Infinite Journey

v2 Chapter 1001 - internal and external circulation

Heaven, earth, time and space were pitch black, and the whole world was completely shrouded in pitch blackness. I don’t know how long it took, a cracking sound resounded in the sky, and countless people watched the shocking scene. .Romance first ☆→☆→,

A grey-gold sword of brilliance pierced through the darkness and was inserted into the huge river of destiny. The boundless light of civilization tore the void, and the endless sword light rose, tearing the Eye of Destiny into countless pieces.

The world was instantly quiet. Countless people looked at the bright sword of civilization in the sky, and then the boundless brilliance of civilization scattered, bringing the dark world back to the light. Finally, the long river of fate slowly disappeared, shrouded in a shroud. The figure in the brilliance stood on the top of the sky, and the boundless eyes looked down at this world.

After the sixth-order achievement, the mind of the Lord of Redeemer reached an infinite level, penetrated into the origin of this world, and the mind came to a vast sea of ​​origin.

At this time, all the origins of this world are gathered here, the brilliance of these origins, his arrival immediately aroused the corresponding origins of its bright, the endless radiance of the divine way came towards his mind, extending into his body, a phantom. The brand of his appeared in his body, and it merged with the brand of world authority transformed by the three fates of heaven, earth, and people, and turned into a pure white rune brand.

At this time, he has mastered the origin brand representing the crystal wall civilization, and at the same time, he has also mastered the fate brand of the three qi fates of heaven, earth and human beings. However, there is no technology yet. More origin imprints and more powerful authority, because the enemies it has to face are more powerful than imagined.

This world of truth has several origins, half of which originate from the thirteen major civilizations in the past, and then another part of the origin of countless worlds in the infinite nothingness, and finally the origin growth when the world was formed. At this time, as the first in the new world The sixth-order existence has obtained the origin imprint of this part of the new world when it was formed, accounting for about one-fifth of the entire origin.

Another brand was formed in the body, and finally integrated into the authority brand of Qi Luck and Crystal Wall Civilization. In a short period of time, the Lord of Redemption has obtained one-third of the world’s authority in the world, and the vast power is surging in the body, and the Lord of Redemption feels that he only needs to be willing. Even the existence of the same level of the sixth-level can be directly suppressed, the power of the world of truth, even the powerhouse of the sixth-level cannot resist.

After obtaining all the permissions that can be obtained, the mind of the Lord of Redeemer slowly escaped from the sea of ​​origin, and his eyes looked at the infinite horizon. Seeing the world beyond the fetal membranes, there is nothingness, a little darkness is rapidly approaching here, and it will come soon, and at the same time he feels a dark gaze, which contains the true meaning of darkness, representing the dark civilization, An existence of the same level, a sixth-order civilization-level powerhouse, the crisis is coming.

Darkness ends. The arrival of light, an unprecedented new era has begun, a supreme sixth-order civilization master was born, rewriting the history of the entire civilization, and there are stronger levels above the fifth, which not only bring everyone the way forward, but also bring There is huge pressure, the mysterious civilization is coming, a **** battle, I don’t know how many strong people will fall.

in the palace of civilization. The Lord of Redemption is wrapped in a faint brilliance of civilization, and the whole person completely exudes an inhuman breath. He is already a phenomenon of a great existence, and anyone who sees the existence of the Lord of Redemption. They will not think that he is a living being. The first feeling is that he is the natural universe, the history of civilization, the unimaginable ultimate existence.

In the palace of civilization, the entire palace is extremely solemn. All the projections of the fifth-order powerhouses are gathered here, observing the Lord of Redemption on the throne.

The Lord of Redemption looked at these senior leaders of the Civilization Alliance and said slowly: “Everyone, I have now achieved the sixth-order, and I understand the gap between the fifth-order and the sixth-order. I can tell you clearly that there is a huge gap between the sixth-order and the fifth-order. , even the combined force of the complex fifth-order will definitely not be able to defeat the sixth-order, and there are only limited ways to defeat the sixth-order.”

“One, using the second-level attack of the super weapon, you can fight against the sixth-order civilization-level powerhouse, and whether it can be suppressed in the end requires luck.”

“Second, to obtain the world authority, the origin of the truth-level world completely surpasses the sixth-order civilization-level powerhouse, and has the power to suppress the civilization-level powerhouse, but at least one-tenth of the world’s authority is required to complete it.”

“Thirdly, gather thirty-six fifth-order powerhouses, set up a perfect and peerless great formation, and seal the sixth-order existence in the array to block the edge of the sixth-order powerhouse, but this method wants to seal the sixth-order civilization. The strong are also difficult.”

The indifferent words of the Lord of Redemption echoed throughout the civilized palace, telling about the horror of sixth-order powerhouses, what kind of power is needed to defeat such characters, and each of the three conditions shocked the hearts of the high-level leaders present. Understand the horror of the sixth-order powerhouse.

At this time, the Lord of Redemption continued: “At the same time when I achieved the sixth level, I have obtained one-third of the world’s authority, and at the same time I saw this world outside the truth time and space, and a battleship of unknown civilization is coming here. , I can feel the breath of a sixth-order powerhouse, if there is no accident, then the other party should be the conqueror of the kingdom of robbery.”

Hearing this, the atmosphere in the hall became more dignified, and only the residual jade master said: “It really appeared, how long will it take for them to reach this domain.”

The Lord of Redemption said lightly: “According to my calculations, there is still a month before the Civilization Alliance needs to prepare for war. The first wave of contact battles is the key. We judge the limit of the opponent’s combat power before we can deal with it.”

Everyone’s heart was heavy. Although they had expected it, but everything became real, they still felt a little worried. The other party was really too strong. Thirty, do they really have a chance to win? He didn’t hold out much hope.

But fortunately they still have a way to go. The skeleton of the Palace of Civilization has already been completed. It is only a matter of condensing the projection of fate and reincarnation to form a small space-time world of truth. If necessary, they can leave with the fire of civilization, and they will not fall into a miserable end. .

The Lord of Redemption naturally understood, and said in a flat voice: “From now on, the Alliance of Civilizations will fully enter the highest alert state, remember that our enemies are not only the invaders outside, but also the emperors and kings. Although they have been temporarily eliminated, they may be It will suddenly appear during the war, and we must be vigilant at all times. I will retreat for a month and make the final refining of the palace of civilization. I will use the power of civilization to pull the truth network in the palace, condense the origin of the world, and summon reincarnation and destiny. .”

The entire civilization alliance was fully mobilized. Yang Shitian, the underworld land, blocked the entire world, and countless powerful warships and bases were lifted into the sky and landed in the sky, becoming a sky node, connecting to the palace of civilization, forming a combination of attack and defense. super network.

In addition to the first time, the most critical nodes in Tianluodi are the pseudo-fifth-order and real fifth-order powerhouses, and the entire network is blessed to the extreme.

During this month, the Hall of Civilization swallowed the power of the whole world through this huge network, and at the same time pulled all the truth into the Hall of Brightness and entered a mysterious transformation. Among them, it is provided for its transformation.

At this time, in the deepest part of the palace of civilization, the Lord of Redemption stood out from the light of countless truths rising from the top of his head. At the same time, the brand of the authority of the world appeared on the top of his head, leading the brilliance of truth from the outside world to rush into here and integrate into the palace of civilization. in the core.

The most terrifying thing is the endless white air of luck, all of which rushed into the core, causing it to expand rapidly, filled with infinite power, and at this time the right hand of the Lord of Redemption rose, and a faint voice sounded: “Civilization Thunder.”


The endless brilliance of civilization turned into a thunder of civilization, in which the endless Shinto civilization shone with brilliance, and then blasted into the world’s authority, followed by a gray, as if the power of the first thunder between heaven and earth came from the world’s authority. He rushed out of the middle and landed straight on the core of the palace of civilization, on the chaotic sphere composed of countless sources and truths.

This thunder light is the thunder of the origin of the world. It opens up the world and reshapes the universe. The thunder light roars, and the endless brilliance rises in the core of the palace of civilization, and a hazy world rises in it.

The Lord of Redemption lifted up in one step, and entered this world in a blink of an eye. At this time, the endless thunder in the world was opened up this piece of time and space, and countless thick brilliance of truth flickered in it. One hundred and eight truths are the most splendid and perfect. They are the fifth-order existences in all civilization alliances. They have left their own truth imprinted in the core of the civilization hall. This is the capital of completing this small space and time of truth. .

There is no complete truth, even if the world is constructed in perfection, it is illusory, lacking a foundation, it is impossible to carry sentient beings, and it is impossible to summon the projection of destiny and reincarnation.

In addition to the one hundred and eight truths, there are thousands of incomplete truths, all of which are the treasures of the third-order to fourth-order truths, and exist in this world under the suppression of perfect truths.

At this time, the Lord of Redemption pointed to the authority of the world above his head, and the world changed in an instant. The infinite force was born out of thin air. The vast force penetrated directly into this world, grasped all the truths, and at the same time, a brilliant light of civilization rushed into the sky, like a pillar of heaven. In this world, all the truths quickly converge towards this heavenly way, linking up layer by layer, weaving into a fine network of truth.

The truth network takes the Tianzhu as the core and spreads out to the surrounding layers. (To be continued…)




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