Infinite Journey

v2 Chapter 935 - Shadow Gathering

“Shinto Unification Technique” is to use the six spiritual souls to accept the belief and worship of the gods of different factions, and become the ruler of the six major gods. , and then condensed a false godhead. Because it originated from the six major Shinto factions, it has the ability to mobilize all the spiritual power of the six major gods. In the end, it can even summon the truth represented by the six major gods. [..]?? But a false godhead is a false godhead, even if it is the truth that eventually evolved and summoned the six factions, it is still a false godhead. Once it loses the qualification to rule the gods, summon the truth ability will also disappear.

If it is just like this, it will not be able to become a secret technique that makes Sangdidu extremely excited and must be cultivated by every means. , At this time, as long as the last six gods are unified, these truth marks can be fused into their own perfect godhead, forming a pattern of one positive and five pairs.

The truth mastered by oneself is almost indestructible because it is integrated with one’s own consciousness, the true foundation of the road, while the other five truths are mastered through special means and do not belong to oneself, just like some kind of treasure of truth. , but after integrating them into their perfect divine personality, they have the opportunity to understand and analyze these truths. As long as it takes hundreds of millions of years, there is always the possibility of comprehending them thoroughly. Once they have comprehended the other six truths, and If these truths are integrated into one’s own consciousness, then in the end, the six truths can be condensed and become the foundation of civilization. Although this has been a legend for countless years, no one can achieve it, but it has made countless gods follow one after another.

In the past, because the major gods all had fifth-order existences, it was very troublesome and almost impossible to obtain the beliefs of other factions. It took countless hours to cultivate the gods of other factions by yourself. This time, Sang Di finally seized the opportunity and woke up from his deep sleep in order to complete this magical technique. Yikanshu·1?k?a?nr/>

The sudden appearance of the Lord of Redemption made him feel fear, because it was clearly the existence that had mastered the six major systems. It is not impossible even to incarnate the foundation of civilization. For a while, he has joy and sorrow in his heart. He is happy that this road can definitely be passed, and he is worried that the Lord of Redemption will probably be his biggest enemy on this road.

But no matter how he thought about it, the whole world was in a turmoil at this time. Among the alchemists, Yi Qiushui succeeded in proving the Dao, a creation **** named Lord of Redemption was born in the crystal wall civilization system, two emperors of the underworld were suppressed, one was beheaded, and he did not know when he would be able to recover. To the best of the authority of the treasure of truth, it will not be restored within ten years, and an invisible smoke is rising.

This is an opportunity, an opportunity to eliminate the Son of Heaven. The high-level officials of the major civilizations have already seen the flaws of the Son of Heaven. Xun began to organize an army, and a murderous aura soaring into the sky stirred up the void, set off the fate of Poland, obscured all futures, and flowed to the turning point of fate.

Giant ships in the sky, floating war fortresses, all major civilizations are armed to the teeth, and they will come out at any time to conduct an earth-shattering war and destroy everything in the world.

Almost all the ten major civilizations of the Yang World were dispatched. This is an opportunity to eliminate all the emperors in one fell swoop, and to re-occupy the entire world. Even if another emperor is born in the future, the major civilizations will immediately take action. Fighting them out without hesitation will no longer give them the opportunity to build a foundation. As long as several pieces of civilization root tools are combined and the origin of each civilization is stimulated at the same time, it is not impossible to resolve the power of the authority of the treasure of truth in a certain area. .

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy is invincible in a hundred battles. In this conflict of authority, the limits of authority and various restrictions of the treasure of truth have been revealed, and the kingdom of the Son of Heaven is no longer unbreakable.

In the alchemist civilization, Tang San led an army of over 100 million to the front line in person. The 100 Dongtian bases and 3,000 large void ships were all new creations that had been improved and adapted to this world. ? On the ground below is a dense army, cavalry, infantry and long-range troops, many of them, Tang San brought out nearly half of his strength in this battle.

The army is advancing rapidly, and a mysterious formation will be arranged under the earth every hundred miles. This is to draw the brilliance of the Heavenly Dao of the Infernal Empire. This battle requires the help of external forces.

Not only Tang San’s Infernal Empire, but all major civilizations, each with their own means to extend the power within their own system to the kingdom of Heavenly Daozi.

The distance of hundreds of millions of miles is really going to go, and I don’t know how long it will last, but each family has its own means. In the alchemist civilization, all kinds of magic symbols are divided, and the distance of the army marching every day is 100,000 miles. distance.

Seen from the sky, the dense army is like a river flowing over the earth.

Moreover, each of the void bases can guarantee the troops and supplies of millions of people. If the billions of troops are really broken down, only one hundred void bases can be transported. However, in order to save the consumption of the cave base, it is still It is more convenient to use the divine rune to improve the degree.

At this time in the underworld, in the main hall of the Diyuan Dynasty, the Daoist Diyuan sat on the main hall, and the Lord of Redemption sat at the lower right, with a faint divine light in his eyes, watching the distant country of Dimo ​​Gaogen, peeping at the The opponent’s flaws.

In the world of the sun, countless powerhouses have gathered, the army will start, and a war is about to explode. Thirteen emperors in the kingdom of the emperor are gathering countless wild beasts to gather under the kingdom of God, to control the coalition army, and the ruler of heaven and earth will be determined in the first battle. The winner is king, and the loser will never be born in hell.

The killing intent of the sky has shifted, and the killing intent of the earth has risen.

Unprecedented battles spread rapidly as the Son of Heaven lost the power of authority. Countless powerhouses gathered, and two huge suffocating auras condensed on the armies of the Son of Heaven Divine Kingdom and major civilizations. Turning into two camps, the origin of the world has been affected, and the powerful Qi number collided above the sky, but this is only limited to the Yang world, and the state of balance is still maintained in the underworld.

But even so, the underworld is still full of turmoil, whether it is the abyss hell, the underworld presided over by Yi Qiushui, the Stygian civilization where the hero king Akaffir is located, and the silent world of death, all of which are extremely vigilant in the kingdom of the Son of Heaven. The remaining four emperors, as long as they make a slight move, they will take action and contain them in the underworld.

And just under the clouds of this war, some mysterious beings are carefully observing all the civilizations in the whole world and everything that is happening in the dark.

Located in the outermost hundred miles of the torrent of the hundreds of billions of the coalition army, in a dark jungle, a dozen figures gathered here, and the breath of each of them could not be sensed, like a void, and everyone’s forehead There is a mark of a five-petaled flower on it. Their unique flower of robbery seems to communicate with some mysterious existence, which comes from nothingness, and has not been noticed by anyone so far.

Among them, Mo Xianwu is their leader. At this time, almost every one of them is holding a white jade bottle, with countless ancient characters flashing on it, and the jade bottle seems to contain something, exuding a strong breath of life , every shadow is sucking up these little brilliance with its nose.

At this time, if there are fifth-order existences who see these brilliance with rich life breath, they will be shocked, because these things are clearly life substances, and life substances represent the yang life of life. If the yang life is exhausted, then life will end.

In this new world, even if it is a half-step fifth-order existence, because of the changes in the world, the life substances in the body will not be endless like in the past, but have a limit, and once they are exhausted, they will die.

In the past, the life substances in the body of the half-step fifth-order powerhouse could be continuously captured from the outside world, but now because of the changes in the world, the life substances can only be produced every time a creature breaks through. Limit, even if the life material has passed the limit of 100,000 years, it will face the threat from the reincarnation catastrophe, so the major civilizations do not care too much about this thing.

But these mysterious beings seem to cherish these life substances very much, and they are sucking them like psychedelic drugs. Every time they take a sip, the flowers of robbery on their foreheads become brighter.

However, although they were enjoying these life, they did not forget their mission. They watched the torrent of troops in the distance and reported their information to Mo Xianwu.

“My lord, I am in charge of investigating the natural elves in this world, and the results I get are very powerful, at least comparable to the combat power of the Vanguard Legion, mainly because there are a lot of high-end combat power, a total of twenty fifth-order innate spirits, all possess With the power of truth authority and countless wild beasts as reinforcements, at least all the combat power of the Vanguard Legion is needed to completely suppress it.”

At this time, another humane said: “Sir, I have traveled this world, visited many sporadic cities belonging to major primitive civilizations, and obtained a lot of information about these primitive civilizations. In the past, each of these civilizations had a complex number of five Civilizations with high-level combat power, but all disappeared in the ancient war. No one knows what happened. Some people say that they have completely fallen, but it is not credible. According to my observation, the world’s The formation involves thousands of truths, of which ninety-nine are complete truths, and the rest are incomplete truths, which should be the paths left by the souls who failed to hit the fifth order.” (To be continued.)



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