Infinite Journey

v2 Chapter 1023 - Breaking weapons

The emperors and kings, claiming to be the sons of heaven, ruled countless creatures, enjoyed offerings, and then established their own civilization, immortal existence, perhaps hundreds of millions of years of time, accumulated countless knowledge, they will really build incomparable civilization, but the wish is the most beautiful, but the reality is more cruel.

Whenever a natural being born in the time and space of truth appears, in a thousand years or so, the invasion of the kingdom of calamity will come, and then bring endless catastrophe. Under the power of the civilization-level powerhouse, they will eventually go to ruin, and they will be pulled into the dark nest one by one, and suppressed in the deepest place. I don’t know what the ending will be waiting for them.

The invaders drained the life substance of every creature and plundered the origin of the whole world. Then the world of truth finally went to perish, and nothingness returned to peace, no more brilliance, only cold death.

The picture is here, and it does not end. With the disappearance of the invaders, the nothingness has fallen into tranquility, and after countless hours, a little chaos is reborn from the nothingness. No one knows how it came. It came like this It is abrupt and strange, but it represents the beginning of a new era.

When I got here, the Lord of Redemption didn’t need to look at it to understand. Everything is reincarnation. Since countless epochs, every epoch has been spent like this. Looking at Zhengu, the Lord of Redemption slowly said: “Then is it, you? After spreading civilization, the giant civilization was discovered by the civilization of nothingness, and then the mysterious method of constructing the world of truth came into being.”

Nodding his head, Zhen Gu said: “Yes, because of the birth of the Big Mac civilization, new truths can be born to the maximum extent, and the systematic and powerful foundation of civilization will bring more powerful truths, so that those who are extremely eager for truth will be destroyed. The country has chosen to tolerate the existence of giant civilizations.”

At this point, the Lord of Redemption has completely understood why the giant civilization is allowed to exist, and the world is not static, with the history of time. There have also been large-scale changes, and he has also anticipated Zed’s needs.

It was only at this point that the Lord of Redemption figured out what was going on. At this time, Tang San’s deity naturally knew everything, and his eyes showed thinking: “My dear, this Zhengu is really an antique, it has existed for such a long time, I don’t know how strong it is. I’m afraid I don’t know how to hide it. How many means.”

At this time, Tang San’s mind connected to the Lord of Redemption and said slowly: “Then figure out what their big plan is as soon as possible. This is the most important thing.”

The Lord of Redemption got the mind of the deity and looked at Zhen Gudao: “I understand the general situation, so now tell me what your big plan is.”

Zhen Gu looked at all the strong men of the same level and said slowly: “Our big plan is very simple, to gather the strength we have accumulated over hundreds of epochs, to build a weapon beyond imagination, to gather the brilliance of thousands of perfect truths, Guided by the light of civilization of our civilization-level powerhouses, break all restraints. Rush out of this world.”

Hearing this, Tang San’s deity was startled, and his heart raced rapidly, and then he only listened to the Lord of Redeemer: “A super weapon that gathers thousands of perfect truths, that is, it needs thousands of fifth-order powerhouses to complete it, do you accumulate it? So many truth-level powerhouses, and they have not been discovered? How did you do it.”

Zhengu didn’t hide it. It seemed that he couldn’t hide this kind of thing. He just listened to him: “Since I entered this world, I will quietly guide a few fifth-order truth powerhouses in every era. Hide them in the super weapon. In the past era, with the emergence of super civilization, there are more and more fifth-order powerhouses. We accumulate enough powerhouses more and more quickly, but because of the robbery, we Don’t dare to hide too many powerhouses of the fifth-order truth, there will be no more than three in each epoch, so far, we have about 900 powerhouses of the fifth-order under our command.”

Hear this. The Lord of Redemption froze in his heart. Looking at Zhengu and the others, he couldn’t believe that they had gathered more than 900 fifth-order powerhouses. If this force really unites, it may even be seventh-order. Even the strong can’t match it, this kind of power has exceeded the limit of imagination.

But at this time, there was also a strange voice in his heart: “In terms of your strength, I am afraid it is enough to motivate that mysterious weapon, why haven’t you acted yet.”

Zhengu Wenyan shook his head and said: “How can it be so simple, do you know the horror of this world, we have tested it secretly, in fact we are in nothingness, even nothingness is infinite, we can go to any Unknown area, but we will never encounter existence outside the sealed world, because the sealed world has isolated us in another level. Unless the sealed world is broken, no matter how far we escape, we will not be able to obtain it. free.”

“And if you want to break this seal, even all of us together can’t do it, because the gap between our power essence and the power essence of this seal is too far away, unless we can exert the power of qualitative change, otherwise It is absolutely impossible to break the sealed world, and relying on the weapons we make and integrating thousands of truths can trigger a kind of qualitative change.”

“We have tested that the power changes caused by one hundred truths and nine hundred truths are limited, but they are steadily changing qualitatively. The qualitative change of imagination, this kind of qualitative change will help us break the barriers of the seal, and now the Lord of Redemption can understand.”

The Lord of Redemption nodded slowly, then looked at everyone and said, “If that’s the case, then it makes sense. The fifth-order masters in our Civilization Alliance can just make up for the manpower you lacked in the end, but I want to ask, the mysterious weapons you made, Since there are thousands of truths to be integrated, someone must control it, I don’t know how you can divide this, this is a big killer, and it seems inappropriate to control it in anyone’s hands.”

It seems to have been expected, Zhen Gu said: “We have already calculated this point, this weapon is not cast alone, but is made of a weapon core connected to the super weapon we hold. For countless years, we have not only cultivated ourselves. , that is, accumulating countless resources to create our own super weapons.”

“We have seen the super weapons held by the invaders of the robbery. Every time it appears for countless years, it represents despair and destruction, so under our research, we have created our own super weapons. The super weapons are very different, but they have enough power. After building a core of weapons, the power of all super weapons can be perfectly unified, and the super weapons are unified with the truth-level power of their respective weapons.”

“By reducing the amount of power step by step, building a pyramid-shaped power structure, condensing the power that will undergo qualitative change after unity in the core of the weapon, and then giving us the power to break everything, this is our world-breaking weapon.”

The Lord of Redemption did not doubt their design, because these people have lived for countless years, and they have already figured out all the possible mysteries of this world. Since they dared to come up with this kind of thing, they have naturally gone through countless calculations and deductions. There will be any problems, so the only thing to worry about is whether this mysterious weapon will adversely affect his super weapon.

After thinking for a moment, the Lord of Redemption said slowly; “Yes, but you have to tell me the detailed data and information, and I want to determine whether this weapon has any effect on the super weapon of my Civilization Alliance.”

Zhengu nodded and said: “No problem, every existence that has entered the sixth-order civilization level will have a detailed blueprint of the weapon that breaks the world.”

After reaching an agreement, the star master said at this time: “Since everyone has reached an agreement, it is easy to say, the Lord of Redemption has just escaped from the pursuit of the kingdom of robbery, it is better to rest for a few days, you can also take a good look at the blueprint of the cracked weapon, and then We will go through the implementation of specific plans.”

The mind withdrew from this mysterious realm, the consciousness of the Lord of Redeemer returned, and then an emergency meeting was held in the palace of civilization.

At the meeting, the Lord of Redemption did not hide anything, and directly told all the high-level officials of the Civilization Alliance and then said: “This is a blueprint weapon, you can look at it and then decide whether to accept it or not. this proposal.”

They raised their hands and waved, and strange creations composed of countless mysterious lines appeared in front of them. It was a creation in the form of a sphere, with a streamer on the surface. It seemed to be some kind of liquid substance, but the liquid substance was full of Mysterious lines, and the liquid itself is also a kind of magical substance, with the characteristics of immortal matter, and the brilliance of innate aura.

A half-energy, half-material immortal thing, and inside the liquid is a mysterious primordial stone with seven holes and nine orifices, full of immortality, but it can be seen that it is not a natural thing, and the lines of countless truths are densely covered. On it, mysterious and magnificent.

The high-level officials in the Civilization Alliance are carefully studying the mystery of the world-breaking weapon, expecting to be able to thoroughly understand all of them, and then they can determine the possibility of everything. At this time, outside this mysterious place, the wreckage of the time and space of truth is almost destroyed. , a time and space that has shrunk ten times, and the dark nest stands quietly in the center.

In the desolate continent, Hongmeng has not yet been opened, a wild scene, not even a congenital spirit, at this time, the four marshals of Dark Prison, Wuyu, Goddess and Miwu are standing around a huge altar, chanting spells, depicting Mysterious pictures and texts, the brilliance of civilizations outlines a picture that almost covers the entire earth on the earth. (To be continued.)

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