Infinity and Magic

Ch 17: I’m something of a Magician myself

*Anos's POV*

"Yo Draco look at this," I said and joined my index and middle finger.

"Cursed Technique: Call of the Shinigami," I said and in two little poofs of smoke I had a black and white puppy on my head. 

"The white one is Sif and the black one is Set," I said and got two happy barks from the top of my head.

" Ooh, can I hold them? " Draco said with stars in his eyes and before I could say anything Sif stumbled from my head onto Draco's.

" Sweet. " Draco said while holding onto the little pup.

" Both of these are Shikigami. They like to eat Dead spirits if they can but any human food also works. "I said and chuckled as Draco's face paled but his hands still kept holding onto the little barking puppy till we reached Gringotts and I unsummoned them.

As we entered Gringotts I finally saw some Goblins. They were quite weird creatures, standing at around 4 feet tall all of them seemed to be particularly busy as they tattered around in little black suits. Once in a while, one of them would sneeze and hit his sharp nose on the paperwork he or she was carrying which got a chuckle out of Draco.

"At least they dress better than Dobby," Draco said.

"Well, you do know that Dobby can't be allowed any new clothes right?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"I do know but how can he learn to blend in with Muggles with those rags. I've been trying to get him used to not hitting himself but he just won't listen." Draco said with frustration.

"Well you know that's basically the point of their existence till now so I think you should give them a bit more time. They're useful, aren't they? " I asked Draco.

"Yeah, there's just so much they can do. I wonder why they never rose up against us. " Draco said while making sure he doesn't trip on his robes.

" You'll be surprised how well humans can be in subduing races. Even some Cyclops in Malta have been tamed. It's not that the Goblins wouldn't like to revolt but just the idea of mutiny or revolt of any kind is so foreign to them that it doesn't even enter their mind." I said as we came across the main desk.

A Goblin with cool specs and a golden pin attached to his suit was scribbling furiously on parchment.

" Order of business. " He asked with a hoarse voice.

" We need something from vault number 7777 and 6666," I replied casually.

One thing Dad had drilled into my mind about Gringotts was that you never say what you're taking out of your vault. Even if it's a cupprus coin you should still keep your mouth shut.

Apparently, this was another measure by the Ministry to stop the Goblins from another revolt. If they didn't know what was even inside they wouldn't know how much they could steal. You wouldn't want to start a revolt on a mountain of Cupprus coin, would you.

Even though most new wizarding families didn't follow this every single Ascended house or Ministry member followed this rule.

" Have you got the Keys? "He asked.

" Yup. " I said as I held out a golden key shaped like a needle and Draco held out a silver key with a snake coiling around it.

We were then led in a cart which I had aptly named Minecart to our vaults.

Draco's own vault (6666) had around 1200 Galleons and a couple of sacks of silver sickles. He was still learning about business and Uncle Lucius was sure he should follow my example in this though Draco was given 5 Galleons a month it was still impressive as hell that he was able to turn that into this much money.

After Draco's vault, we went to my vault. One Unknown thing about Gringotts was that any vault with the same no. in its series could have extra protective measures on it. It was like your own customizable death trap. It was only available to Ascended houses and members of the Ministry at a cost of 50 Galleons a month.

Dad owned 5555 and Uncle Lucius owned 444. I was pretty sure that one had a bazillion potions and the other had at least an Aztec level trap system.

My vault looked almost like a silver wall in the darkness. I threw my needle shaped key at the opposite direction of where my vault was and it vanished into the dark.

"Cursed Technique: Silver Sanin," I said and the other end of the cave burst into blue flames. I had fed my key weekly with cursed energy and now it could be called a cursed tool. There was only a single one in the world so no one could open my vault even if they got a Dragon to do it.

My vault opened and I took out around 700 Galleons from it. 

Me and Draco exited Gringotts and went to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. Lo and Behold Harriet was there. Getting measured for her robes.

Draco seemed confused as I slowly crept behind her.

"You went to shopping without me truly I was fooled by you, Harriet. " I said with a fake sad voice as Harriet spun around.

" A... Anos? What're you doing here? " She seemed bewildered to see me here. Had my Cursed Technique really not worked on her room?

" You know I'm somewhat of a wizard myself," I said with a chuckle.

" Y.. you mean you too? " Harriet's eyes seemed to be widening more and more.

" Yup also it's also going to be my first year at Hogwarts. But since you're going to be there to steal my thunder I would have to use at least 2% of my charm. " I said while flourishing my hair.

" Yo Draco this is my friend. Harriet Potter might've heard of her. " I said and Draco almost fell down. As much as he would like to deny it he did really wanna meet Harriet since the Wizarding newspapers had publicized the story about her parents and Draco was very much a Mama's boy. Also, Harriet was from an Ascended house so that helped too.

After a very awkward greeting between them, Harriet turned towards me.

" Why didn't you tell me you were a wizard?"

" It was just more fun this way. Now let's get measured, shall we. " I said while pointing at the Measuring tape and pencil that were getting angrier.

" Psshh.. you need to hand this to them too Harriet. For design purposes. " I said and handed her a piece of parchment with 5 Galleons already wrapped in it.

" Oh, thanks. " Harriet handed the paper to the curious pencil who took a single look inside and went off.

Finally, it was my turn to get measured.

"Can I get a private room please."

"Sure." A woman replied and I was taken to the back.

"First time going to Hogwarts young sir?" The old man asked while measuring my shoulders.

"Yup," I replied.

"Oh, how I remember the first clothes I made. My father thought so Ill of it that he burned it in front of my eyes. Then I started doing custom orders and now there hasn't been a single one of my robes that has caught fire. " The old man said with a happy smile as he jotted down my measurements.

" Can you do this for me. " I said and handed him a piece of parchment and a dozen Galleons.

" No potion for this one? " He said while looking at the parchment.

" Nope. " I replied

" It'll take these old hands a couple of hours to make these can sire wait? " He asked.

" Sure I'll be back at 1:30," I said and took off with a confused Harriet and Draco. Out of the three of us that had entered only Draco had received his robes.

" Wait don't we have to pay? " Harriet asked.

" Oh, I already did that for all of us. Now we both need to be done with the other stuff by 1:30 so let's get to it. " I said and we hurried off to buy the remaining books.


Read upto 8 chapters ahead for both my books on my Patreon. The link will be down below.

Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night. 

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