Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 195 - Rivers and lakes


The person who led Huang Chao into the Ming religion was called Liu Ze. Huang Chao looked through his memory and did not find him to be a famous person. I was afraid that he was an unknown master in the rivers and lakes. Don’t look at Liu Ze like this, but he is smiling at the world, at least a first-class master.

“The force of this world is much higher than that of the last world.” Huang Chao followed Liu Ze to the name of the altar, thinking in secret, “I thought I had a great ability to master Ruyi’s true energy. I didn’t expect It ’s not uncommon here. Their internal force can produce a more magical bonus, which has long been beyond the scope of human physics. “

The two rushed along the mountain road in tandem. Between the swaying of the figure, the two were outside five or six feet. Huang Chao feels that the other party seems to be interested in waiting for him, and has not yet come up with the highest speed! An unnamed river and lake people, all have their own merits? !

This world is really exciting.

Huang Chao felt in his heart: “Internal force, internal force, is internal force. The combination of spirit and life energy has created an internal force that can not obey the laws of matter. The cleverness and effect they use ignores the principle of object movement. In this world In a world where the aura is more abundant and active, what kind of state can those extraordinary characters reach? “

I was thinking that Liu Ze, who was leading the way, seemed to prove Huang Chao’s words. During his leap, his body twisted, and without any external force, he pulled up a layer and landed on a tree by the road.

“Little monk, stop for now. I will see if there is a Mongolian cavalry ahead.”

Huang Chao watched Liu Ze rush out, shook his head helplessly. Now he hasn’t recovered his strength and he can’t catch up with this guy!

Huang Chao already knew that the upper limit of the world ’s military power was high, and immediately ignited his enthusiasm for cultivation and upgrading, determined to brush the attributes to the full level, and went to Wudang School and Grand Master Zhang Sanfeng to consult the Taoist essence. In this world, martial arts are no longer to strengthen the body and techniques, but a comprehensive breakthrough of the body and mind. Although some bad people have poor moral character, their realm is not low.

Huang Chao waited for a moment in the woods, and Liu Ze fell beside him, saying, “Nothing is ahead, we will pass quickly.”

Liu Ze took Huang Chao to a stronghold of Mingjiao. After his proof, after some oath-taking ceremony, Huang Chao became a member of Mingjiao, suddenly hundreds of thousands of brothers and sisters. It’s full of excitement …

Huang Chao asked: “Brother Liu, what are we going to do next?”

“Little monk, our Mingjiao has always been relaxed. You have to stay in the Mingjiao and follow our brigade in the future; you can also go out alone, if you have anything to do, you can ask the Chinese brothers for help, the Chinese brothers can also ask you for help, everything It’s all up to you. According to me … “

As soon as Huang Chao looked at him, he wanted to keep himself in the altar, and quickly interrupted the conversation: “Brother Liu, I am used to it, or I will go back to my broken temple life. After killing Tatar, let’s work together again!”

Liu Ze shook his head regretfully: “Since your heart is determined, I would not advise you. Alas, living in the mountains is still a lot of inconveniences. Cooking and laundry every day is troublesome.”

Huang Chaoxin said: After so many years, my life skills have long been full of specialization, and they are all controlled by mind. Ha ha, if I stay here, I can’t be regarded as a monster if I practice my mind!

Anyway, after all, he joined Mingjiao, and he has met many people in the altar. Liu Ze is very optimistic about him, and Huang Chao himself also seems mature, so most people dare not underestimate. Those who came up said that they looked down on each other, and even the false politeness would not be funny. Anyway, Huang Chao didn’t see it here.

Although some people disagreed with him, it was possible to say hello and nod.

Huang Chao inquired from the branch of the altar, which team killed the village, and who was the leader. At the same time, he also knew the reason: because the cavalry wanted to kill and rob, so he found a remote mountain village to open.

“Ha, ha.” Huang Chao laughed twice in an unmanned corner, but his eyes were a little red. Is this the reason? Even if there are people from the Ming religion in the village, they can understand it at least emotionally. However, the other party made it clear that you should not be regarded as a human being, but slaughter and robbery is like greedy to kill a chicken …

I bought a watch last year!

After asking the most concerned things, Huang Chao took a few minutes to calm down. For his spiritual cultivation, this is already a great emotional fluctuation. The flames of hatred ignited in his heart, waiting to become an erupting volcano one day.

“Brother Liu, what are the major events on the rivers and lakes over the years?”

“To say the biggest thing in more than ten years, of course, the Dragon Sword appeared in the rivers and lakes. Tianying taught the Yin Tianzheng old man to get the Dragon Sword. He wanted to show off, but in the end he was snatched by our golden lion king Xie Xun. It is a pity that Xie Xun’s whereabouts are unknown later. However, Tu Longdao is still in our Mingjiao after all, ha ha ha. Missing with Xie Xun, there are Zhang Cuishan and Zhang Wuxia of Wudang faction, and Yin Susu, Lao Yin’s daughter.

“Yin Tianzheng’s apostasy left, and he should stand alone, deserving of this setback. Alas, some time ago, Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu came back together. The two actually married and had a 10-year-old boy. It’s a pity, a pity. “There was a lonely expression on Liu Ze’s face, deliberately lifting Huang Chao’s appetite.”

Hello, in fact, I already know the time, I am better than clear in all periods. However, the nonsense person likes others to be the best, Huang Chao also asked in amusement: “Brother why do you sigh.”

“Alas, the old dogs of the six major schools converge on the rivers and lakes, and go to Wudang Mountain to ask Xie Xun’s whereabouts. However, Zhang Wuxia and Xie Xun have become brothers. Leaving a lonely child seems to be called Zhang Wuji. Wuji, Wuji, where can he be Wuji, even if Zhang Zhenren takes care of him, it will be very difficult to live in the future. “

If Zhang Wuji is not the protagonist in luck, I am afraid it is really like Liu Ze said. Huang Chao nodded and said: “It’s really miserable.”

Liu Ze said with pity: “Lao Yin’er lost his love for his daughter, alas, alas. Although he is no longer a person in teaching, he is still miserable, alas.”

Huang Chao kept sighing at Liu Ze and asked curiously: “Brother Liu, do you know the girl Yin Susu?”

“Humph, what are you talking about!” Liu Ze got a little angry and sighed again. “Oh, I saw girl Yin in the early years. She was graceful and graceful, like a fairy, making people feel ashamed …”

Liu Ze expressed an expression of reminiscence, and after a while he said bitterly: “Brother Huang, you have to beware of the six factions in the future, these people are not good things. The appearance is plain, the actual stomach is bad. If it is not for our Master Yang, we are inexplicably missing. , A group of high-ranking idiots are arguing, and we will destroy them long ago. There will be no regrets! “

Huang Chao nodded silently, Fan Yao, a right envoy of Mingjiao, was a personal thing. The remaining people are all scum, the Mingjiao left envoy Yang Xiao is a strong | **** | offender, the golden lion king Xie Xun is a murderer, the blue-winged bat king Wei Yixiao is a vampire, the purple shirt dragon king is the adulterer of the Persian general, and the five scattered people Half of them are funny … The white-browed eagle king Yin Tianzheng has a good vision, and sees that this is a big pit.

Knowing the time in the world today, Huang Chao didn’t stay in the altar anymore. He said goodbye to Liu Ze and returned to the broken temple in the mountains. Next, he started the process of brushing the attributes of reading and hunting again. This world is also the world of the martial arts of Jin Yong. The setting of the biography of Jin Yong group of heroes can still be used. Huang Chao ’s power quickly began to grow at an exaggerated speed.

After Huang Chao attacked several Mongolian cavalry squads, the opponent obviously strengthened his guard. The team came out with more than ten people. These people have kung fu in the army and are skilled in riding and shooting. Although they are not Huang Chao ’s opponents, Huang Chao also I was not sure to leave them all, so I could only stand down and concentrate on restoring strength.

On this day, Huang Chao returned to the temple carrying two hares from the outside, and suddenly found that there were more young girls in the temple. They are the oldest at 13 or 4 years old, and the youngest are 8 or 9 years old. They are in tattered clothes. At first glance, they are wandering beggars.

A boy saw someone coming in and said embarrassedly: “This master, we thought no one here …”

The oldest boy grabbed him, glanced at the hare Huang Chao was holding, and mocked: “It turned out to be a wine monk. Hey, this temple is not yours.”

“Meeting is destined. The broken temple is so big that you can live here. As long as you don’t bother me.” Huang Chao doesn’t want to live in the Mingjiao altar, just for purity, but now, he can’t put a few The child drove away.

A child behind bit his finger and looked at the hare on Huang Chao’s hand longingly, whispering, “Meat, I want to eat meat.”

The leader among them is the oldest boy. He pretended to be a powerful man and said, “You monk, even eat meat, don’t obey the rules and regulations! Let us eat it for you, you will also be in front of the Buddha Made a mistake. “

Huang Chao took on the role and proclaimed Buddha: “Amitabha, the poor monk does not eat meat at once. There are too many mistakes in front of the Buddha and there is no need to save it.”

“Why don’t you give me,” the boy raised his fist and glared, “I’ll hit you!”

“Yo, so powerful? Amitabha, the poor monk teaches the trick of the donor.”

“Look!” The boy shouted, rushed to Huang Chao, and punched Huang Chao in front of him. He even has superficial skills, this punch, resting in the real world, knocking down an adult is no problem.

This world is so powerful. A little beggar has martial arts skills!

Huang Chao hooked his fist in one hand and took advantage of the other, pushing the other hand behind his back. The boy directly got into the straw pile on the wall ~ ~ Brother Iron! “The children behind yelled and rushed towards Huang Chao. Huang Chao used his flexibility and threw them on the ground one by one. Although he fell painfully, he did not fall seriously.

The last child actually found a brick to smash Huang Chao! Wow, boy you have a future. Huang Chao flicked on his wrist, knocked off his bricks, and then pulled his arm upwards, throwing the bear child directly on the beam of the house.

The bear child found that he could not come down, so he cried out in a hurry. The only girl in the team is obviously not a mage unit. She also cried when she saw that her buddy had disappeared.

“Haha, learn a little better next time, don’t move and grab people! Don’t cry anymore, I didn’t make a heavy effort, you are all fine. On the beam, jump down, I will follow you.”

The people on the ground stood up in disgrace, the children on the beams of the house struggled for a long time, and finally jumped with their eyes closed. Huang Chao supported his back with one hand and put him on the ground lightly. This hand made several children exclaim.

When Huang Chao invited them to eat a full meal and rabbit soup, they all sincerely sent Huang Chao as the new eldest brother.

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