Infinite travels of existence

Chapter 5: Learning about each other

As I begin to cook Heather begins to rattle off her many questions about my house and me and everything in between. I make sure to cook enough food for us both to eat and even a little for windshear when she wakes up. I begin to explain everything about my life. For some reason unknown to me I seem to trust her with everything I have, and it seems she does as well as she explains hers as well. From what she has explained she only just recently found out about her brother being Dagur the deranged and how she doesn't know how to feel about this. 

"Well maybe he had no choice but to say that he was the one who killed your father." My words make her raise an eyebrow as she looks at me as we begin to eat the food that I made. "To give more information when your father disappeared what if your brother took credit for the killing so that he could take over the village and protect you and the rest because everyone would be scared of him." Her eyes widen as she realizes this might actually be the reason that he did take the credit for killing their father. 

"Holy shit you might actually be right!" She says as she drops her fork and then grabs her head with her hands as she honestly takes a few moments to think about it. I smile at this happy that I got her to see another point of view other than her own. I look over at windshear who is still sleeping peacefully on the big cushion with a bowl of fish next to her for when she wakes up. "But then what should I do?" She asks while looking at me for advice. 

"You don't like the dragon hunters, right?" She nods at this as she takes another bite of the steak on her plate. "Well then why don't you use your connection Dagar to infiltrate them and then send intel to the dragon riders. That way you have a chance to find out the information about your brother and also try to stop the dragon hunters." She thinks about it as we both finish the food before deciding that it is a good idea. We then spend the next hour or so talking about how she is going to do it. As we finalize how she is only going to tell Astrid about it so that everyone else's reactions are genuine. "Want to watch a movie or go to sleep?" I ask as she looks at me confused.

"What is a movie?" She asks honestly confused as I realize she won't understand a lot of what I live with. 

"It is kind of like a play but better. It has parts that are real and parts that aren't and all that. It is basically made believe of something like a story that is fake but with visuals." She seems to slowly understand what I am talking about as she slowly nods at what I am saying.

"I think I would like to try watching a movie with you." She smiles softly as she brushes her hair behind her ear making me return her soft smile as I watch her for a minute before standing and motioning her to follow me. I walk with her beside me as I walk to the corner of the room right of the door and opposite the kitchen table where the tv and couch sit. I sit on the couch and pat the spot next to me indicating for her to sit there. 

She sighs as she sits down having never felt something so comfortable in her life making me smile as I grab the remote for the tv and turn it on. Heather looks on in fascination as I open Netflix and scroll through before finding a show that she would like to start her off with. I smile as she looks on in wonder as I press play, and the name of the show pops up on screen. 


"Is this magic?" She asks as she looks on in wonder at what we are watching and how the pictures are moving. 

"Well yes and no." I say as she looks up at me as I pause the show to give her a quick explanation. "This is not really magic as with the correct knowledge and tools anyone could do this but also yes to anyone without the knowledge then yes it would seem like magic." She thinks about this for a moment before nodding understanding to an extent what I am talking about. I smile and pat her head as I press play and we both turn back to the show. As we are watching Heather slowly begins to lean into me and me into her as we accept each other's warmth. My eyes grow slowly heavy until I fall asleep.

As I open my eyes, again I find myself in the same place I was from before I was brought to this world, an endless white expanse with my father sitting at a desk in front of me smiling at me. I smile back before I stand and go around the table and give him a big hug. 

"Hello father." I say with a smile as he returns the hug.

"Hello, my lovely daughter." He says as his smiles so wide I am afraid it will break his face. I slowly release him from the hug and return to my seat as he returns to his. 

"So why did you bring me here I was having a lovely night with someone who I have a weird connection to." He smiles softly at my words before replying. 

"That is why I brought you here to give you a little context and an offer. First you are correct in the theory that she is one of your mates." I smile and fist bump the air in join happy at the fact that I have found my first mate. He simply laughs softly as he waits for me to return my attention to him. "Now for the offer." His words aren't serious, but they are strong making me look at him more firmly. "I will give Heather a sort of understanding of technology and everything to your level, so she will be able to use all your household utensils without issue and be able to understand any future worlds you travel to." I nod at this understanding how useful this is but knowing there is a catch. 

"What's the catch." I ask as he smiles at me happy that I realize nothing ever truly is free. 

"I want you to stop some people in this world." This confuses me for a moment as I look at him wondering what he means. "They are the main villains of the story. There are three of them, I will not tell you who but when you stop or kill them a message will appear from the system. Now do we have a deal?" I think about this for a moment and realize I would have probably already have done this anyway even if he did not offer this. 

"Sure. You give her the knowledge I will do as you ask." I say my resolve now solidified. 

"HAHAH that's my daughter. good I will do it while she sleeps tonight to make the process easier. Also, she will understand better what you are and some other things and also the task has no time limit by the way." I nod and return his smile.

"Until next time father." I say softly. 

"Until next time daughter." He says as he waves his hand, and My vision goes black before I reawaken on the couch with Heather fast asleep on my shoulder even drooling a little which makes me laugh softly. I place my left hand around her and pull her close as I quickly pause the show and just take in her presence as I slowly fall back asleep with her in my arms.

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