Infinite Anime: Legacy Of Fujitora Smiles At The Beginning

Chapter 559

Chapter 559

Watching Lin Yu and Jian Tong Yan Ye leave, a haze was buried in the heart of Tosaka Tokichen.

He doesn’t know who he should believe anymore. All the news that Lin Yu gave is so true, and it doesn’t seem to be any falsehood at all.

But from the bottom of his heart, Tosaka Tokimi didn’t want to believe this fact. After all, he was still the teacher of Yanfeng Kirei and the master of Gilgamesh.

However, Du Yulinyu’s message that the Great Holy Grail has been contaminated is worthy of Tosaka’s thoughts.

Originally, the Tosaka family was a huge family before Tosaka Tokichen, but I don’t know why. In the Holy Grail War sixty years ago, the Tosaka family died only the Tosaka Tokichen’s father. One person.

As for the ideals of Tosaka Tokimi, part of Tosaka Tokimi’s own, and a large part of Tosaka Tokimi’s wish to fulfill his father’s wish.

However, regardless of whether what Lin Yu said is true or not, Tosaka Toshimi will be careful about the Holy Grail. After all, he learned from his father that the last Holy Grail War was tragic.

Not only the Tosaka family, but the Ma Tong family was also severely damaged, resulting in their generation, even with the qualifications of a magician, and only Ma Tong Yanye is left.

As a last resort, he accepted Tosaka’s proposal and adopted Makiri Sakura into Makiri’s house.(Read more @

From this point of view, something very serious must have happened in the Holy Grail War sixty years ago that caused the loss of two of the three major families in the Holy Grail War.

Although it sounds a little funny, according to Tosaka Tosaka’s view that the winner of the Holy Grail War 120 years ago was the Tosaka family.

At least the Tosaka family shouldn’t have fallen in a mere 120 years. The victory of the Tosaka family can at least keep the family strong for at least two hundred years, and it will gradually decline after three hundred years.

Although it is not certain that what Lin Yu said must be the truth.

But it is basically certain that there is basically nothing wrong with what Lin Yu said, it is because of unexpected changes that took place in the last Holy Grail War, which made the two big families fall.

In addition, regarding Gilgamesh and Yanfeng Kirei, Tosaka Tokimin actually trusted the two of them. Unexpectedly, in Lin Yu’s mouth, they would treat themselves like this, which filled Tosaka Tokimi’s heart. Angered.

However, Tosaka Tokimi also knew that it was not the time to take action by himself, and he couldn’t beat Yanfeng Kirei and Gilgamesh in actual combat.

But fortunately, Gilgamesh was directly driven out by Lin Yu. He didn’t know the conversation between the two, and Gilgamesh was still afraid of Lin Yu’s existence. 0…

Maybe in a short period of time, I should not have the possibility of this failure, but I remember that I should have some arrangements.

Otherwise, even when it was impossible, Gilgamesh might have done it directly on himself, which Tosaka Tokimi didn’t want to see.

As for Ma Tongying, with the guarantee of Lin Yu’s existence, that so-called teacher should also be an absolute powerhouse, and must be a powerhouse who has lived from the age of mythology to the present.

For this kind of strong, Tosaka Tokimi will still maintain a kind of respect.

As a member of a magician, Tosaka Tosaka knew that there were still many powerful men hiding in the world, avoiding the chase of the church.

The most famous is the existence of the twenty-seventh ancestor of the dead disciple 5.3. One of the first ancestors of their magicians, the Marshal of Demon Dao is one of the twenty-seven ancestors of the dead disciple.

In this way, Tosaka Tosaka might want to take the gem sword that Marshal Demon Road gifted to Tosaka family with him at any time in order to ensure his survival, so maybe he still has a way to survive.

Thinking like this, Tosaka Tokimi slowly returned to his room, he still had many things to solve. .

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