Infinite Journey

v2 Chapter 967 - truth sermon

At this moment, with the help of the powerful comprehension ability of the white air and the Tao, the Taoist Diyuan clearly understood his own way, and the two embryonic truths of chaos and order rushed into the book of blasphemous words in his mind under the control of his consciousness. , in which countless blasphemous words began to flow, and the spell structures were connected to each other, forming a new complete three-dimensional structure, and a hazy and mysterious power rose from it, turning into a blood-red brilliance. E small ┇ said `—1

Hong Zhong Da Lu, an inexplicable death knell sounded in the whole world, as if all living beings in time and space were about to come to an end, a falling breath enveloped the world, and endless people gave birth to a kind of **** to fall into the abyss, and finally in chaos The urge to die.

However, this phenomenon only lasted for a moment and disappeared from the world, because Taoist Diyuan had already withdrawn the brilliance of the fallen truth, and everything had returned to normal. The fallen truth still needed to be cultivated. It took root in the world and, like the way of redemption, became the avenue between heaven and earth.

Daoist Diyuan’s way of condensing and falling is not without purpose, but for a reason. Although the emergence of the way of redemption helps the world to reincarnate, the creatures in the underworld will be easier to escape. It may not be seen in a short period of time, but in the The future will definitely lead to the emptiness of souls in the underworld, and the birth rate of souls in the yang world is limited. These redeemed souls will always be wandering in reincarnation. Although they are harmless, they will increase the burden of reincarnation and cause the rotation of heaven and earth. An imbalance occurs.

Goodness alone is imperfect, and the birth of the Way of Falling is destined to cause a large number of living beings to fall and kill and explode. Falling is not just killing, but constant birth is also the consequence of falling.

While reducing the population of the Yang World in large numbers, it will also promote fertility and clean up the clean souls stored in reincarnation. This can naturally greatly ensure the balance of the entire world. Combined with the way of redemption, the world can be cleaned up faster. The calamity of the calamity is accumulated to form a true balance.

As soon as the way of falling is completed, the Taoist Diyuan immediately acquired an ability. That is to give the abyss devils under their command the ability to directly project the Yang World. They don’t have any powerful lethality, but they have the ability to sign contracts, as long as the contract is signed. The power of the abyss and **** can be projected onto the Yang world. At that time, the creatures who got the power of the abyss and **** will start to cause all kinds of chaos in the Yang world under the erosion of the power of the abyss and hell. Dangerous activity.

When this happens. Immediately received attention, people in the major halls began to send personnel to investigate and clean up these fallers. Once these fallers are discovered and killed, their souls will fall directly into hell, and their accumulated calamity will also be Then it exploded, transforming it into demons and devils, increasing the population of the abyss.

Redemption and fall, two sides of one body. As long as all souls seeking redemption find the flower of redemption, sincerely repent, the soul resonates with the flower of redemption, a wisp of consciousness can break free from the **** of the soul and body, and be sent directly to reincarnation through the flower of redemption, where is it? They will obtain a piece of soul residue, and then reincarnate in the world as tiny creatures, repairing broken souls through repeated reincarnations. A small and complete soul is condensed, and the soul grows again and again, and finally reincarnates into a wise creature.

The reason for this is because the redemption of the Redeemer does not really completely consume the power of robbery. It is just to let the creatures get rid of the cruelty in hell, and to cut off their own karma in another form, that is, to mend the countless soul fragments in the underworld into complete souls, the soul fragments that carry consciousness, and their growth. Degrees are far from conscious soul fragments.

The souls of ordinary insects and animals are almost always broken, and some are not even dominated by consciousness at all. It is completely instinctive, but if the consciousness of intelligent creatures is integrated into these broken souls for reincarnation, then these animals will be more intelligent and their actions will become more varied, which is very useful for the restoration of the soul. , the integrity of the soul also means that the source of the soul is strong, which can naturally offset the calamity accumulated by itself in the past.

Everything in the world is in balance, and the Lord of Redeemer’s redemptive ability does not come out of thin air. He also has his own system, and the way of falling is the same. The projections of demons and devils appear from time to time in the Yang World, tempting them. Creatures longing for power and life do all kinds of terrifying things. Although they are only a small number of creatures in the entire Continent, they have given birth to terrifying legends that make countless people terrified or yearn for them.

The power of this world has been suppressed to the lowest point, and the life expectancy has dropped significantly. Although 90% of the people are still practicing, they no longer have much hope for immortality. Power and status, as well as enjoying life have become the mainstream. The power of demons and devils can give them longer lives, and naturally there will be creatures who can’t bear the temptation to fall into it.

Both the Taoist Diyuan and the deity have already carved out their own paths, and it is much easier for the Taoist of truth in the end. The Tao of truth is never to open up one’s own path, but to directly study the principles of existence between heaven and earth, and then make them into badges of truth. , integrated into oneself, can naturally achieve fifth-order eternity.

However, this time, the quantum truth studied by Taoist Daoist is an incomplete truth. With the help of Qi Luck and Bai Qi, he can clearly see the quantum truth that pervades the world, which is the truth outside the complete truth of the world. It has some flaws, but it is still the truth, and as long as it can be completed, it can become the complete truth.

With the help of Qi Luck and Bai Qi, he quickly found out where the flaws in these quantum truths lie, and quickly and calmly began to conduct targeted research. With the help of countless scientists in the Science City under his command, he quickly began to deduce and calculate. Repair the missing part of this quantum truth bit by bit, and complete the model through continuous calculation.

Every time Daoist Truth’s quantum model reaches the perfect level by accident, he will use Qi Luck and Bai Qi to record the formation of the truth model at this moment. After recording and simulating again and again, he finally finds the complete truth model. After Tang San’s good corpse, the second incarnation to trigger the great calamity of Samsara.

The advent of the fierce reincarnation catastrophe attracted the attention of countless people, especially when the reincarnation catastrophe fell directly into the palace of civilization in the center of the absolute defense circle.

A figure rose into the sky from the palace of civilization, and a quantum radiance rose, turned into a sharp sword and rushed towards the reincarnation projection above the sky, where a huge grinding disc swept towards the quantum radiance.


In the huge roar, the absolute defense circle was trembling, and countless people looked at the dark vortex in the sky in fear. One of the brilliant rays of light was struggling to impact it, a figure was fighting in it, and boundless power was enveloped. In this piece of time and space, the endless power of reincarnation makes all living beings bow down. This is the power of reincarnation. It requires the foundations of major civilizations and countless truths to be truly integrated and can be embodied.

The master of the residual jade and other fifth-order powerhouses looked at the reincarnation catastrophe in the sky with complex eyes, and their eyes showed shock. Their eyesight naturally saw who was crossing the calamity, and they were all shocked: “The second incarnation to prove the Tao, what the **** is this Tang San’s origin, it’s too terrifying,”

But no matter how entangled they are at this time, they can’t do anything, because the great calamity of reincarnation is over, and a colorful beam of light shoots straight into the sky, reaching the long river of destiny, and finally achieves an eternal truth. A fifth-order invincible existence.

The figure of the Daoist of Truth slowly descended from the void, his expression like a smile but not a smile, countless years of anticipation, he represents Tang San’s obsession, his obsession with longevity. A height of ease.

The way of truth is different from others. There is no limit to the study of the true spirit badge of truth civilization. It is said that anyone can condense the seventh sister truth badge at the highest, and finally can even give birth to unprecedented civilization brilliance, and even evolve the more imaginary invincible power.

The Lord of Redemption opened the Hall of Civilization, and all the hall masters of the major halls of the Alliance of Civilizations have come Congratulations to the Daoist of the truth for eternal enlightenment, the strength of the Alliance of Civilizations has once again increased a lot, and accumulated for the future eradication of the Son of Heaven Divine Kingdom. More powerful combat power.

The Taoist preached the sermon and shook the people of the entire Civilization Alliance. In just one day, a grand celebration was held. The whole world was celebrated, and the whole world was shrouded in a sea of ​​cheers. This is not without reason. This is In order to demonstrate the strength of the entire Alliance of Civilizations, the celebration was specially held, and the demonstration of strength was completed with the help of the truth and preaching.

In today’s Yangshi, with the exhibition in full swing, every area is occupied by the cities of the major civilization halls, and the control system is all over the big 6. Although there are still large white areas, these white areas are already under the control of the civilization alliance. under.

Every city has established a network of heaven and earth, a powerful space transmission system, combined with the means of various civilizations, specially used for military support, to deal with any sudden wave of wild beasts, and also divide the big 6, so that wild beasts cannot form. True beast tide, divide and conquer, ancient wisdom.

The entire Federation of Literary and Art Circles is exhibiting at an unbelievable pace. Cities are rapidly rising in the Yangshi time and space. Countless new lives are being born. In the next 20 years, the first wave of young adults will become the mainstream era. The life and countless opportunities have also prompted the birth of more powerful people. (To be continued.)

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