Infinite Journey

v2 Chapter 963 - Tianyin Zhenjun

“From ancient times to the present, our civilizations have gone through countless disasters. They once killed each other, fought each other, and only supported each other in order to earn a place in the endless nothingness and stand firm. E Xiao ┇ said `—1”

“Now that we have finally come together, we will destroy the emperors and kings of the new world and form a coalition of civilizations. What are we asking for? The purpose is to make our nation always stand on the top of the world. From now on, the Alliance of Civilizations will be established, and all alliances will be Fighting is not allowed, and the systems of major civilizations will be preserved, but the future direction of all civilizations will be arranged and decided by the Alliance of Civilizations, you may have objections.”

On the silver throne, the top leaders of ten major civilizations slowly said: “I have no objection.”

The Lord of Redemption continued: “Today, when I ascend to the position of the leader of the alliance, I must adhere to the principle of fairness and justice to handle all affairs of the major civilizations, and all beings in the world can learn from it.”

As soon as these words came out, there was a dull thunder between heaven and earth, as if heaven and earth were sensing the oath of the Lord of Redemption.

Tang San looked at the ten rulers representing the major civilizations, including Master Can Yu, and said, “Everyone still has objections to my promotion to the leader of the alliance.”

The ten people including Rui Yuzhu, Sang Di, Huang Yuwang, etc. stood up and said to Tang San: “No objection, see the leader.”


The etiquette of monarchs and ministers was certain, and luck rolled in, endless auras from all over the world gathered on the top of Tang San’s head, turning into a pure golden brilliance that shot straight into the void, and then countless purple energy filled the golden color, but only a few ventilators It turned into a pure purple pillar, standing on the head of the Lord of Redemption.

In an instant, the Lord of Redeemer felt that his soul was as clear as water, and the fog shrouded the surface of the world was swept away. He clearly saw all the truth of the world’s operation, and even saw the composition of reincarnation. The foundations of thirteen civilizations and the power built by the combination of countless truths are extremely complex and almost impossible to copy.

Looking up at the sky, there is a long river of fate that runs through everything hanging in the sky. It’s full of time. All the mysteries of space, matter, energy and soul, the endless truths contained in them, are so complicated that even Tang San could see them. This is still incomplete destiny, there are too many missing parts, it is an incomplete long river.

In the vague redemption, we can clearly see what reincarnation and destiny are: “Is this something that has evolved from the foundation of truth and civilization? Life sees the way forward. Destiny is not complete, that is to say, the truth and the foundation of civilization are not perfect, does it mean that what the higher order needs is the plural truth to weave a non-existent way, let oneself Get further sublimation.”.

The pure purple Tianzhu is in the sky, commanding the fate of the world between heaven and earth, and the fate of the major civilizations is transformed into Tianzhu to guard the surrounding, like soldiers guarding their king.

All the dust settled, and the Lord of Redemption ascended to the Lord of the Alliance. There was no limelight for a while, and the major civilizations also launched a rapid unification work. Under the general trend of the entire civilization, each small force had to return to the ancient force. Each of the ten major civilizations represents a civilization alliance. palace.

The Hall of Truth, the Hall of Heavenly Dao, the Hall of Elements, the Hall of Nothingness, etc., the hall master of each hall is served by the deputy leader of the Civilization Alliance.

Although the major civilizations have all been renamed the halls, the system structure itself has not changed much. The only change is that all the forces are integrated into one, and their positions are allocated according to the size of the cultivation base, which means that the internal forces have been reshuffled once. .

The establishment of the Alliance of Civilizations immediately began with a vigor and vitality. First, the armies of the major halls were all divided, leaving only the most basic security system to manage the internal order. The army was divided into ten military regions according to the regions of the major civilizations.

The ten military regions are managed in a unified manner by people from the Palace of Civilizations. A system that is independent of the major civilizations. This is designed to prevent certain careerists from destroying the alliance of civilizations after the unification of the major civilizations.

The armies of the ten major civilizations are divided into ten military regions, and each military region is divided into five major legions, which are then stationed within the sphere of influence of the major halls after being disrupted, and the Lord of Redemption is the only commander-in-chief. The mobilization of the army must have his orders, and no one else can mobilize the army.

After the force system is the judicial system, which is entirely under the responsibility of the law enforcers selected by the Palace of Civilization. The law enforcement team selected after the extremely strict selection will impose sanctions on anyone who dares to disobey the law, but such sanctions can only be In the third-order, the fourth-order existence is already the backbone of civilization, with a considerable degree of privileges, it will be managed by a higher-level law enforcement team, and directly under the unified control of the Lord of Redeemer.

After removing the force and the judicial system, the major halls retain the management system of the entire civilization, exist as the administrator of the civilization, and also enjoy a lot of rights and obligations.

The establishment of the Palace of Civilizations is divided into three parts, the military system, the judicial system, and the management system. The major civilizations retain the management system. They exist as managers and enjoy rights and obligations. The judicial system is completely controlled by the Lord of Redeemer and the various The common control of the main hall masters is the power to supervise the internal order of the major civilizations. The military is a purely external force, which cannot interfere with each other, but supervises each other. The separation of powers ensures the stability and unity of the internal order of the civilization alliance.

With the completion of the initial establishment of the civilization alliance system, the luck of the entire civilization alliance also changed. The purple luck became stronger and deeper, and ten more pure gold with purple luck brilliance tightly surrounded it, a piece of luck. The radiance of the canopy sprinkled all around, wrapping the entire Absolute Defense Circle, and finally turned into endless light. The interior of the Absolute Defense Circle was shrouded in a hazy golden radiance, and there was no distinction between day and night.

Since then, the entire civilization’s absolute defense circle has been called the Radiant Imperial Capital.

With the establishment of the order of the Alliance of Civilizations, the era of vigorous exhibitions also began quickly. One by one, the pioneering team was fully equipped and went out of the absolute defense circle to carry out the enclosure movement.

This new world may be countless times smaller than the past, but it is still too large for all the current populations of major civilizations. It will take at least a thousand years to expand the land of this world to a certain extent.

For Tang San, who knew that overpopulation would cause all kinds of problems, the Lord of Redeemer had already formulated a population birth rate model for each time period to ensure that the population of major civilizations would not explode in the future. The situation, and these things also informed the hall masters of the major halls, so that they clearly know the danger of overpopulation, so population control has long been included in the plan, but in the early stage of talent development, a large number of people Birth is inevitable.

In the wilderness, there is a lot of vitality. The wild beasts have been greatly reduced in the war, and the world has returned to balance. A wasteland reclamation team from the Temple of Heaven has come thousands of kilometers away from the absolute defense circle. There are no remnant cities here, but However, there are several villages of remnants, all of which belong to the Heavenly Dao civilization, but because of their weak strength, life is also very difficult.

The leader of this wasteland reclamation team was a woman who went to the Heavenly Dao Alliance with Tang San in the past—Tianyin Zhenjun, she is now a second-order immortal, and her cultivation is considered to be the top in this wasteland reclamation team. As the leader of a small wasteland reclamation team is enough.

Although the appearance of Tianyin Zhenjun has not changed at this time, his aura has become much calmer and he has become more mature. The great changes in the world have already made her dizzy, watching Tang San, who was not even better than herself in the past, step by step Entering a world that she will never be able to enter, her heart is full of contradictions, but the situation is inexorable, and it is useless if she is unwilling.

And this time the Civilization Alliance was established, but she made up her mind. Although she also has a lot of resources within the alliance, it is not easy to break through to the third-order level. The second-order powerhouse may still be regarded as a master in the past. , But in this new world, the number is like a crucian carp crossing the river, and she can’t count them. She competes with others, and the resources to break through the third-order are also very scarce. Every time she appears, it will attract countless people. She has no advantage at all.

But if you can successfully open up wasteland outside, it will be different. You will become the owner of a city. Although you have no military and judicial power, you have management power. You can use the resources of a city to improve yourself. In the future, Tier 3 is no longer a dream, or even In the future, she can also climb to a higher position and obtain more resources by continuously expanding the city, but the premise is that she must make her own way.

For a woman, this is not an easy decision. After all, this world is dominated by male power. Although there are many peerless masters in women, they only occupy a small number of them. Among the fifth-order existences in the world, there is only one Yi Qiushui. Women, you can know that the power of women is still very weak, and it is not easy for Tianyin Zhenjun to get ahead.

The area that Zhenjun Tianyin was looking at at this time was surrounded by mountains and rivers. There was a canyon surrounded by mountains on three sides. Outside the canyon was a wide river with pure river water flowing in it, surrounded by dense jungles. There are also several small villages nearby, the total number of which may be about a thousand people, almost all of them are hunters and mountain people.

This canyon is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is a very suitable place to build a city, but the only problem is that there is a second-order peak wild beast in the canyon, which exudes a powerful breath and is difficult to deal with. To build a city here, this wild beast is the object that must be eliminated. (To be continued.)

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