Infinite Mage [Remake]

Chapter 157: Outer Hell - Purgatory

The strangers, whose identities were unknown, didn't seem to have any intention of fighting. Though it was hard to be certain, given their ability to defeat the poison-horned demons, they could have easily subdued her if they wanted to.

"Follow me for now. Let's talk after we get out of here."

Kanya transformed the gauntlet on her arm back into its insect form and sent it flying into the sky. After confirming the demons' location, she determined the direction and entered the forest.

Shirone's group followed her without complaint. Amy mentioned they were moving away from the city.


Kanya led them into a valley where jungle and rocky terrain intertwined.

The surroundings were blocked by cliffs, leaving only the sky visible. As they walked through the bottom of the V-shaped valley, Shirone could guess how long this world had existed.

As they walked, they exchanged introductions with Kanya's group.

Kanya still couldn't fully trust them, but she seemed to accept that they had no intention of fighting.

"This is the Valley of the Whirlpool Serpent. The laws here are different, so there shouldn't be any danger."

"The most dangerous thing would be Shirone getting hit by that strange weapon of yours."

Rian's joke made Kanya's eyes narrow. She seemed to be still bothered by what had happened in the forest, but if anyone was about to explode with frustration, it was her.

Realizing Shirone was the leader, she pointed at him and asked, "What are you people really? You're saying you're from another world? How is that even possible?"

"But it's the truth. Whether you believe it or not, that's all we can say. Now it's your turn to explain. What kind of place is this world? And what about that giant we defeated earlier?"

"Giant? Did you just say giant?"

"Yeah, a giant."

"So you killed a giant?!"

"No, we didn't kill it. What happened was…"

Before Shirone could finish, Kanya grabbed him by the collar and shouted, "What do you think you're doing, you idiot! Giants are the guardians of the laws! So it was you. You killed the giant, and that's why the poison-horned demons went wild!"

Amy pushed Kanya's hand away. She had been holding back her temper to gather information, but she couldn't tolerate her friend being treated roughly.

"We said we didn't kill it! And the giant attacked us first!"

"Of course it did! We're the ones who broke the laws! The Forest of the Fallen is a place humans shouldn't enter!"

Shirone stepped between the two growling women.

"Even if you say that, we don't understand what you're talking about. Get it? We really are from another place."

Kanya was stunned. Nothing Shirone said convinced her, but that made her realize it had to be true.

"Are you… really from another place?"

"We've been saying that all along. Yes."

"No, that's not what I mean, um…"

Kanya's expression turned serious.

Though it was just a story she had heard as a child, there were indeed humans from lands ruled by Heaven.

They were descendants of the divine citizens but were pitiful beings who couldn't feel the presence of God. That's why they couldn't enjoy eternal life and struggled with the pain of mortality until their time ran out.


"Alright, I'll explain. This place is called the Outer Hell. It's also known as Purgatory."

"Purgatory? This place?"

"Yes, the prison of the earth. It's where heretics who reject the laws live. Now I get it. You denied the existence of God in your land, so you ended up here."

Shirone didn't correct her misconception. Even if he explained, she wouldn't understand, and it wasn't entirely wrong. None of his group believed in Anke La.

"Seeing that you use magic, you must be descendants of the Nor race. How pitiful. Once you fall into Purgatory, the only thing left for you is death. You'll die eventually."

"Yeah, we'll die eventually. But so will you."

Kanya puffed out her chest, a bit smug.

"Not at all. I'm a divine citizen chosen by God. That's why I'm guaranteed eternal life."

Shirone recalled the myths of Kergo. If someone could grant eternal life, they could indeed be called a god.

But it didn't feel real.

All living beings age and eventually die. Preventing death was impossible, even with magic.

Realizing the identity of Shirone's group, Kanya felt somewhat relieved. Though she disliked heretics, these were pitiful beings who hadn't even had the chance to receive God's power.

"Fine. You're lucky. Follow me. I'll show you a place to stay."

"Why are you suddenly being nice? If you're a divine citizen and we're heretics, shouldn't you be treating us badly?"

Kanya turned around, knowing no one would follow.

"Your suspicion proves you're descendants of the Nor race. If this were Heaven, I'd have driven you out, but it's fine here. In Purgatory, no laws protect divine citizens. You and I are in the same situation. Anyway, we need to hurry. It gets dangerous after sunset."

As they went deeper into the valley, the cliffs rose higher. It was a desolate place, not even a single insect in sight. Just a bit of moisture and echoes. Only their footsteps echoed in the vast nature.

"You're not going to tell me something strange is going to appear again, are you?"

"Don't worry. The Valley of the Whirlpool Serpent has a powerful law, so dangerous creatures like the poison-horned demons don't live here."

"What kind of law is it?"

"The Whirlpool Serpent. A creature said to have lived here for over 10,000 years. But it's probably sleeping now. It doesn't move around during the day. That's why we need to hurry. We need to reach the Nor's Shelter before sunset."

"Earlier, you said we're descendants of the Nor race, right? So the Nor aren't divine citizens?"

"Of course they are."

"Then why is there a Nor's Shelter in Purgatory?"

Kanya was frustrated but added an explanation, remembering where they were from.

"There are three races of divine citizens living in Heaven. The Nor are one of them. Divine citizens have a set lifespan from birth, and when it ends, they gain eternal life. But some Nor couldn't accept that. So they escaped to Purgatory and created an independent society."

Shirone didn't fully understand the concept of a set lifespan from birth, but he let it go. At least it wasn't as strange as the idea of gaining eternal life.

What he appreciated more was Kanya's consideration. She was guiding them to the Nor's Shelter because she thought Shirone was a descendant of the Nor.

"Thanks, Kanya. You're kind."

"What are you talking about! No divine citizen is kind to heretics. We're only going because we need something, so don't get the wrong idea. Once we reach the Nor's Shelter, don't even pretend to know me."

Despite her harsh words, she couldn't look Shirone in the eye.

Lena, annoyed by Kanya's act, puffed out her cheeks and added, "That's right. Sis is only going because she needs something. But I really want to help."

"Haha! Thanks. Lena, you're thoughtful."

Lena's cheeks turned red at Shirone's praise.

Kanya stopped walking. At her sensitive age, it was understandable to be drawn to outsiders, but as a divine citizen bound by the laws, it was a dangerous thought.

She grabbed Lena's wrist and pulled her toward the cliff. As Shirone's group watched in confusion, she whispered urgently.

"Lena, what's wrong with you? You know you can't get involved with heretics. Even having such thoughts is blasphemy."

"I know. But that oppa…"

"No means no! No matter how immature you are, being handsome isn't everything. If you choose men like that, you'll be in big trouble."

"How would you know? You don't have a boyfriend either."

"You'll understand when you're older. Anyway, listen to me, okay? From now on, be cold to that guy."

"I don't like Oppa Shirone because he's handsome. I like him because he's kind."

"Kind? That kid?"

Kanya looked at Lena with a baffled expression. She didn't know how to respond to her sister's words.

He was certainly unique. But the reason she felt that way was also because he was a heretic. Freedom breeds corruption. In that sense, associating with Shirone was dangerous.

"Tell me clearly. Do you like handsome guys or kind guys?"

At fourteen, Lena was at an age where she could feel love. Soon, Kanya would have to play the role of a mother, so she felt the need to change her sister's way of thinking.

"Of course, both. He has to be handsome, but also kind."

"Sigh, you're really something."

"It's okay, sis. I won't fall in love with someone I've only known for a day. And… we're not so different from those people right now."

It was against the laws for divine citizens to enter Purgatory without permission. They might even be punished, but it was something they couldn't give up.

However, she regretted bringing Lena along.

No matter how much longer Lena's lifespan was compared to hers, as an older sister, it had been an irresponsible decision.

"I'm sorry, Lena. I…"

"I know, sis. Besides, I begged to come along. You don't have to take on all the dangerous tasks alone. I also want to give Mom a gift."

Kanya patted Lena's head. The child who used to cry for milk had already grown so much. She hoped Lena would receive God's grace and enjoy eternal life.

Such a lovely child would surely be granted that by La.

"Alright, let's hurry."

The valley was becoming more maze-like. Shallow water flowed through narrow forks, making the air damp.

Using her Crimson Eye, Amy noticed that Kanya's path was erratic.

It was the typical route of someone who was lost.

"It's quite far. Is the Nor's Shelter still a long way off?"

"We're not going there directly. We don't know where the Nor's Shelter is either."

"What? You said we were going to the Nor's Shelter earlier."

"That's the destination. How would we, as divine citizens, know where the Nor who fled Heaven built their shelter?"

Feeling Amy's incredulous gaze, Kanya added, "Don't worry. There's still a way."

"What way?"

"Using the drone. The Nor's Shelter is an open market anyone can go to. A guide sent from the market is waiting in the Valley of the Whirlpool Serpent. We just need to find that person. That's why the drone is searching for a place where people might be staying."

Shirone looked up at the two drones flying through the sky.

In his world, such flying objects would be called ancient relics. But though they were called ancient, their technology was incomparably advanced.

He wondered what expression Neid would make if he showed them to her.

"I get that the machine is scouting, but how can we see what it sees?"

Kanya tapped her temple and said, "It's connected to my brain. It's called a frequency."


"Yeah, it's like an invisible signal. Similar to sound, I guess? It's a technology called retinal vision. When the drone sends a signal to my frequency, an image forms in my eye. Look closely at my left eye."

An electric field-like aura appeared in Kanya's pupil, and a bird's-eye view of the valley quickly unfolded. Though smaller than her pupil, the resolution was high enough to see the landscape clearly.

"This is the valley as seen from the drone's perspective. It might not be clear to you, but it actually takes up half of my vision. It's an image projected directly onto my retina."

"That's incredible technology."

Tess couldn't hide her envy. She had always been fascinated by ancient relics, but the drone was something that could change the game in espionage.

"Where can you get something like this?"

"You don't buy it; it's issued. Only the Mekara receive it, and you can get one when you turn twelve."

"So you could give me one?"

"No. The quantity is strictly controlled. If you're caught smuggling one, you'll be severely punished."

"I see. I really want one…"

"Other divine citizens envy the drone too. But it's locked with a personal code, so no one else can use it. If the owner changes, it immediately beeps and shuts down."

Tess felt even worse knowing it was a device for one person only. She wanted it. But if it was a government-issued item, there was no way to buy it.

Jealous, Tess fell silent from then on.

"I found a place where the Nor might be staying. It's not far."

Kanya started running and soon arrived in front of a cave.

The drone landed on Kanya's hand and transformed back into a gauntlet.

The surface displayed the final location's scenery. Comparing it with what she saw, Kanya confirmed it was the right place and approached the cave.

At that moment, Tess raised her hand to stop her.

"Wait a second. I smell blood."

"Blood? I don't smell anything."

"Hehe, of course not. I've been trained since I was a kid. That machine can't smell, can it?"

"What are you talking about? Mekara technology can distinguish 140,000 different scents. It's just that the drone doesn't have that function."

The group finally realized there had been a subtle rivalry between Tess and the drone.

Well, the drone's reconnaissance abilities were indeed impressive. But Rian just found it pitiful that Tess was jealous of a piece of metal.

"Enough, just get on with it. Don't feel inferior over something so trivial."

When Rian called it trivial, Tess felt better and used her sensory Schema to track the lingering scent of blood.

She stepped into the cave, examined the interior, and then looked around outside for a while.

After finishing her analysis, she turned to the group and said, "There's a strong smell of blood inside the cave. Someone's definitely there, but it doesn't seem like they've come out."

"Why? There's no blood smell outside?"

"No. Actually, the blood smell is stronger inside, so I'm guessing they haven't come out."

"But you checked outside longer?"

"It's a kind of manual. If there's a blood smell outside too, the cave is likely a trap."

"So it's probably not a trap. Let's go in."

Shirone cast the light magic, Shining.

As the sphere of light floated above his palm, Kanya and Lena were startled. Though the Nor were a race that used magic, they had never seen such magic in Heaven.

"Sis, did you see that? He made light from his body."

"Yeah. People from the earthly lands use strange magic."

"Yeah. But that… doesn't it remind you of something?"

"Lena! That kind of thought is blasphemous. Quickly, apologize in your heart."

Lena pouted. The fact that her sister had noticed meant she had the same thought.

In any case, blasphemy was a sin, so she silently asked La for forgiveness.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________After advancing 10 meters, the smell of blood grew stronger.

Tenseness rising, Tess was about to tell Shirone to slow down when suddenly the cave shook, and blunt pillars shot out from the walls. Their speed and size were enough to crush a human.

Shirone's group reflexively stepped back.

From a distance, it looked even more bizarre. Dozens of pillars had shot out from the cave walls, crisscrossing each other.

"Is everyone okay? Is anyone hurt?"

Shirone shouted, and Amy's voice replied.

"Yeah. I think everyone's fine. Shirone, you?"

"I'm fine too. Was that a trap?"

"No. There's no sign of artificial modification in the cave. Besides, if it were a trap, it would've activated much later."

Tess was right. If the intention was to kill, they would've been lured deeper before the trap was sprung. But the pillars seemed designed to block entry rather than kill.

"If it's not a trap, then what is it?"

A boy's voice came from the end of the cave.

"Reveal yourselves! This time, I won't miss!"

Shirone held up Shining to illuminate the interior.

A boy who looked about their age was crouching with his hands on the ground. Behind him sat a burly, bearded man with his legs stretched out, blood seeping through the fingers covering his stomach.

It was Gadrak, the guide to the Nor's Shelter.

Gadrak, who had been observing Shirone's group, said to his disciple, "Clove, I told you not to use earth magic in the cave. If the ceiling collapses, we'll die too."

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