Chapter 635 Greedy power
"Hahaha, I wonder what he will think of this," Rain said when he finished the first part of his new tunnel three days later. "I shouldn't tell him, since others will probably hear of it and think that I am plotting something."
Rain's wives and kids were returning home that day, so Rain wondered how he could tell them that he created a secret path that led to the underwater castle… that wasn't his goal, but since it was on the way to the demi humans land Rain thought: why the hell not?
Rain's Powers increased quite a lot since he was able to create a tunnel like that which was five hundred kilometers long in three days… he had to drink potions every hour, though. He wasn't a monster that could do that without potions, but he could be. The next step would rely on Seadrei cooperation.
While Rain had decided not to rely on him that much anymore, using the spear and the shield would improve his abilities tremendously and that would decrease the time of his work, giving him more time to stay with his family. But that was something for another time.
Name: Rainendall
Level: 239 (19.000/23.900)
Current Path: Frost King's Path (Lv 35 (2050/3500)
Health: 23.330/24.570
Mana: 79.960/79.960
Stamina: 24.490/25.730
Strength: 2256
Dexterity: 2596
Intelligence: 7874
Vitality: 2412
Wisdom: 5992
Endurance: 2490
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Luck: 556
Free Points: 70
Main Skills:
[Frost Blade Lv 17)
[Hailstorm Strike Lv 19]
[Glacial Aura Lv 09]
[Frozen Throne Lv 32]
[Frost Armor Lv 03]
Support Skills:
[Iron Resilience Lv 47]
[Transcendetal Youth Lv 10]
[Ice Seal Lv 42]
[Scholars Insight Lv 72]
[Tame Lv 09]
"My mana is increasing like crazy even without my wisdom increasing thanks to Scholars Insight, but it will increase even more if I allocate more points into wisdom," Rain thought while he was heading home. "Still, while using magic a lot is good, I can't do much with it inside those annoying barriers, so I have to keep increasing my strength and endurance."
Rain missed the days where he just had to punch people and avoid their weapons… life was so much easier back then. Still, he was only twenty… it was too soon for him to be nostalgic about his youth ten years ago.
When Rain returned home, he was greeted with a large and powerful cry that echoed through the area… it belonged to Sealyn. Rain wondered if Seara was having a hard time calming her down again.
"Did something happen?" Rain asked when he found everyone in the living room.
"... She probably misses you," Seara said after a long sigh. "This child is too sharp… she immediately began to get restless when you left three days ago. We wanted to stay one day more with your parents, but she began to cry and only calmed down when we decided to return."
That was weird… still, Sealyn stopped crying when Rain showed up. When Rain put her in his arms, she began to calm down even more and eventually fell asleep.
"Don't feel too bad about this," Rain said.
"I am not," Seara said while raising her eyebrows. "I was also like that when I was young, when I was ten… we know that demi humans sometimes have special abilities, but I didn't think that she would have such sharp senses."
"Isn't that a good thing?" Terra asked.
"I suppose… I just don't want her to grow up feeling different, even more so," Seara said and then sighed.
There was a chance that Sealyn won't feel like she belongs with the humans or with the sea folk in the future… that was what Seara was thinking about. It was something that they had to consider… but Rain believed that it would be fine. It was impossible for the world to make such a cute child feel like that, if that were to happen, Rain will change the world as he sees fit.
When he realized that he was thinking like a tyrant, he wondered if he had always been like that or was it the fact that he was starting to use some dangerous types of Magic.
In any case, Rain spent some time with his kids while he waited for the reports to come. As one would expect, things were normal on both borders. However, the dungeons were spawning ten percent more enemies and their growth was ten percent higher as well… Instead of one hundred meters per day, the dungeons were increasing one hundred and ten meters per day.
"Here I am, thinking that I shouldn't mess with that kind of magic so much, but what can I do when the enemies can do this kind of thing?" Rain thought while frowning.
Once again, Rain was reminded why sociopaths and psychopaths have such ease in some worlds… still, he was fine knowing that his mind operated in a semi healthy way.
Putting that aside, Rain decided to start his next training regimen already. One that he could tell that it would be a massive pain in the ass… the Kraken dragons were an evolved form of water dragons when they became corrupted by greed. As such, their main ability was to get stronger when they were in their terrain and when they were surrounded by their treasures.
"Apparently, their greed is so powerful that affects the area around them and makes them create a magic field where their parameters increase the more valuable things they have," Rain thought. "However, it feels more like their greed and a bit of pride is actually buffing them… otherwise, how could treasures such as gold and gems would power someone up?"
Rain was someone that many people would call greedy, not because he was obsessed with money, but because he was obsessed with efficiency, so he wanted to be the best as possible in everything he did… still, he didn't value the results or what he gained and that was the problem.