Infinite Journey

v2 Chapter 1035 - Finale (finished today)

Hearing the Lord of Redemption nodding, this is the basic condition that any force will put forward. Looking at the Lord of Light, he said: “We can agree to these conditions, but I still have a question. If we refuse, what will be the consequences. … , x.”

The Lord of Light heard the words and said with a solemn expression: “If you don’t agree, then please return all the things you got from the Kingdom of Fortune, and then you can leave, nothingness is cold and vast, can you survive? Look at your own chances.”

The Lord of Redemption nodded when he heard the words, and then said: “It is indeed broad-minded, and our Civilization Alliance is willing to join you.”

At this time, the Civilization Alliance was almost decided by Tang San, the invincible strength, so that everyone could only follow in Tang San’s footsteps and keep advancing according to his will.

The Lord of Light smiled and said: “Okay, since you agreed to join, then the brand of luck will appear in the near future, and after you have completed your time and space of truth, you will enter the depths of the kingdom of luck and cannot continue. If you absorb these peripheral worlds again, your welfare period is over.”

Looking at the disappearing figure of the Lord of Light, the Lord of Redemption slowly said: “Everyone, we are temporarily safe. Three thousand years later, during the war, I hope you will make great progress. The battlefield is ruthless, and I can’t guarantee us 100%. to survive.”

In the emptiness, inexplicable fluctuations, like a hurricane, are blowing from an infinitely distant region, boundless and endless, seeming to herald something.

The next day, a mighty white light rose up in the entire time and space of truth, and this brilliance fell from the long river of fate. In an instant, the entire time and space of truth were filled, and everyone felt that their own destiny connected this white light. At the same time, I felt the great existence hidden in the white light.

It is as if mortals are looking up at the gods, a realm that can never be reached. Even the residual jade dominates these fifth-order powerhouses, and their expressions change. They can feel the fear from their instincts, making them feel that they can only submit to this power forever.

Tang San in the palace of civilization was silent, I knew it was the power of luck, and after getting their promise, it left a mark on this new time and space of truth.

At this time, the fusion of the world is coming to an end, and all the creatures of the Civilization Alliance have been reincarnated, except for some unlucky ones. Most of them have recovered to a certain level of cultivation, and they have returned to this new time and space of truth with the worlds big and small.

In the new time and space of truth, there are more than two hundred perfect truths standing in the void, and thousands of different flawed truths are densely covered in this world. The new world is the same size as the past truth time and space, but its origin is more powerful. , can produce more fifth-order powerhouses to make up for these truth defects.

Time goes by slowly, a thousand years in a flash, the vicissitudes of life. A gigantic purple treasure-like space-time surrounds the perfect space-time of the Land of Fortune, becoming one of the seven stars. The white pillar of the world is in the sky, exuding boundless brilliance. That is the white air of luck, a force that is close to luck.

Three thousand years of time, for the senior officials of the Civilization Alliance who have experienced countless times. It was just a fleeting time, but for Tang San. It was almost equivalent to experiencing a lifetime again, and the first half of his life would not exceed three thousand years. But now that three thousand years have passed peacefully, his whole person has entered an unprecedented peace.

Three thousand years, whether it is long or short, is an era of rapid progress for countless creatures in the entire civilization alliance. I don’t know how many geniuses have emerged, relying on the countless sources of truth when the world was born. , in a short period of time, he succeeded in attacking the fifth-order truth. He went forward one after another, and no one retreated. This is a splendid era, and countless talented people have entered the sight of all beings.

And the new generation of emperors and kings who were also born with the great fortune of heaven and earth, this time, they didn’t have the scenery they should have. As soon as they were born, they were directly suppressed by Tang San in the flower of a thousand principles, and turned into his food.

For three thousand years, the entire truth space and time has accommodated 400 truth-level powerhouses, and the emergence of these powerhouses has finally consumed the dividends of the birth of the world. In the future, every fifth-order powerhouse will take countless hours to appear.

And the 400 truth brilliance makes the whole truth time and space stronger and stronger, and the biggest benefit Tang San gets is that his flower of a thousand truths has already suppressed hundreds of emperors and kings, and their power is continuously extracted by him. Condensed with the real flower of a thousand senses, steadily advancing towards the seventh order.

In addition to Tang San’s deity, his three incarnations are also condensing the foundation of the flower of thousands of truths, thousands of truths and mysteries, their consciousness is divided into countless, entering into the countless worlds of this land of luck, observing these worlds The structure of truth in it, and then constantly improve and analyze the flower of the thousand truths.

Tang San has big ambitions in his heart, trying his best to find different truths, he wants to complete the basic structural model of three thousand truths, and when the three corpses are united in the future, he will break through the limit and fight against everything in one fell swoop.

However, he knows that if his purpose is discovered, I am afraid that the controller of the kingdom of fate will not be so laissez-faire, so his actions are very secretive, and every ray of consciousness enters other people through various means. in time and space.

And he has now completed the structural model of 2,997 kinds of truths. For completely different truths, only the last three kinds are missing, and he can make up the number of 3,000.

All three incarnations have completed nine hundred and ninety-nine truth structures. As long as his incarnation condenses a truth structure again, the structure of the flower of truth can be condensed in a short time.

Three thousand years, for Tang San, has accumulated an infinite foundation, as long as the time is ripe, he can immediately achieve a realm beyond imagination.

But today, a huge storm has risen in the void, an infinitely far and deep place, a huge portal has opened, a terrifying breath spreads out of it, and infinite colors flow out of it, rolling like a spell And go, rushing to the infinite nothingness.

At this time, the void realm filled with the four forces of robbery, Dao, destiny, and luck was scoured by this torrent, and the brilliance boiled in an instant, and the four supreme forces were stirring. Resist this wave that flows out of nothingness.

The great changes in nothingness affected all living beings, and the four supreme radiance rose from the four perfect time and space. Manifestation of various visions is suppressed towards the huge portal.

At this moment, a pair of mysterious eyes opened in the portal. What a pair of eyes, full of all fall, evil, terror, darkness, and destruction.

The four rays of brilliance hardly stopped, and rushed into the portal in an instant, covering the pair of terrifying eyes, but everything did not end, and figures rushed out from the portal, which were connected behind each other. With strange and radiant creatures, their eyes are pitch black, without the slightest color. But each of them exudes amazing power, and the terror is so strange to the extreme.

Thousands of figures rushed out of it, and the terrifying power rushed into the depths of nothingness. They rushed to the area of ​​the four major forces of robbery, fate, luck, and Tao, bringing a future of destruction.

At this time, where the Alliance of Civilizations was located, the order from the God of Light had been issued, and all the high-level officials knew that the mythical war predicted by Tang San was about to begin.

The monsters falling like raindrops are all at the lowest level of the fifth order. The number of them is no less than tens of thousands at a glance, and their tyrannical existence of Ming-level, and even some seventh-level figures are looming in them, exuding a terrifying aura.

Admiral. Soldier to soldier, king to king.

This is an inexplicable war coming, but everyone knows it. If they lose, there is only one way waiting for them. Total destruction.

At this time, Tang San’s face was solemn, looking at the many high-level officials in the palace of civilization. The voice calmly said: “With the core of the palace of civilization, we will deal with the coming enemy.”

At this time, Tang San was already the new leader of the Civilization Alliance. The Lord of Redemption abdicated himself and gave this position to Tang San. It’s not that no one wants to take this seat, but unfortunately no one belongs to Tang San now. Opponents, even if they want to do anything, they dare not do anything.

After the order was issued, rays of brilliance went to the world of truth, the sky rose again, thousands of pseudo fifth-order powerhouses appeared in the sky, and the whole world of truth was built like an iron barrel. .

At this time, Tang San’s eyes were looking at the same civilization system around him. Thirty-six civilization-level powerhouses from the Land of Fortune had already been dispatched. They were called the Stars of Earth Fortune, and the Divine Master of Light was one of them. , The cultivation base is unfathomable, and she also has a world community with the foundation of civilization. At this time, thirty beams of truth have emerged. They are the fifth-order powerhouses under her command, and their pure combat power is more than one step weaker than that of the Civilization Alliance.

But this is only a power controlled by a star of Earth Fortune. There are thirty-six people of this level in the entire country of fortune. Taken together, the combat power is completely surpassed by the Civilization Alliance several times. The kingdom also has treasures similar to the puppet daoguo, which can allow half-step fifth-order creatures to exert the tyrannical strength of the real fifth-order.

With the arrival of the first wave of mysterious enemies, the Civilization Alliance ushered in the first battle. With the support of heaven and earth, one after another figure faced the invaders who fell from nothingness.

The world is shrouded in brilliance, it is the brilliance of truth, the light of countless truths is flickering, the world is illuminated like daytime, and countless brilliance is intertwined, deducing a fantastic mythical world.

Huge creatures collided on the sky, and every blow would explode with infinite brilliance, flesh and blood flying, brilliance, but they were all fifth-order creatures, and it was almost impossible for them to die.

At this time, the Tianji Alliance Leader, who was in the sky war, was suddenly stunned, and then said in horror: “The emperor’s saint, how can this happen.”

Hearing this, all the high-level officials from the original thirteen major civilizations were startled, and then looked at a figure above the sky.

It was a man in a yellow robe. He had eyes on all sides, with a dragon tail on his back. His eyes were dark, but he was filled with the breath of time. The innate gossip visions flashed behind him, like the way of heaven, and the breath was unbelievable. , almost comparable to the civilization-level powerhouse.

But at this time, he has completely lost his consciousness, his eyes are only cold and dark, all kinds of secret techniques are pervading, the truth of time has evolved thousands of methods, and the enchantment of the gods who fought the secrets has been defeated.

At this time, the master of residual jade also exclaimed: “Master of the void, why are you here.”

“The White Feather King”

“The God of Order”

“The Dark Lord”

The names that once shook the candle sky appeared in the ears of everyone, and everyone was shocked, especially the old people of the past thirteen major civilization alliances. They couldn’t believe that the powerhouse who led them to eternity in the past would appear here.

At this time, Tang San stood alone in the palace of civilization. The three figures looming behind him are his three incarnations. Looking at the existences with shocked faces and falling from the void, that was the supreme existence born in the thirteen major civilizations in the past, and his heart was also shocked.

He saw an acquaintance, or someone he had seen in the past, and it was a pair of eyes he would never forget.

That person was extremely elegant, and every blow brought an absolute zero cold, freezing everything and sweeping the universe. He is so heroic, if it weren’t for his dark eyes destroying that temperament, I’m afraid all women would fall for him.

At this time, Yi Qiushui was fighting against him, and his voice was unprecedentedly solemn: “Great Sage Taiyin, how could you become like this, Fairy Baihua sacrificed for you, how could you be like this, are you right about her?”

Yi Qiushui shot angrily at this time, and every palm would shatter the starry sky. But facing the fist of the Great Sage of Taiyin, it is constantly frozen, and the galaxy universe will die in this cold.

The sudden appearance of the legends of the major civilizations in the past showed that the alliance was in chaos, when Tang San made a bold move. As soon as he made a move, it was earth-shattering, a palm fell, and he grasped the time and space.

Great Sage of Taiyin. The emperor, the saint, the white feather king, etc., the supreme masters of the past civilization alliance were captured in an instant. Then it was instantly sealed by the power in the big hand.

But in an instant, all the powerhouses of the past thirteen great civilizations were suppressed by the invincible Tang San coefficient. At this time, Tang San’s action seemed to attract the attention of the terrifying existence among the invaders. An illusory figure walked out of nothingness and fell straight towards the world of truth.

It was the light of a thousand truths, filled with the aura of catastrophe, and the world seemed to be shattered by this blow. Although the world of truth is strong, the truth is incomplete, but only four hundred, facing the mysterious invasion of all-out efforts. , is about to fall into catastrophe.

At this time, I saw that outside the perfect time and space of the kingdom of luck, among the six largest worlds, the world controlled by the first star of Tianyun fell a thousand-li light, which was drawn towards the giant hand in the void.


A huge storm rises in nothingness, nothingness is breaking, twisting, and countless chaos and storms rise between the two.

At this time, Tang San was not happy because of the temporary safety, but quickly pressed all the captured fifth-order invaders into the palace of civilization. He clearly saw an inexplicable connection behind these fifth-order powerhouses. ‘s brilliance.

This kind of brilliance is extremely terrifying, just looking at him feels a kind of fear from the heart, it seems to be some kind of existence that can never be resisted.

At this moment, a stream of power poured out from the Palace of Civilization, but Tang San instantly used the Palace of Civilization to forcibly extract the body origin of these past fifth-order masters.

The rolling force rushed into the top of his head, and finally merged into the flower of a thousand truths, perfecting the structural model of truth, allowing it to transform towards the true truth.

However, more than a dozen fifth-order powerhouses were nothing but a drop in the bucket for the power he needed, and their eyes flashed coldly, and they began to shoot one after another, specifically attacking those single fifth-order intruders, but in a moment, dozens of them have been arrested. A fifth-order truth-level powerhouse.

All of these people were suppressed by him in the hall of civilization. He drained their origins in an instant, and made them all human beings. However, this act was purposeful. High-rise, and numerous.

Destroying them is not easy, and it will consume a lot of energy, but in his hands, it can make the best use of it, quickly draining the source, making them temporarily incapable of fighting, and can improve their accumulation. , serving multiple purposes, he naturally won’t let it go.

This is a protracted battle. The sky and the earth are full of battlefields. Tang San and his three incarnations are like ghosts, supporting every battlefield. During this period, they even encountered sixth-order civilization-level powerhouses, but among the four masters Together, they were quickly suppressed.

Fighting to support war, Tang San’s strength is getting stronger and stronger.

In the midst of nothingness, a vast and boundless war is going on, and the great brilliance that penetrates the sky and the earth swept across the nothingness, blasting into the countless powerhouses rushing out from the gates of the depths of nothingness.

That is the light of a thousand truths that rivals the power of the seventh-order, the real super weapon power, the power blasted from the world controlled by the seventh-order powerhouse. Sweeping out thousands of fifth-order powerhouses.

The war is in full swing, at this time in the outermost space of the Kingdom of Fortune. Countless small thousand worlds and middle thousand worlds have been destroyed by these fifth-order creatures, and the only ones that can survive are those large thousand worlds with fifth-order creatures.

Worlds exploded in nothingness. The creatures in it were instantly destroyed, and countless resentments permeated the nothingness, but a breath was sucked up by those mysterious creatures, and it seemed that they were feeding on this thing.

At this time, Tang San was like a hunter, frantically capturing the lone fifth-order creatures, and then suppressing them into the palace of civilization. The boundless power continued to condense in the body, gradually perfecting the true light of thousand truths.

The time and space of truth where the Alliance of Civilizations is located has attracted thousands of fifth-order truth powerhouses to come. The entire sky sank by nearly half, bearing enormous pressure, if it weren’t for Tang San and his three avatars constantly saving the field, the time and space of truth would have fallen long ago under the attack of this number of truth powerhouses.

At this time, apart from the kingdom of luck, the easiest is probably the kingdom of robbery. It is a world with only one perfect time and space. Seven commanders guard the perfect time and space, thousands of gods of tribulation form a great formation, and thirty-six marshals lead the array. It is simply an iron wall, unbreakable, directly attracting tens of thousands of fifth-order truth-level creatures to attack them.

Outside the entire perfect time and space, it is filled with infinite brilliance. The terrifying brilliance of the war shattered everything. From time to time, dozens or hundreds of fifth-order creatures could be seen being beaten to ashes. Disappeared without a trace.

The war is in full swing, in the deepest depths of nothingness. In that solemn door, from time to time, a creature above the fifth rank will rush out. They continued to spew out as if there was no end. From time to time, they could see the radiance splashing behind the door, and it seemed that some kind of mysterious and terrifying battle was going on.

A huge snake-shaped shadow flickered in the portal, and it was bound by countless chains, but even so, every time it shook, unparalleled power could erupt. The movement it created cannot be completely wiped out.

Inside the Civilization Alliance, it was a war machine that was running fast. Tang San’s strength continued to rise, and he had already attracted a number of seventh-order terrifying creatures. If it weren’t for the six Heavenly Fate Stars from the Land of Fortune, I’m afraid the Civilization Alliance would have already It was blown up, but even so, the Alliance of Civilizations was almost unable to support it.

The light of seven civilizations rose in nothingness, and fell with boundless truth, and the devastating force bombarded the sky.

With such a mighty force, even the world of truth can’t bear it. The mountains and the earth are torn apart, and countless cracks have appeared in the world, covering all time and space in the sky and the earth. Countless creatures died in an instant, and the origin of the world was traumatized and wilted for nearly five points. one.

The consumption of the source is so huge, so huge that it can’t be supported. At this time, the brilliance in Tang San’s eyes is more and more exuberant. At this time, his flower of a thousand principles has been completely condensed and formed, and nearly a thousand people have been suppressed in the palace of civilization. The bodies of the fifth-order creatures, these bodies were drained, all transformed into his power, and swallowed into the flower of a thousand senses.

Originally, if he directly suppressed these fifth-order creatures with the Flower of Thousand Reasons, it would be the best way to advance, but he vaguely felt that these creatures were connected to the unpredictable existence. If he included them in his Flower of Thousand Reasons. , I am afraid that there will be unfathomable dangers, and his intuition makes him choose to extract the source through the palace of civilization, and then perfect the flower of a thousand senses.

Now that Tang San has accumulated to the limit, he is only one step away from hitting the seventh rank, but he didn’t act, he felt a kind of crisis in the dark, once he completely achieved the flower of a thousand truths, there would be an unprecedented catastrophe. Come, this kind of catastrophe will make all his efforts become cakes.

I don’t know where this catastrophe came from, Tang San continued to run like this in the time and space of truth, and then began to transfer his power, so that his three corpse incarnations began to condense his own flower of a thousand truths, but among the flowers of a thousand truths they mastered, many were Repeating, the three corpses did not condense these repeated truths, but condensed the brilliance of those truths that did not intersect.

This war that affected all the forces of nothingness is simply inexplicable. The Alliance of Civilizations has absolutely no idea where it came from. Only Tang San looked at the long river of time and vaguely saw the source of the catastrophe. It was a disaster from a gate. It smells of the end of everything.

The fifth-order creatures that time suppressed in the Hall of War’s Brightness also reached their limit, although they were almost all emptied. But just because so many truth-level powerhouses gathered together, the fluctuations caused the entire palace of civilization to be in a state of collapse at any time.

And now Tang San knew his time had come. The accumulation has reached the limit, and it is useless to accumulate it. Only by hitting the seventh rank can you reach the sky in one step.

Standing in the center of heaven and earth, his eyes wandered, Tang San looked into nothingness, a war in the kingdom of fortune, countless worlds were shattered, six heavenly clouds, thirty-six celestial stars, and thousands of thousands of worlds had formed a great place. Array, wave after wave of power tides erupted, resisting the almost ubiquitous invaders.

Among them, the stars of luck are exerting great power. Fighting against the terrifying beings among the invaders, every blow has the power to create chaos and create nothingness. Facing this kind of war, Tang San couldn’t even get involved.

Taking a deep breath, feeling the looming malice coming from somewhere, Tang San’s eyes showed a vast brilliance, no matter where the danger came from. It’s time for him to take that step. In three days, thousands of truths are condensed and accumulated. An invisible wave rose with Tang San as the center, and boundless power rushed straight into the void.


In the dark, great power condenses in the void. A vague door appeared above the world of truth, and two points of light rose. Then a vast stream of light spewed out from it, which was an indescribable brilliance. Condensed into an inexplicable thunder, falling towards Tang San.

The feeling of crisis welled up in his heart, a terrible murderous intent fell from the sky, without any hesitation, he raised a flower of a thousand senses, a perfect flower of thousand senses, colorless fluctuations rose from it, and turned into a The divine sword, defying the sky, slashed towards the inexplicable thunder without flinching.

The sword transformed by the Light of Thousand Reasons, the sword that smashed everything, collided with the thunder light that fell from the illusory portal.

In the silence, I saw thunder, nothingness cracked, nothing was left, and all disappeared. Within the scope of the two forces, all fifth-order existences were wiped out, even sixth-order creatures were severely injured and cracked, loss heavy.

And Tang San, who was the first to bear the brunt of the brunt, was even more pale, and the terrifying power was transmitted from the dark to his body and soul. It seemed to press his consciousness into the deepest darkness.

The flower of a thousand truths above the head is disillusioned. Countless truths are swaying under this mysterious power, and it seems that it will collapse in the next moment, but after all, it survives. The truth spreads among the flowers, intertwines, and becomes more and more perfect. A dozen figures rolled down from the Flower of Thousand Reasons, but they were the emperors and kings who were sucked dry. They were no longer useful, and staying in the Flower of Thousand Reasons would only add to the flaws.

With the blow just now, Tang San’s Flower of Thousand Reasons was unstable, and it was because of their influence. Under the action of that power, they even had an invisible general trend of getting rid of Tang San and awakened from the depths of their consciousness.

After realizing this kind of problem, Tang San immediately threw them all out of the Flower of Thousand Reasons, and then the Flower of Thousand Reasons became more splendid and perfect, and the pure Light of Thousand Reasons attracted even greater attacks.

There was another loud noise in the portal, and the second thunder light fell. This thunder light was completely black, without the slightest variegation, and was nearly twice as powerful as the previous one.

Looking at this thunder light coming down from the sky, Tang San was calm. Although this thunder light brought him a great threat, he didn’t know what the consequences would be if he couldn’t catch it, but he wasn’t panicking, what he cared about was The maliciousness that hovered in nothingness, he could feel that the source of these gazes was the seventh-order masters of the four major forces of robbery, fate, fortune, and Dao, who had plans for their own flower of a thousand miles.

At this time, all the information about these seventh-order existences flashed in his mind, and then the picture was frozen in the scene when they escaped from the world and were pursued in nothingness.

The first star of Tianyun took action to help them get out of the pursuit, and in the process, the first star of Tianyun seemed to display his flower of a thousand principles, which attracted the third army commander of the kingdom of calamity to loot. Now it seems that A Thousand Flowers is something that can be robbed.

Thoughtful in his heart, Tang San smiled coldly, no one knew at this time that three rays of light stood in his body, those were his three corpse incarnations, all of which had returned to his body just now, and the three were almost close to The condensed flower of truth is rising within the body.

At this moment, the second ray of light rushed down, and Tang San realized something, the Flower of Thousand Reasons wanted to condense. It must endure the attack of the thunder of the end in order to finally be consummated.

At this time, he made a behavior that exceeded everyone’s expectations. Let all those who stare at him in nothingness and regard him as prey are shocked.

The flower of Qianli was taken into his body by him. Gathering with the Flower of Thousand Reasons incarnated by the incarnations of the three corpses in his body, a mantra reverberated in Tang San’s mind, performing the final step of the “Slaying Three Corpse” technique.

“Three corpses return to one to seek the true way, and you will be free and free for boundless calamities.”


The endless thunder of destruction rushed into his body from Tang San’s top gate, and boundless radiance spewed out from his body. In an instant, with Tang San as the center, a strange black hole appeared, the thunder of the end. The technique of reuniting the three corpses, and the gathering of the flowers of a thousand truths, the three thousand truths took shape, triggering a mutation beyond imagination.

The black hole shrank rapidly, and finally turned into an infinitely compressed point. A dozen eyes in the nothingness were stunned for a moment, then shot directly. A dozen huge arms fell from the nothingness, falling straight toward the point that Tang San transformed into. .

More than a dozen seventh-order supreme beings are colliding. It caused terrifying consequences. The world of truth where the Alliance of Civilizations was located was broken on the spot, and the sky was broken in an instant. Hundreds of fifth-order masters were mostly destroyed in an instant under this power. I don’t know when it will be reborn.

The world is turned upside down, the sea is withered and the rocks are rotten, and the world will end in a blink of an eye. The world as strong as the truth is also fragile in the hands of a dozen seventh-order existences, like a mud pill, almost disintegrating. Most of the body was destroyed.

A dozen giants fought each other, and the terrifying power spread to where Tang San transformed. But no matter how much force the impact is, once it gets close to that point, it will be completely absorbed, leaving nothing behind.

At this time, Tang San’s thoughts had entered a mysterious realm, and the endless waves of time in a trance echoed in his ears. At this time, his thoughts had reached a level beyond his comprehension. , countless information was flowing into his mind in the sea of ​​time, and then he saw a scene that could never be described in words.

That is the origin of time, there is no nothingness, no world, no energy, no matter, it is a point that seems to be meaningless, and then suddenly the concept of time emerges from the world, then nothingness is born, and then space, world, Chaos, all tangible and intangible essences are born, countless essences are condensed, and finally a door was born, and a snake-shaped light and shadow appeared behind the door. The appearance of the snake and the door did not cause anything, it became immersed in nothingness. the deepest part, and then disappeared.

After that, nothingness began to evolve, chaos began to expand, the world began to be born, the first creatures appeared, everything began to be colorful, the miracle of creation, the creatures began to cast spells on the heaven and the earth, but the heaven and the earth were disordered. There is no age of truth, a truly infinite and random age.

Until the first creature somehow became a powerful creature, condensed the truth, formulated the rules, and spread into nothingness and chaos, and then this initial creature kept moving forward, followed by countless creatures. The road to immortality.

Time goes by, and I don’t know how long, the truth keeps appearing in the world. The rules and laws were born, and an inexplicable general trend shrouded all nothingness. The world that respects these truths, laws and rules began to be born according to a pattern, and one must appear in nothingness.

And the first creature that condensed the truth mastered this inevitability, and then it itself became the master of this inevitability. It is a law that must be followed by the birth and destruction of countless worlds. It is called the awe of all people. road.

His mind shook, Tang San already understood what this was in an instant, this was the origin of Dao, and then he saw countless pieces of information again, it was the law of fate, calamity, and fortune, how did they appear.

Immersed in this infinite information, Tang San felt the distance of time, a radiance burst out from his heart, resonated with the entire sea of ​​time, and finally turned into an infinite divine light, three thousand truths came from Tang San’s heart. It burst out and merged into this mysterious brilliance, and then thoughts spread out into time like a network.

“The two are inseparable, the moment is eternal.”

With a roar in his heart, Tang San woke up, the infinitely compressed point burst out with eternal brilliance, and the mighty river of time emerged from nothingness, scouring everything, clearing everything, a dozen giants fighting for him. The hand was submerged by the tide of time, and a figure stood in the ****, he seemed to be the master of time, an existence that came from the beginning of time.

After accepting the information recorded at all times, Tang Sanming understood all the past, present and future, the eighth-order mystery, the eternal law, and the infinite creation.

Countless eyes looked at him in shock, not knowing what happened, only those seventh-order existences were horrified: “Eighth-order, how is it possible, why did it become eighth-order.”

Tang San completely ignored this, looking at the orb in his hand, gloomy.

“Uninterrupted relic, it turns out that the source of time is regarded as a treasure, and it was condensed by the Lord of the Heavenly Dao of the realm of Dao to become a bead of filling It turned out to be for the sake of sealing the world. The perfect heaven is born, and then he can intervene in it, thereby destroying the plan of sealing the world of nothingness, but unfortunately he did not see through the real mystery of this endless relic, the source of time, how lucky I am to get this opportunity.”

Lifting his head slightly, looking into the depths of nothingness, as if there was something there, Tang San smiled faintly: “So where is my hometown.”

The voice fell and Tang San slowly dissipated, blending into the endless sea of ​​time, and then the monstrous waves rose, rushing into the depths of nothingness, the gate of the end of time at the beginning of time, toward the sea of ​​time. The Snake of End that he learned rushed away. At this time, the memories he had been sealed had all awakened, and the scene he had inadvertently seen in nothingness had been remembered again, and he knew what he needed to do.

In the endless sea of ​​time, the heroic long howl sounded, echoing in the infinite nothingness.

“Under the end, there is no way to live, and the beginning of time is eternal.” (To be continued.)

ps: It has been written for more than a year, and it is finally over. The new book is already being prepared and will be officially uploaded on May 1st. The title of the book will open a single chapter at that time, please pay attention to Tianji.



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