Infinite Anime: Legacy Of Fujitora Smiles At The Beginning

Chapter 491

Chapter 491

Because it happened so suddenly, Altria didn’t know much about medicine, so he could only quickly bring Alice Phil back to the castle of Einzbern.

Originally in Einzbern’s castle, Keiji Eimiya was discussing with Kuu Maiya how to deal with the heroes who came to Einzbern’s castle for a banquet at night.

In Eimiya Kiritugu’s view, this was a perfect opportunity. If it was handled well, he might be able to kill a few heroes that he was afraid of.

The most important ones are the proud heroic King Gilgamesh and the carefree conqueror Iskandar.

These two heroic spirits still have a very important place in the heart of Kirito Eomiya. After all, they are the world’s most famous kings. For Kirito Eomiya, it is no small trouble.

But when Eimiya Kiritsugu saw Altria returning to the castle with a weak Alice Phil, there was a trace of panic on his face for the first time.

His wife, Alice Phil, knows best that although it is an artificial human, its body structure is more perfect than ordinary humans.

In other words, most people may get some diseases, but Alice Phil will not get sick at all.

As for another cause of weakness, it may be that it consumes too much magic power, but that is also impossible for Alice Phil.

The magic content of Alice Phil’s body far surpasses that of ordinary sacrificial magicians, and there is no problem with supporting Altria’s consumption of magic power.

Now this situation is very strange, making Eomiya Kirishu feel a little flustered.(Read more @

And Jiuu Wuya may be the only person who knows this. Once when she was testing her strength at will, she overheard Patriarch Einzbern’s words.

But at the same time, she was also discovered by the powerful Einzbern family patriarch.

In order to ensure that the secret would not be discovered by Keiji Eimiya, Einzbern imposed a magic ban on Mai Kuu, preventing her from telling everything about Alice Phil.

Seeing the uncomfortable Eomiya Kiritugu, Hisami Maiya was also very uncomfortable. After decades of running-in, she had already obeyed the words of Eomiya Kiritugu.

There was even a trace of love in it, but the secret that she couldn’t tell made her very uncomfortable.

“Eri, are you okay 〃々?”

“It’s okay, Keiji, I’m okay, maybe I’m tired, just take a rest.”

Although a little weak, there was still a smile on Alice Phil’s face.

She would not let Eomiya Kiritugu lose the opportunity to make a plan because she was worried about herself.

But looking at the appearance of Alice Phil, Keiji Uemiya knew that if he wanted to make sure Alice Phil was okay, he would not be able to use the donkey at today’s banquet.

He was instructed to send Alice Phil to the room, and Kirishu Uemiya was a little melancholy. His life was a bit miserable.

When he was a boy, his father was obsessed with sinful research, so he had to kill him.

When he was young, in order to ensure that the virus would not spread, he chose to kill the master on the plane.

Until now, he has been forced to kill people close to him.

But now he doesn’t want to be like this anymore. This time, he has to choose to protect (Zhao Nuo’s) his wife, even if it is only once, he wants to give it a try.

The hand holding the cigarette also changed from trembling to stable.

“` ‖Let’s act normally tonight. Protecting Eri is the most important thing. Do you know Miya.”

“Well, I see, I will do it.”

His figure appeared behind Keiji Eomiya, her eyes that had no emotion at all, looked at the look of Keiji Eomiya, and suddenly jumped and became emotional. .

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