Infinite Anime: Legacy Of Fujitora Smiles At The Beginning

Chapter 467

Chapter 467

In the mansion of Einzbern’s house, Alice Phil was looking excitedly at the car the family had configured for him.

She still didn’t know that her actions on the street during the day were transmitted to the hands of most of the masters.

Today, at least four masters regard her as their prey.

After all, compared to other magicians who need to intrigue, killing Alice Phil, who looks silly and sweet, is a good choice.

Altria looked at the study in Alice Phil’s eyes, and the corners of her mouth also showed a slight smile inadvertently.

“Come on, Liya, let’s go for a drive!”


Follower Alice Phil got into the car and liked the seat belt. Altoria quietly waited for Alice Phil to go 767.

But she didn’t know what terrible things she faced next.

“Well, it’s so luxurious, let me see where the start button is?”

As soon as Alice Phil got into the car, she was observing the interior of the car, but from what she said, she seemed unfamiliar with the steps of driving.

Seeing this, Altria couldn’t help but wonder, but she didn’t ask much about Alice Phil’s trust.

“found it!”(Read more @

I found the start button of the car and rushed out with a kick on the accelerator. At this time, Altria understood how correct it was for Eimiya Kiritsugu not to let Alice Phil drive.

“Eri, are you driving too fast…”

Looking at the full pointer on the dashboard, a drop of sweat appeared on Altria’s face.

In the common sense given to him by the Holy Grail, there was no such driving.

Although there is a setting that recognizes the car as a horse and can drive it faster, but that is only for Altria.

After all, he was with Alice Phil, and Altria would not do such a thing.

“Eh, did you? Keishi never told me this before!”

After a sudden brake, Alice Phil listened to the car and looked at Altria with a puzzled look.

In her impression, after experiencing it once, Kirito Weimiya simply told her not to drive anymore, and did not mention the speed issue.

Seeing Alice Phil’s innocent look, Altria couldn’t say anything, only smiled bitterly and said to her.

“Ellie, leave it to me, you are prone to accidents, and you don’t have the responsiveness of ours and can hide from vehicles.”

“We’ll go home first, and then talk about this.”

Saying Altria, she unfastened her seat belt and prepared to drive Alice Phil home by herself.

At this moment, a strange breath was caught by Altria.


The suit that had originally fitted was instantly replaced with armor, and he looked around with a vigilant expression.

Just now Altria felt a breath that was not human, which was very wrong for Fuyuki City.

The current Fuyuki City is a battlefield full of followers. Since it is a battlefield, Altria needs to be vigilant at all times to prevent anyone from assassinating Alice Phil in order to win.

Looking at the empty road ahead, Altria had raised the sword in her hand and entered a fighting stance.

As long as someone shows up, they will be attacked by Altria.

Seeing Altria’s nervous appearance, Alice Phil was a little dazed, but she still persuaded Altria with the big heart.

“Liya, how come there are Tibetans here, you wouldn’t be…”

“What a keen sense of smell, under the lancer, on the order of the lord, come and test your strength.”.

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