Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 212 - See your family

?? Huang Chao arrived at the door of the Tianying Church in the morning, and just said: “Ming Jiao Shunfeng visited the King Eagle.” I welcome many people together. Tianying is well-informed, and Huang Chao, as the most prosperous Mingjiao master in the past two years, is well known to them.

No wonder Skyhawk is so prosperous! Just looking at their attitude towards the door-to-door guests, they know that Yin Tian is a remarkable person. At this time, Huang Chao could not help but feel a sense of being valued, and had a good impression of the Tianying religion.

He originally thought that he would use his internal power to transmit sound, and startled King Eagle from the inside. Unexpectedly, people were very respectful of him from top to bottom. A mature sect must understand the principle of being polite and will not turn those who could be friends into enemies.

“Medical Saint is here, Tianying teaches Peng Xunshenghui, and has seen Master Shunfeng.” Old Baimei smiled boldly. The people behind him greeted together: “Meet Master Shunfeng!”

“Zunjia must be the white-browed eagle king? The Mingjiao junior Shunfeng had seen the eagle king.”

“It’s old age. I have always heard about the name of the medical sage. I saw it today. Sure enough, it is young and promising. Please come inside.” Yin Tianzheng cited with a hand.

Huang Chao also reached out at the same time: “Please.”

The two sides were seated, and Yin Tianzheng asked, “I don’t know if Master Shunfeng is coming, what’s your job?”

Huang Chao said with a smile: “This is related to Eagle King’s family affairs.”

As soon as this remark came out, many of the guests voluntarily left the hall and waited for several important people to remain in the hall. Yin Tian said rightly: “These are in line with Yin’s courage, and Master Shunfeng can speak clearly.”

He stood up and arched his hands and said: “I heard people tell me that my grandson Zhang Wuji treated the doctor at the medical sage, and Yinmou thanked him here. What Master Shunfeng said is related to my grandson Wuji.”

“The King Eagle looks like a torch, as expected. I am here to ask you to save your life.”

Yin Tianzheng asked in doubt: “How can I say this? If you use Yin somewhere, please ask Master Shunfeng to speak clearly.”

“It’s a long story. You know, Wuji originally lived in Wudang Mountain, Zhang Zhenren and others could not cure his cold poison, so people sent him to Butterfly Valley, but told him that he can’t join the magic church. Hey, Wuji The child was honest and honest, and he did not want to let go after he promised. For this reason, even Hu Qingniu could not directly shoot. “

King Yin Ye listened to Huang Chao saying “this kid”, and there was something funny in his heart: you are not that big. But Yin Tianzheng looked serious, and said, “Well, he Wudang Pai can’t protect his disciples, even my daughter-in-law, I don’t settle accounts with them, he still thinks we can’t afford it!”

Zhang Sanfeng was originally very open to Zhengxie. However, in his later years, the two disciples died and were disabled, and they were all related to the Tianying religion. Even if they have a good temper, they will feel resentful. This is still the most innocent Wudang faction.

Huang Chao continued: “Now I have an internal skill that can be taught to Wuji and let him self-cultivation get rid of the cold poison. But this skill is very profound, and I will not pass it on to outsiders. If the Eagle King wants to save Wu Bogey, please persuade him to enter Mingjiao and worship me as a teacher. Zhang Zhenren is his prince, you are his grandfather, and they both speak the same way. They are close to Mingjiao so they can cross the threshold of their hearts. “

Yin Tianzheng said with a smile: “Master SF has this intention, it is really good, Yin Mou will go with you.”

King Yin Ye expressed a sad expression: “Poor my sister, she returned to the Central Plains and lost her life. I have never seen this nephew, father, I will go with you.”

Yin Tianzheng’s eyes hit King Yinye, and they looked at each other. Yin Tianzheng nodded and said, “Well, you go with me.”

They immediately set off and headed to Butterfly Valley. On the way, Huang Chao and Yin Tianzheng discussed martial arts and experienced the mystery of eagle claw skills. Yin Tianzheng is old and prosperous. After his internal strength, he is physically strong, and he has a unique insight in the bionics, which has opened Huang Chao’s vision.

However, Yin Tianzheng was more surprised: Huang Chao was young, not only with profound medical skills, but also with fascinating weapons, and the two people exchanged claw skills in the past few days. His martial arts were even better.

Huang Chao, who possesses dragon claw hands and nine-yin **** claws, is also very proficient in claw skills. With a strong internal force and great movement of the universe, Huang Chao’s vision of capacity is even broader.

The Qi in his body is automatically circulated and cultivated. Since he has the Jiuyang Divine Skill, which is dedicated to the deep pursuit of internal energy, his internal force has maintained rapid growth. The Jiuyang Divine Skill pays attention to “He comes from his own ruthlessness, he makes himself evil,” and it is a magical skill that can kill people by protecting the body and strength, and chasing the true energy to the extreme. Combining the two, Huang Chao’s internal force has exceeded ordinary people for a hundred years.

Fortunately, he and Yin Tianzheng only talk about tricks, not really hands-on, otherwise Yin Tianzheng will not realize Huang Chao’s martial arts “exquisiteness”, and he will be directly blown away by Huang Chao’s body protection!

Several people stayed overnight, and soon returned to Butterfly Valley. Seeing his loved ones, Zhang Wuji burst into tears with excitement. Yin Tianzheng persuaded Zhang Wuji to join Mingjiao, Zhang Wuji hesitated for a moment, and finally he was relieved and became a member of Mingjiao.

Yin Tianzheng was looking at Zhang Wuji’s short hair and secretly said: “My grandson is really, alas, he has even shaved his hair, and he refused to join the Mingjiao …” Thanks to Xiao Zhang’s honesty, otherwise he will report black and say Huang Chao disciple forcibly shaved his head, and Huang Chao and Yin Tianzheng were probably going to turn against each other.

Zhang Wuji reunited with his grandfather and uncle, so that the orphans in the valley looked very hot.

In the evening of the next day, King Yinye called Zhang Wuji and said, “Wuji, our uncle met, and we haven’t walked together, and went to the mountain with uncle to see the scenery.”

Zhang Wuji said: “Okay.”

The two climbed the mountain all the way. King Yinye told Wuji a lot of things about his mother when he was a child ~ ~ These funny things make Wuji laugh and cry. King Yinye took his hand and said, “Good nephew, You have family members since then. When you are cured, go back to Jiangnan, where we have a great career. “

“Ten years ago, your mother got the Dragon Sword and held a meeting in Wangpanshan, how stunned it was! If it were not for Xie Xun to come to trouble, I’m afraid you won’t be so alone now. Alas, poor child.”

Zhang Wuji defended Xie Xun: “In fact, his righteous father is also a good person. He was only so vicious when he was harmed by Cheng Kun, the great wicked man.”

King Yinye stroked Zhang Wuji’s head: “Xie Xun and your grandfather are both Kings of Mingjiao, everyone was originally a family. Alas, let it pass in the past. If it were not persecuted by the rivers and lakes, your parents would not die It ’s all about killing the dragon sword … Your uncle ’s father is alone overseas, maybe someone will hurt him. Wuji, where have you lived in all these years? Take your righteous father back from overseas. “

Zhang Wuji shook his head and said, “I can’t say the whereabouts of my uncle. Uncle, don’t ask.”

King Yin Ye frowned and said, “Wuji, your child, your grandfather and Xie Xun are brothers, can they still harm him? He is living abroad alone, life is so difficult, you as a righteous son, bear the heart to see him suffer? “

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