.

"Anos did you talk to the others?" Dad asked ignoring Dumbledore and I could see Harriet peeking into the Great Hall.

"What do you mean others?" I asked and Dad gave short sigh.

" Did you notice others during the Sorting ceremony? Any strange names. " Dad said still not letting go of his damm cryptic way of talking in the morning but suddenly something clicked. The greasy-haired kid that I had seen during the Sorting ceremony.

" Others from our ascended house? But I thought all of them were supposed to be dead." I said as I began to recollect info on the kid.

"That's what my damm mother told me before she went off god knows where," Dad said in frustration.

"Did you know about them being admitted into the school Professor," Dad asked in a somewhat polite tone?

As much as Dumbledore looked like one preaching away from becoming a Hermit he was still extremely entrenched into the Wizarding world. So it would be foolish to even consider him not knowing who was attending his own school.

" Oh, I did Severus. There are many Ascended houses, sects or Bloodlines returning. I suppose you would have to ask Mr. Malfoy to make quite a few more chairs for the council table. Some of the heirs haven't arrived yet so they would be sorted into their houses a bit more discreetly on behalf of their parents. Can't be too careful with children nowadays." Dumbledore said with a smile and I suddenly understood why the first day was off. I couldn't understand the true reason, you never could with old wizarding families. If an oracle drank seven bottles of whiskey and told them that their kids must be sorted into their houses on a specific day then you can bet your left buttcheek that the process would be carried out exactly as described.



Author's Note: So don't know why but someone hired a Magician to perform on campus today and the guy must've been Dumbledore's cousin or something because there were dozens of pigeons that just appeared around the campus the whole day.

That wouldn't have been much of a problem except I got shit on by those damm pigeons. Twice! Like how? What are the chances. I sound like a conspiracy theorists but they were their with malicious intent. Fucking Sung Jin Woo probably said Arise and asked them to shit on me.

Halo Infinite is out so I'm excited except I can't play it on a phone but it's fun watching others play.

Hope everyone has a nice Day /Night and Thanks. For everything, it's really fun writing for everyone.

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