Infinite Anime: Legacy Of Fujitora Smiles At The Beginning

Chapter 471

Chapter 471

Facing Kenneth’s statement, Dilumudo could only accept it.

Now he can only hope that he hurt Altria’s wound and it will be effective.

The golden light became more and more shining, and gradually gathered in the sword of victory in Altria’s hands.

Just when everyone thought Dilumudo would be rescued by Kenneth with a spell, the accident happened.

Altria cried out in pain, and the golden light that had originally gathered into the sword dissipated in an instant.

“What’s wrong, why did you stop suddenly, Saber, I need an explanation.”

“That gun directly cut my tendon, and it has been using curse power to prevent me from recovering. Now I may not be able to use the treasures, including my thumb, and I can’t use it normally.”

“Can’t Avalon recover?”

“Well, even with Avalon, I can’t recover the wound on my hand. This should be the curse of the gods.”

“If something is wrong, please take Ai Li away at any time, and I will cover for you.”

Hearing Altria’s words, Eimiya Kirisu was expressionless.(Read more @

From the conversation between Altria and Di Lumuduo, he realized that something was wrong. Generally speaking, the treasures of the heroes were the most proud objects in front of them.

And Di Lu Mudo, the most proud of his two magic swords, a pair of magic spears, he was summoned by the sword of Altria, then Di Lu Mudo would never be summoned by the sword. of.

Then the rest may be the gun order, and Di Lu Muduo of the gun order will definitely bring his pair of magic spears.

Altria’s injury was probably the one cut by the yellow rose that Di Lumuto must destroy.

With the incurable curse of God, even Altria, who is half-dragon and half-human, cannot heal this kind of wound.

Seeing the gathered swords of vows of victory gradually dissipated, Di Lu Muduo’s face showed a smile.

It seems that he is betting right, even Altria can’t escape this curse. It seems that the previous battle with Lin Yu was just an exception.

Kenneth, who was far away in his magic workshop, was also a little excited to see this scene through the magician.

“Lancer, what are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and kill her directly. If this group exits, we won’t have many powerful enemies.”

“As you wish, my lord.”

Hearing Kenneth’s order, Dilumudo didn’t hesitate anymore.

Fighting is like this, when you are sick to kill you, everything is just normal.

In his whole life, he ended the lives of unknown opponents with this almost rogue fighting method.


The spear-broken Red Rose shot, pointing directly at Altria’s heart block.

Even if Altria had silver armor on her body, she couldn’t stop this mortal blow.

Seeing all this, Eimiya Kirishu felt a little irritable. It’s not that he can’t use Lingshu to recall Altria, but then his wife Alice Phil will be taken as a hostage.

If Alice Phil was taken hostage by the enemy, then his situation would be quite uncomfortable.

Now, Kirito Eimiya cannot make such a choice. The deal with Einzbern is nothing more than employment (Zhao Zhao’s), and once Alice Phil is taken as a hostage, Kirito Einz It is very possible to find a way to kill him with Kenneth in order to win.

Seeing that the tip of Di Lumut’s gun was getting closer and closer to Altria, and the crisis was getting more and more dangerous, Eimiya Kirito could only slowly raise his hand.

“` ‖Lingshu, will Altria…”

Before Eomiya Keiji could finish speaking, a silver figure flashed to Altriya’s side and raised the weapon in his hand to block Di Lumut’s mortal blow. .

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