Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 188 - Towards the balcony


That night, Huang Chao said to Yue Buqun: “It is not rude to come and go, Zuo Lengchan dares to start, and we cannot show weakness. The disciples took someone to intercept Ding Mian and his team.”

He took the horses away, and after traveling dozens of miles, he asked them to switch back to Huashan. The Huashan Other Court obeyed Huang Chao’s words without asking a word and immediately followed suit.

Huang Chao had long expected that Zuo Lengchan might send people to assassinate, so when he left Hengyang from the Songshan school, he sent people to embellish them and send back location information without interruption. Fei Bin and Lu Bai were seriously injured and could not bump, so they walked slowly.

Fei Bin gritted his teeth and suffered from the pain in his body, full of resentment towards Huashan. He knew that Senior Brother would send someone to assassinate everyone in Huashan, waiting for the news of Huashan’s death. That Huang Chao is even more powerful, but just a person. They are strong in Songshan, and they have gathered a lot of masters …

He thought of the death of Huashan people, and he felt a kind of joy in his heart, and suddenly heard a familiar voice from outside: “How are you, Songshan? We received the big gift from the left palm, and we will give you a special return!”

The voice is Huang Chao he hates the most.

At the next moment, there was a scream in Songshan Camp. He heard Brother Ding Mian screaming and deafening, but then there was no more sound. The disciples of Songshan started to scold and run, but later turned into crying, discarding weapons and running Farther and farther, it soon became silent.

Fei Bin shivered involuntarily, cracking the bone that he finally got on.

The tent was opened, and the person was tall, with his back turned to the moonlight, and his face was dark. But Fei Bin has recognized each other’s identity from his body shape, Huang Chao!

“Do not……”

Huang Chao crossed the sword, and the cold light flashed away. Fei Bin was very fierce at that time. He wanted to kill Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang, who were seriously injured, and Qu Feiyan, who was a little girl. After seeing Linghu Chong and Yi Lin, they also killed two people to kill their mouths.

The wicked man finally succumbed, Huang Chao smiled and shook his head, quickly cleared his mood and left the dead camp.

This night Song Mountain has been defeated. Songshan Thirteen Taibao, only Zuo Lengchan and Da Yin Yang have a happy hand. Lehou is somewhat chivalrous, and he is not used to the conspiracy means of Zuo Lengchan. Like this kind of ambush, Zuo Lengchan does not ask him to participate, but Lehou escapes his life instead.

The men sent by Zuo Lengchan never returned. It wasn’t until more than ten days later that the disciples he dispatched discovered that the assassination of all members was wiped out! Zuo Lengchan sat alone in the Songshan School hall, feeling his heart a little bit frozen by the cold.

“Actually, unexpectedly …” Zuo Lengchan’s eyes widened, his right hand stretched out, and a mass of coldness was gathered in his palm. “Huang Chao, as long as you kill you, I will not lose!”

Everyone in Huashan returned to the Jade Girl Peak and summoned other worlds. Songshan sent wolves with ambitions and intended to send them together. They wanted to kill Liu Zhengfeng and Yue Buqun successively. Fortunately, they were defeated by Huashan. On the fifth day of August, the Wuyue League was held in advance in Huashan to determine the direction of Wuyue’s development. At the same time, Yue Buqun will officially take off the position of the leader and pass it to Huang Chao.

As soon as Lauderau returned to Huashan, he immediately knelt in Zhengqitang to think of Yue Buqun’s guilt. He knocked his head to the blood and shed his blood. He confessed to his past crimes with tears and tears, and was willing to atone for his sins.

Yue Buqun knew that he saw that Songshan was going, and quickly jumped away from the sinking ship. He was proud and gave Huang Chao a helpless look, and finally allowed Lauderau to surrender, allowing him to persuade Songshan to capture his disciples.

Yue Buqun was entangled in his heart at this time. At that time, he came up with a counter-trick and worked hard to prepare for the next ten years. He waited for the key moment when Yin Zuo Leng Chan was ruthless. He did not expect his disciples to be too outstanding.

Privately, Yue Buqun said to Huang Chao: “That evil sword spectrum is not a good thing, you don’t have to copy it, you have to forget it yourself.”

The time soon came to the fifth day of August. On this day, the Huashan Chaoyang Peak gathered together, and the Chaoyang Temple was renovated and expanded to accommodate thousands of men. The disciples of Huashan and the horses of the Huashan Other College stationed on the mountain road.

Master Shaolin Fangzheng, Wudang Chongxu, and other leaders of the Four Yues all came to Huashan. In addition, there were many famous people in the rivers and lakes, Yue Buqun and Huang Chao received them one by one, and they could hardly get away.

Song Shan ’s head, Zuo Lengchan, was dressed in white, and his face was cold, and the whole person seemed to be wrapped in ice. He saw Yue Buqun sneering again and again: “Brother Yue, this is a disciple, Zuo is really not as good as you. You and I The grievances are deep, it is better to resolve them together in front of the crowd. “

Yue Buqun said with compassion and sympathy: “Brother Zuo, why are you still obsessed? You used to be over-ambitious, unifying the Wuyue sword faction, and sending someone to kill the younger brother for this purpose. It is difficult to keep hands between life and death, and my Huashan Bieyuan lost Many disciples were lucky enough to outperform, but both sides shed blood. The rivers and lakes need peace, and the younger brothers never want to start a dispute again. They only want to use Brother Zuo to solve problems through dialogue, and seek common development with an inclusive mind. “

The people in the rivers and lakes listened, and they all felt that Mr. Yue loved peace. Fangzheng and Chongxu also advised. Zuo Lengchan said with hate: “If you become a king and lose a knight, my brother will not die in vain. Today, on the balcony, someone from Zuo will teach Huashan’s magical skills.”

Yue Buqun first held a preaching ceremony, accused the ancestors of Huashan, and passed on his master to Huang Chao, and all his friends from the lakes and lakes witnessed it.

“Congratulations to Master Huang.” “He Xihuang.” “See Brother Zhang.”

Huang Chao smiled and bowed to the Quartet as a gift, and began to preside over the next agenda: “Thank you all friends from the rivers and lakes for taking part. Today, in addition to my Huashan housekeeping, there is one more thing that is related to the safety of my Wuyue sword faction.”

His eyes were in contact with Zuo Lengzen’s cold eyes, and Huang Chao said unchanged: “Songshan sent the left head. He used to be side by side, and he spared no effort to assassinate. Huang thought that the left head was no longer suitable for the position of the leader of the Five Yues. It ’s also not suitable for continuing to hold Songshan. “

“Huang Mou’s remarks were not groundless. Before our mentor and apprentice went back to the mountain, they were intercepted by Song Mountain. Fortunately, I was a little better than Huashan, so I could return to the school safely.” Huang Chao waved down and someone immediately brought a dozen of them down. The man, “These are the black assassins we captured.”

Among the group of heroes, some people recognized one of them, and there was endless discussion: “This is not the nephew of Maple Master of Songshan School?” “That is Brother Bai of Songshan!” Such words kept coming, people immediately realized that Songshan More than a dozen disciples were captured by Huashan.

“You guys talk about what happened.”

Laudnor first admitted that he was a Songshan spy. He came to Huashan to spy on Huashan intelligence and monitor Yue Buqun, but he was summoned by Huashan and decided to abandon the secret. Next, other Songshan disciples also admitted that they were sent to kill all the people in Huashan.

The disciple disciple ~ ~ has long died in battle. These people surrendered on their knees.

Zuo Lengchan looked at everyone’s eyes and tried to adjust his breath. He clenched his fists and stopped the trembling of his palm.

“It’s needless to say. Zuo admitted that he wanted to deal with you Huashan. Haha, now you are powerful in Huashan, and it’s not just chasing me against Songshan. Huang Chao, we are all Jianghu people, and finally we should speak with effort. ! You have defeated someone from Zuo, the leader of Wuyue is yours, Zuo Mou from the head of Songshan also gives up!

As the saying goes, I will tell you the truth, you will play tricks with me | rogue.

Zuo Lengchan’s voice was trembling in the ears of the crowd, many of them were subtle, and even nostrils shed blood. Zuo Lengchan’s white clothes were cold and silent, without any sorrow and joy, and as soon as his body moved, he appeared on the balcony and patted Laudeneau with a palm.

Huang Chao moved, standing in front of Zuo Lengchan, catching his palm with one hand and laughing: “Why should the left palm be angry. You all go down.”

Since Zuo Lengchan didn’t shoot Laudnor, he didn’t shoot anymore. He waited for the others to go down to the balcony with his hands on his back, his eyes glared, his hands wrapped in boundless coldness, and he struck Huang Chao’s door.

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