Infinite Journey

v2 Chapter 944 - torrent of civilization

The master of residual jade said lightly: “Okay, since the opponent has taken out the trump card, let’s come up with the last resort, otherwise our strength alone will not be enough to defeat it, and even delaying time is impossible. [No bullets] window..】”

Everyone’s expressions turned solemn, and they began to use the root tools of their respective civilizations. One after another mysterious thought imprints rushed out from the root tools. It was the consciousness of their own civilization that was condensed by their respective civilizations. The ten civilization consciousnesses were integrated into the purple pillars. , the situation changed in an instant.

Under the torrent of countless wills, a terrifying light man with a whole body of purple and a supreme mysterious light flashing above his head appeared. His body remained in human form, his face was hazy, it seemed that there were countless faces flashing, and endless shouts came out. It is the imprint of countless civilizations, countless sages throw their heads and blood, and countless intelligent creatures remain in the imprint of the torrent of civilization. It is the torrent of humanity and the brilliance of civilization. In the face of the crisis of extinction of civilization, exactly the same thing broke out. thread of will.

“Those who violate my territory will be killed without mercy.”


With endless brilliance, the purple light man slammed into the innate **** embryo with a punch. This punch is extremely powerful, without any technique, it is pure power, the power to break everything, what truth, law, and divine treasure are in this Under the fist, they are as fragile as garbage, and they will be completely destroyed.

With one punch, everything in the whole world is drawn out by this punch. The world is dim and dark, and only a purple fist is reflected in the minds of all beings. The real boundless might, shocking time and space, all the major civilizations. All living beings feel that the power in their bodies has been drained at this moment, and the whole person is empty, like a dry well that has been drained.

In the face of the peerless means of the emperors and kings uniting countless wild beasts, the civilized coalition has to come up with its own last resort, condensing the power of all civilizations to evolve this glorious giant, everyone’s strength, luck, spiritual will All were integrated into this purple giant, and this blow integrated all civilization’s desire for the future into it.

Break the void and seek the future.

At this time, the kings of heaven and the others have long since merged into this primordial fetus with the torrent of the sea of ​​laws, incarnating the soul will of the fetus, and controlling this incomparably huge fetus. The thirteen thoughts communicated in the same way, like a finger and an arm, but facing the punch that almost integrated the foundation of civilization and the will of all living beings, the kings of heaven were all shocked. As if facing a power that could never be matched, he felt the will of the sages of the endless civilization. It was a civilization forged by countless blood and thorns. The ideas of fearlessness, perseverance, and wisdom are contained in it, surpassing all personal wills. Under this will, even if it is the existence of the fifth-order truth, the will to create the world is as small as a firefly.

However, although they were shocked, the thirteen sons of heaven were all condensed in one thought. They were also responsible for getting rid of this shock. As the sons of the world, there were countless wild beasts standing behind them. The future of the wild beasts is in their hands. If they lose, then the future of all the wild beasts will be extremely miserable, becoming the bait of these civilizations, forever enslaved, and wantonly killed. In countless scenes, They saw the end of the wild beast.

Countless wild beasts are born from heaven and earth, although they will also thrive in the future, no longer innate. But their descendants will still be the children of this world. Once the emperors and kings fail, all of them will be reduced to lowly livestock, from the memory of countless civilization survivors. The emperors and kings have long known what each civilization is like. Except for the people of their own civilization, all other creatures are slaves, and they are only the objects of what they ask for and have no rights at all.

The Son of Heaven and the Kings represent all living beings in the future, no matter if they are wise. It is still a creature without wisdom, and no creature wants to become the slave of others.

The twelve emperors, under the leadership of the kings of the heavens, have unified and unique thoughts, communicate with the long river of destiny, condense the will of hundreds of millions of sentient beings, and motivate the refined congenital **** embryo.

In the cyan veins, the infinite law vibrates. In the end, it gathered in the heart of the congenital **** fetus, the **** fetus gained momentum, and an endless brilliance erupted in an instant, shrinking from a height of ten thousand miles to less than ten miles, the body structure quickly became incomparably clear, and a piece of colorful glass glittered on the body. , with clear features, it is a majestic, great, daunting and terrifying face, but it is full of benevolent and solemn contradictory faces, but it is so harmonious that it makes people feel awe.

The **** fetus changed, and then jumped vigorously, the brilliance of the whole body converged towards the right arm, and in an instant, it was dark and dark again, the two giants seemed to have drained all the brilliance of the entire Yang World, and the world was completely shrouded in darkness, leaving only the Under two bright fists.

It seems to be a long time, but it is only a moment, with the darkness of heaven and earth, but in the blink of an eye, there is an infinite brilliance between heaven and earth, this brilliance is like the light of creation, and it is like the light of extinction, no one can Describing what this brilliance is like, everyone fell into a blank space under the shroud of brilliance, and they felt as if their whole person had melted, merged into this endless brilliance, and returned to the earliest and most distant era, The era of nothing, no world, no universe, not even nothingness, that is an era that cannot be described in words.

That was the era of the origin of all the minds of all beings wandered and played with each other, everything was so peaceful, there was no trouble, no resentment, only peace and contentment.

However, this feeling only lasted for a period of time when a thought was born and died, and the world returned to its original state. A huge black d with a radius of thousands of miles appeared above the sky, and the two giants were shrouded in it. At this moment, the giant body was filled with dim two fists.

The next moment, countless cracks began to spread from the fists that the two intersected, and spread along the arms toward the giant’s body. The crackling sound resounded in the sky, and the two incomparably huge giants were filled with cracks in one breath.

bang bang

With two crisp sounds, the giant collapsed, turned into countless fragments and exploded, and circles of air waves swept around. That was the truth. The wreckage of the law, the energy, the blow just now, the two giants have exhausted everything in their bodies.

The heads of the civilized coalition forces all had ugly expressions on their faces, and they couldn’t believe the major civilization root tools that were making a clicking sound in their hands. With the collapse of the purple giant, the civilization root tools that condensed the purple giant were also severely damaged and began to change. For fly ash. (To be continued.)



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