Infinite Journey

v2 Chapter 1017 - Chaos repeats itself

At the beginning of the Tinder Plan, there was no plan to escape with living people. All creatures in the Civilization Alliance would die. Only in this way can the energy of the Palace of Civilization support infinite time, and the consciousness of all living beings will be branded into the reincarnation. , and then store with the power of the Seed of the World of Truth, and now is the time to move. One novel?????????

The Lord of Redemption looked up at the sky. Today is a good day. The radiance sprinkled from the sky, illuminating the entire earth with a golden color. The Lord of Redemption’s mind gave orders to the thirty senior officials of the Civilization Alliance in the net of heaven and earth.

Every high-level person who received the order looked solemn, and then their bodies began to release the infinite brilliance of truth. In an instant, then their whole person turned into a dazzling brilliance, and the brilliance spread to the whole world along the net of heaven and earth. Creation was detonated, and an unprecedented storm of truth exploded.

The brilliance of truth quickly spread to all parts of the world along the net of heaven and earth. The sky, the earth, and the time and space of the underworld were all covered by the brilliance of truth. The bursting truth objects directly turned into the most violent turbulence, filling the space between heaven and earth.

The land collapsed, and countless creatures died under this violent force. Chaotic energy, shattered rules, laws, flames, ice and poisonous gas filled every inch of the world.

At this time, there was a muffled sound in the palace of civilization, and a chaotic brilliance rose from the palace of civilization.

The world is born in chaos, and chaos is born in nothingness, but chaos and nothingness are the two extreme manifestations of existence and nothingness. At this time, the fire plan is centered on the palace of civilization, the network is the foundation, and thirty masters of truth are the flames. , destroy the structure of the world, and then repeat the chaos, and evolve everything in the truth time and space into the original “being” – chaos.

And this method of replaying Chaos, that is the program run by the Chaos Core Organization provided by the Chaos Palace, pushing it with supreme power. Evolve the powerful space-time of truth into chaos.

The gray world began to spread, it devoured everything, everything in the world, time and space could not escape, and the creatures of the civilization alliance fell. Disappeared in this world, swallowed into chaos, and became a part of it, but their consciousness was dragged by fate and fell into the world of truth inside the palace of civilization. The seeds of the world of truth are sealed in the projection of reincarnation. among.

The terrifying chaos expands infinitely. After swallowing up more and more structures of the world of truth, it seems that a chemical reaction has occurred, and it spreads to the whole world with an unstoppable speed.

The mighty power swept through time and space, and it has completely alarmed the invaders of the kingdom of robbery. Dark Prison and others have put their thoughts into the field where the Civilization Alliance is located, looking at the mighty chaos on the opposite side. Change.

The dark prison was full of shock and said: “They actually destroyed the world and repeated the chaos. Is this jade and stone burning? It’s too strong.”

Mia’s voice sounded. Sharp and gloomy: “Don’t be fooled, let’s join forces to open the ban, and the senior officials of the Civilization Alliance will run away.”

Hearing this, several people reacted immediately, and the dark prison voice sneered: “It’s such a ruthless heart, directly destroying the whole world, and buying time for yourself to escape.”


Four vast rays of light rose up and turned into four-colored rays of light, shrouding the chaotic world.

The civilization-level powerhouse, the foundation of natural evolution civilization, is huge and boundless. It is almost a natural phenomenon, and it is too powerful to understand. A large four-color net covers the periphery of the chaotic world, preventing anyone who wants to rush out of it.

At this time, the core of chaos lies. In the palace of civilization, the soul of the Redeemer is connected to the origin of the world. Although the world is not as chaotic, the origin of the world has also been affected, but at this time the core of the palace of civilization has already become the true core of this world of truth, as long as the core Immortal. The world is not dead.

As the core authority controller, as his mind is connected to the origin of the time and space of truth, a bridge is formed suddenly, the world lacks consciousness and feels the danger of destruction, and at this time, he feels his core, and immediately the origin is like spring water. Washed down and rushed into the seeds of the world of truth along his mind.

The power of the galloping source poured down and quickly merged into the seeds of the entire time and space of truth, turning into pure seas of crystals, which were stored in the seeds of the world of truth.

The fire plan, the Lord of Redeemer uses the authority of the world as a bridge to communicate inside and outside. After the external world of truth is destroyed, the instinct of the world will transfer its own origin and flow into the seeds of the world of truth, waiting for another rebirth. Everything is in accordance with their own. The plan is in progress.

The source is lost, the time and space of truth dry up quickly, everything becomes more fragile, and the chaos of the world becomes easier. The faster the chaos expands, the whole world is chaotic.

The time and space of truth began to disintegrate, and one after another of truth began to appear from the time and space of truth, and then countless truths began to collide with each other, triggering a terrifying explosion, making the chaotic world more violent.

But after a quarter of an hour, all the time and space owned by the entire civilization alliance was shrouded in chaos, and began to spread to the land captured by the kingdom of robbery. The terrifying chaos carries the brilliance of countless truths, which is simply the most devastating. arms.

At this time, the four rays of brilliance have evolved a solid barrier from the union, falling on the periphery of chaos, resisting the expansion of chaos, and the darkness filled with crimson brilliance collided with chaos, and all four rays of brilliance were born in an instant. Trembling, four thoughts intertwined in the void.

“No, this chaos is too pure, the structure of the world has completely collapsed, and it is almost impossible to bind these truths. The truth will completely collapse, and the fetal membranes of the world will also decompose, and the truth will return to nothingness and cannot be realized. Our The harvesting mission will fail completely, and those fifth-order creatures will be reborn in a new era.”

The voice of the goddess was full of coldness: “Damn, the formation of the world of truth requires sacrifices from countless worlds to succeed. Once the world collapses, there is no era that cannot breed enough worlds to sacrifice, and these guys can escape. After a catastrophe, the next time you want to condense the world of truth again, it will be troublesome, you can’t let the world be shattered, everyone do their best, don’t hide and pinch, otherwise, it will not look good in front of the commander.”

The voice fell, the thoughts of the four people were certain, the brilliance of the four civilizations scattered to the extreme, evolved countless mysterious words, and pieces of red light appeared inexplicably. Above the fetal membrane of heaven and earth, there are boundless chains that block time and space. The fetal membrane of heaven and earth, which was originally in a state of collapse, was instantly pulled, covered with countless red radiance.

And countless truths are also blocked by the scarlet chains transformed by red radiance, and the whole world has completely turned into a dense network of countless chains of radiance entangled with each other.

Countless networks were connected to the four lights of civilization, and turned into a barrier to block the expansion of chaos. At this time, the four of them turned into the light of civilization, and the place where they collided with chaos burst into countless terrifying radiance flashes, colorful, and the radiance contained With the terrifying power of destruction, even the fifth-order powerhouse will be killed.

At this time, the palace of civilization has been filled with the origin of the time and space of truth. A huge multicolored crystal mountain stands in the center, occupying 80% of the space of the entire world, and the remaining 20% ​​of the space is also used by countless Covered by the sea of ​​origin, the time and space seeds of truth have been completely filled with the origin.

And under the world of truth, thirty crystal coffins have lit up countless brilliance, the black holes swallowed the power of the emperors and kings, and quickly recovered their own power, but the bodies of the emperors and kings were shrinking rapidly. Dry, it seems to be drained of its origin.

At this time, the top leaders of other civilization alliances, after draining the origin of the time and space of truth, also began to output power to help the high-level leaders in the coffin to restore their power.

At this time, a quarter of an hour has passed since the entire world became chaotic. The thirty fifth-order powerhouses who self-destructed finally recovered as before. The emperors and kings were completely drained, and their dry bodies were sealed in the energy pool. I don’t know How long does it take to fully restore the source.

Chaos outside the palace of civilization is getting faster and All tangible and intangible substances have been completely wiped out. As the invaders of the kingdom of robbery opened up barriers and consolidated the stability of the world, chaos began to enter the end stage, Without the integration of new substances, chaos will slowly begin to shrink and collapse, and finally explode again, extending a new time and space. Although the world has been extracted from all sources, chaos engulfs endless tangible and intangible material energy, and new energy will be born. The origin of the world, and then reorganize the world, but the world that has lost all its origins will shrink by an unknown number of times.

The voice of the Lord of Redemption echoed in the seeds of the world of truth, and said loudly: “Everyone, return to your place, thoroughly stimulate the seeds of the world of truth, summon the reincarnation of fate, explode the strongest blow, break all interceptions, and make a way to survive.”

The one hundred and eight civilization alliance high-level faces were serious, and then the brilliance of truth continued to rise, and a web of truth spread rapidly, connecting to the entire seed of the world of truth, and a long river of destiny and reincarnation vortex slowly emerged under the weave of truth, One by one, it appeared in the sky and the underworld.

The power of fate and reincarnation flowed out and gathered in the center of the world of truth. The Lord of Redemption stood between the two forces and turned into a light of civilization that penetrated the world, swallowing the power of fate and reincarnation, and then permeating the whole. The power of the source within the seeds of the world of truth was swallowed up by one-fifth of the light of civilization in an instant. (To be continued.)

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