Infinite Journey

v2 Chapter 983 - world authority

Hearing this, everyone immediately understood in their hearts that the Lord of Redemption did not cut off the possibility of others becoming Tier 6. Unless the number of Tier 6s reached a plural number and the highest level in the alliance changed completely, the rule that they could not be the leader of the alliance could be broken. You don’t have to cut off someone else’s path to promotion. ≥, x.

I have to say, this answer is very reasonable, but just being reasonable is not enough, Master Can Yu looked at Tang San and said slowly, “But what guarantee is there, empty words are not enough.”

The Lord of Redemption said indifferently: “I swear by my Tao here, if I violate this rule in the future, then I will never be able to advance to a higher realm.”

The oath sounded, the heavens and the earth roared, and the way of redemption of the Lord of Redemption radiated endless brilliance, seemingly responding to this oath.

The ultimate goal of cultivators is to reach a higher realm, immortality, and endless paths. At this time, the fifth-order generation here has reached immortality. Even if the body and soul are destroyed, their consciousness will not be wiped out. They will come back one day, and their next step is to embark on the road of immortality. The meaning of immortality is that they will not be destroyed. No force can destroy their body or soul. Everything about them is immortal.

But if you want to reach that realm, there must be no mental obstacles. Every strong person who is determined to do this will not easily make such a swearing oath, but Tang San made this oath without fear, that is, In order to win their trust and gain their support, so that they can ascend to the sixth level.

There was silence, and after a while, the master of residual jade said slowly: “Since the Lord of Redemption is willing to make such a solemn oath, then I have nothing against it. This catastrophe is unprecedented. It concerns the safety of major civilizations, and I have nothing to do with it. Although it is at odds with the alchemist hall, there are some things that need to be compromised for the sake of the overall situation.”

The words dominated by the residual jade are undoubtedly very imposing. Being able to let go of prejudice and blood feud, the potential meaning is undoubtedly that he intends to support the proposal of the Lord of Redemption, which shocked the hearts of other hall masters of major civilizations, and their impression of him has been greatly changed.

In the past, before the time and space of truth was born, the master of residual jade was a huge threat to invade the major civilizations, and it was the first fifth-order powerhouse among the major civilizations, which made the major civilizations sleepless. , and have blood feuds with major civilizations. Now he is the first to express his position, so they have to greatly change his image.

The leader of Tianji smiled slightly, turned his head to look at everyone and said: “Do you have any questions to ask, the leader will answer them one by one, if not, I will officially announce the start of voting.”

One hundred and eight fifth-order powerhouses, all of them are elites among the elites, not people who have survived for countless years, or the children of destiny who have gathered thousands of luck in the new world. Facing an unprecedented enemy, they know what to choose and what is the big picture.

No one objected, and the voice of the leader of the Tianji League sounded again: “Since there are no objectors. Let’s start the voting meeting. I hope everyone will cast a vote that is in line with their own wishes.”

“Now, voting begins.”

boom boom boom

One after another, the brilliance of truth began to rise. The brilliance of truth reaches the void through the palace of civilization, and is connected to the long river of destiny. The whole world was shocked, and countless creatures looked above the sky. Those straight rays of truth, they knew, were the rulers of the entire world, who seemed to have reached some kind of agreement, which shocked the river.

One hundred and eight rays of brilliance rose up, and there were no negative votes. Every fifth-order powerhouse made his own choice. This was the determination to share the same hatred and the determination to jointly safeguard their own interests.

As the voting ended, the vast fortunes began to gather, a tsunami appeared in the long river of fate, an unprecedented white air surged into the sky, shaking the universe, the luck of the whole world came from all directions, and gathered in the Lord of Redemption top of the head.

Underworld. The air of endless creatures or undead in the sky began to flow towards the Yang World, and merged into the endless torrent of air. The sky pillar of luck is rapidly changing.

Heaven and earth are unified, Qi and luck are together, and a mysterious color is rising in the white Qi of Qi and Luck, like a needle that stabilizes the sea, leading all the luck between heaven and earth. It seems to be something comparable to the truth, but beyond the boundaries of truth.

But it seems to be just a prototype, constantly flickering, and then dissipating after birth, always a little bit worse, as if the white wall is full of flaws, always missing the finishing touch.

At this time, in the underworld, the digital emperors headed by the king of the dead are all looking at the sky of the Yang world with pale faces. The extreme, this is the scene of civilization sublimating to the extreme.

But such a grand occasion of luck is the death knell of the doomsday for the emperors and kings. The luck of the civilization alliance is completely unified, which means that they will never allow them to survive on the world and occupy large tracts of land.

In the Hall of Civilization, the Lord of Redemption and all the fifth-order powerhouses looked at the majestic white air of luck in the sky, and the mysterious brilliance in the center, all because they understood the reason in their hearts, and only listened to the Lord of Redemption. He said coldly: “The unification of heaven and earth, but there are still the remnants of the Son of Heaven and the kings. The unification of heaven and earth has not been fully completed. In the past, it was tolerated, but today it is impossible to let them remain. You wish me a helping hand.”

One hundred and eight truths rushed into the core of the palace of civilization, and in an instant, a magnificent radiance rose, and billions of radiance enveloped the world, turned into a stream of light to tear the void, fell into the underworld, and went to the kingdom of the emperor.

Looking at the brilliance falling from the sky, the King of the Dead and others had bitter mouths, only to hear the King of the Dead shout wildly: “According to the plan, let’s go.”

A pitch-black book of death opened in his hands, the power of the world was born out of thin air, the endless truth of death mobilized the origin of the underworld, and swept towards the magnificent light that fell from the sky, two invincible forces contacted, but the result was no result. Unexpectedly, the power of authority released by the king of the dead was cut off every inch, and the splendid brilliance fell into the kingdom of the emperor.

Silently, a brilliance swept across, the king of the dead had no resistance in the brilliance, and turned into fly ash, but it did not have a desperate expression, the fifth-order immortal, he just retired temporarily, in the future he believes that he will still be returned.

When the other emperors and kings attacked and landed, they had already stepped into the underworld emperor kingdom, the road leading to reincarnation.

However, Guanghui has already incorporated their breath into it. Even if they are hiding in reincarnation, they cannot escape. The endless and magnificent light has already locked them.

The dark lake water was evaporated, and the brilliance rushed into it, chasing and killing the escaped emperors. There were no accidents, no miracles, and in the face of absolute power, even if they hid in reincarnation, there was no chance. On them, their breaths swept across their bodies, turning them into fly ashes.

The unparalleled brilliance has cleaned the entire kingdom of the Son of Heaven. No creature can escape the cleansing of the brilliance. All the imprints of power from the Son of Heaven and the kings have been wiped out, leaving only pure mountains, rivers and trees.

This radiance is so miraculous that it wiped out all threatening existences, but Qiu did not commit any crimes against non-threatening existences. This is the power of countless truths, almost the power of the world.

And after one blow, the last remaining breath in the world, belonging to the emperors and kings, was completely washed away, the world was shrouded in the brilliance of civilization, and a chaotic color of the sky rose from the white air of qi and luck, and finally melted. For a mysterious mark like words, it fell on the head of the Lord of Redeemer.

With a loud bang, the world thundered, and the Lord of Redemption felt that his consciousness had entered a mysterious and hare ocean, which is the origin of the world, the source of all truth, and he had a clear understanding in his heart, and a ray of thought rose, Run towards the top of the head.

He was dizzy and dizzy, and a cool breath came in from the top of his head. Then the body fluid in his mouth was self-generated, and it fell into chaos in his belly. The next moment, his mind was infinitely vast, as if he was with the heaven and the earth, grasping the sun and the moon, and ruling the universe.

At this time, he saw the world of Qiankun, the two realms of yin and yang, and the reincarnation of fate.

The cycle of reincarnation is endless, it seems to be endless, it is composed of the truth of the world, but he knows that the reincarnation is not complete, but only one tenth of it manifests, looking up at the fate, and in an instant, there is a shudder in the heart, the fate is endless. All he could see was a tip of fate.

“It’s all incomplete, but looking at the past and the future, it can be determined that the way of destiny in the past is far weaker than the present, but it is because the fifth-order powerhouses continue to emerge, complementing the world, allowing the world to manifest more destiny and reincarnation. , At this time and place, I have mastered the origin of the world, and the three movements of heaven, earth and man have come together to achieve world authority with luck.”

It turns out that the imprint of the chaotic air is the authority of the world. It is formed by bringing together all the three airs of heaven, earth and people in the whole world. Air fortune represents the world, and all air fortunes are integrated into one, and naturally it is equivalent to mastering it. A certain complete source in the world has been obtained, and its corresponding world authority has also been obtained.

However, this authority depends entirely on the unity of the heaven and earth of all living beings. Once the living beings are separated from virtue and the system collapses, the luck will also dissipate, and the authority will naturally not remain in his hands, but at this time, the Lord of Redemption has clearly seen it. The bottleneck above his head is the lock of fate, blocking every existence that wants to transcend fate.

At this moment, the Lord of Redeemer felt that his soul was as clear as water, and the fog shrouded the surface of the world was swept away. He clearly saw the truth of all the operations of this world, and his mind was infinitely detached, entering a mysterious realm. (To be continued.)



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