Infinite Comprehension by Taking In Disciples: Martial Uncle, Please Ascend!

Chapter 85 - 85 Is There No Limit?_i

Chapter 85: Chapter 85 Is There No Limit?_i

Translator: 549690339

At the Eighteenth Peak, within the grand hall halfway up the mountain.

Bai Tieyi and the Sixth Elder sat shoulder to shoulder, facing a woman from the Bliss Palace who wore a faint smile. The atmosphere was congenial, although it was unclear what they were discussing.

Behind the woman, twenty disciples, each more stunning than the last, looked eagerly towards the entrance of the grand hall.

“Palace Master Yueshuang, I apologize for keeping you waiting. It was indeed a long wait!”

The voice of Mu Xingzhi rippled into the grand hall.

The woman leading the group hurriedly stood up, her smile blooming like peach blossoms, “Sect Leader Mu is too kind, oh? This must be Master Li Cheng, the famous Eighteenth Elder who has shaken the Southern Domain, mustn’t it?”

On the way here, Mu Xingzhi had already mentioned that Yueshuang was the previous Palace Master of the Bliss Palace, the teacher of the current Palace Master.

“Greetings to Master Li!” All those female disciples bowed in unison.

Li Cheng nodded, gesturing for them to sit, “Please, take a seat!”

Yueshuang took her seat, and Li Cheng also sat down beside Bai Tieyi. After exchanging greetings, he asked, “1 heard Palace Master Yue wished to see me. May 1 ask what matter brings you here?”

Yueshuang glanced at Mu Xingzhi, who pretended not to notice, then smiled, “Since Master Li is so straightforward, so shall 1 be as well!”

“It’s like this, my Bliss Palace has reached a cooperation agreement with your sect. Every year, we will carefully select a thousand disciples to come to your sect, hoping they can become dao companions with the disciples from your sect!”

Hearing this, Li Cheng looked at Mu Xingzhi with slight surprise, giving him an appreciative look!

Not bad!

The cultivation techniques of Bliss Palace emphasize the complementarity of yin and yang to enhance each other. Dating, ah, this is a good thing!

In the future, the cultivation of the Heavenly Mechanism Sect’s disciples will improve even faster!

But what business is this social event between two sects of mine? Why must they seek me out specifically?

Yueshuang pointed to the twenty women behind her and smiled, “Master Li, these are the most outstanding Yellow Flower Disciples of my Bliss Palace. Though they are inexperienced in earthly affairs, they have been taught our Bliss Palace’s secret methods, and their proficiency in that aspect is not low.”

Her words left the twenty disciples either shy or expectant.

Yueshuang continued, “I’ve learned that Master Li doesn’t have any maids by his side, so I brought them here, hoping that Master Li will accept them. Even if they cannot become dao companions, having them as maids would be wonderful!”


Bai Tieyi swallowed hard and turned to look at Li Cheng, his eyes not hiding his envy.

A flash of astonishment crossed Li Cheng’s eyes. Quite bold, to make such an offer in broad daylight…

And with so many people watching!

Twenty people, each one a national beauty. For many men, what they dream of has been delivered to their doorstep.

But why do I feel like I can’t accept it?

With a silent sigh, Li Cheng cupped his hands together and said, “1 am grateful for Palace Master Yue’s kindness, but 1 am on the cusp of ascension, and I fear that such attachments are no longer within my reach!”

Yueshuang maintained her gentle smile, but disappointment was unmistakable in her eyes.

Mu Xingzhi and the Sixth Elder, on the other hand, were overjoyed and turned to look in unison.


Finally, we hear our little uncle mention ascension!

“Stay calm, I’m just politely declining the offer from Bliss Palace. Can’t you tell?” Li Cheng sent a telepathic message.

Both men were taken aback, their disappointment showing as they turned their heads back.

They had been happy for nothing; the little uncle was just making excuses to decline Bliss Palace’s offer!

Bai Tieyi looked at Li Cheng, hesitating for a few seconds before finally saying, “Junior Brother, won’t you reconsider? Even if they could only follow you for a year or two, it would be a good thing.”

A good thing for whom?

Li Cheng shook his head with a smile. He was not the type of person to hit-and-run, so he had no choice but to refuse.

The Bliss Palace’s members left in disappointment, leaving only their fragrance wafting through the grand hall.

Li Cheng looked at Mu Xingzhi, “I thought it was some big issue!”

Mu Xingzhi shook his head with resignation, “How can they give up without seeing you?”

“When do we leave for the Grand Sect Gathering?” Li Cheng asked instead.

“We depart in three days. Will little Shishu join us? If not, you can leave seven days later; after all, it only takes you a few steps to get there,” said Mu Xingzhi.

Li Cheng glanced at Mu Xingzhi, “Of course I’m… Eh? Feng Wanli has arrived.”

Feng Wanli appeared outside the mountain gate, undoubtedly there to find Li Cheng.

“Come in!”

Following Li Cheng’s telepathic invitation, Feng Wanli appeared outside the grand hall, “You’re finally back. I’ve been saying, you’re someone who could ascend through the Tribulation Crossing at any time, so why do you keep going into seclusion?”

“Little Shishu, if you’ve got business with Senior Feng, we’ll take our leave first!” Mu Xingzhi bade farewell and left with Bai Tieyi and the others.

Feng Wanli entered the grand hall, curiously sizing up Li Cheng, “How do I feel like you’ve gotten much stronger again? Transcendance Tribulation Stage complete, is there no limit for you?”

“It’s just you who talks too much, what’s the matter?” Li Cheng casually replied.

Feng Wanli took a seat, a smile emerging on his face, “Of course, it’s about the Immortal Emperor’s Immortal Mansion. The reinforcements have arrived; we can start exploring it!”

“Didn’t you say there was a countdown? Didn’t you say it would only open after the gathering? And now we can enter?” Li Cheng looked at Feng Wanli, whose casual tone made Feng Wanli break into a sweat.

Feng Wanli collected himself and quickly said, “I haven’t lied one bit, I asked for helpers, didn’t I? They should be able to handle it, um… they should!”

“What kind of helpers? Confucian Immortals?” Li Cheng asked curiously.

“Right! Cultivators of the Confucianism Path have quite magical methods. Maybe they can open the Immortal Mansion ahead of time; even if they can’t, we can still find out if there are any dangers or the like.”

“Anyhow, we have to go check it out first, see if it’s suitable for cultivators of all realms to enter, to avoid any mishaps with the rewards after the gathering is over.”

Li Cheng understood Feng Wanli’s concerns; his Taoist Mysterious Sect had convinced the major sects to advance the Grand Sect Gathering, all under the banner of the Immortal Mansion.

If when the time came, the Immortal Mansion opened and everyone couldn’t enter, or if certain cultivation realms were restricted from entering, then Taoist Mysterious Sect would lose face.

But this had nothing to do with Li Cheng, who was more curious about the Confucian Immortal.

“Then let’s go!”

Li Cheng stood up and walked toward the outside of the hall.

Feng Wanli hurriedly followed, “Are we using Immortal Spirit Step to get there? People are waiting at the Taoist Mysterious Sect!”

“I need to arrange a few things first.”

Li Cheng’s figure flickered, appearing in front of his three disciples who were discussing something.

“We greet Master!”

Li Cheng nodded, took out a wok, a spatula, and a fire poker, “One for each of you, comprehend them well!”

To the disciples, their Master’s offerings, even if they appeared to be dismantled items, would certainly not be doubted and were accepted as treasures with great care.

“Oh, come on, Li Cheng, are you giving these things to your disciples? They have long since given up eating; do they still need to cook?” Feng Wanli arrived in time to witness this scene and was taken aback.

He immediately recognized the common items used for cooking: a frying wok, spatula, and fire poker.

How bizarre, to say he had to arrange matters, could it be instructing his disciples not to neglect their cooking skills?

Eh? Using corresponding items to remind the younger generation, right! That’s a good idea!

Feng Wanli thought to himself that he could also use this method in the future to remind the younger generation in his sect to keep striving.

One is never too old to learn, and today he had learned something new!

Li Cheng shot Feng Wanli a glance and then turned to Yun Tianqiong and Ling Xi, “By the way, I haven’t paid much attention these days; where are the Immortal Beasts Pill Sect sent you?”

“Return to Master, they are foraging in the back mountains!” Yun Tianqiong bowed and said.

Pill Sect sent Immortal Beasts?

Feng Wanli was secretly surprised and quickly realized that Li Cheng was hinting to him that it was time to present a gift..

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