Infinite Anime: Legacy Of Fujitora Smiles At The Beginning

Chapter 537

Chapter 537

Kenneth couldn’t help but want to laugh at the look of Kirishu Eomiya.

“You don’t think that the previous method will still work, do you? Humble me?”

Hearing Kenneth’s words, Eomiya Kirishu didn’t speak.

Of course he knew that the trick again was definitely useless for Kenneth, but he had to make Kenneth think that he would be stupid enough to repeat the exact same attack as before.

“I will not just kill you simply, I will make you immobile first, heal the heart and lungs to regenerate, and then slowly clean up you in between.”

With a gloomy laugh on Kenneth’s face, he slowly walked towards Eomiya Kirituru step by step.

The Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid spinning beside him stretched and contracted threateningly, while shaking the sharp front end. 827

“Full of regret. Pain. Desperate to die, and then curse when you die, curse your employer, the timid Einzbern who insulted the Holy Grail War!”

Listening to Kenneth’s crazy execution statement, Kirisu Eomiya just took it as a deaf ear.

At the same time, Kirishu Eomiya was also happy in his heart. The master exchange plan he proposed seemed to be very effective in the end.

Watching Kenneth approaching him step by step, Weimiya Kirishu kept calculating the distance in his heart.(Read more @

Thirty meters, twenty meters, fifteen meters…

In the end, Kenneth came to the perfect attack range of Kirito Eomiya. In the next instant, the submachine gun in his left hand fired, and countless 9mm bullets spewed out.

This scene is exactly the same as the previous sneak attack in the corridor. The diversionary attack that lures the automatic defense of the Moon Spirit Liquid is for the final blow.

Of course Kenneth didn’t hit the same trick again.

“Fevor, meisanguis! (Boiling, my blood)”

The curse in his mouth was lightly chanted, and the mercury immediately turned into a defensive form, but this time it did not become a mercury film, but into the shape of a thorn.

It covered Kenneth’s body like a dense bamboo forest, and completely blocked the flying bullets.

If it weren’t for things like flames or sprays, there would be no need to use mercury film for defense. Things like bullets would become impossible to attack as long as they hindered their straight forward.

Of course, the magic power of letting mercury unfold like a sword mountain is not comparable to fading out of your membrane shape.

Every spine as thick as a steel wire must be added with the hardness and toughness that can spread the bullet. This time the self-discipline defense is almost completed by the magic of Dong Yong le Kenneth’s whole body.

It can be said that the defense this time is the real copper wall and iron wall, basically without any attack to break it in one.

But when Eimiya Kirisu saw this, the corner of his mouth smiled slightly. Kenneth, who was defensive in this posture, had no means of attack.

At this moment is the best time to activate the origin bomb. The right hand is slowly raised, and the magic bullet containing the cut and origin instantly penetrates Kenneth’s absolute defense.

Not only did Mercury Spike failed to defend against Eomiya Kirito’s attack, but he did not even change the ballistic trajectory.

The origin bullet penetrated Kenneth’s right arm in an instant, and destroyed the magic circuit of Kenneth’s right arm.

What frightens Kenneth most is that it is not just the magic circuit of his right arm. In his perception, this destruction will follow his own magic circuit to the end until he becomes a completely useless person.

“Miscellaneous fish, you!”

Looking at Kiritugu Eomiya, Kenneth couldn’t do anything at the moment, couldn’t do anything, and could only watch Kiritugu Eomiya come to his side.

Originally, Kenneth had a chance to call back to Dilumudo, but now, Kenneth had the opportunity to be completely boss, and could only watch the approach of Eomiya Kirji. .

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