Infinite Anime: Legacy Of Fujitora Smiles At The Beginning

Chapter 439

Chapter 439

The scarlet light enveloped the entire dark basement, as if the pooled blood was evaporated.

Yusheng Ryunosuke exclaimed in excitement. This was the first time he successfully summoned a demon. This excitement of understanding the unknown made him unable to control his emotions.

A tall man wearing a dark black robe appeared in the middle of the magic circle, with a pair of deformed fish eyes, staring at the Yusheng Ryunosuke who summoned him to appear.

“Did you summon me?”

Facing the question of the man in front of him, Yusheng Ryunosuke turned a deaf ear and raised a child excitedly.

Although some of them were killed when summoned, Amson Ryunosuke, who heard that demons needed human children as food, prepared more children as “demon” food.

“Eat, let me see what you have-what abilities.”

Seeing the deformed expression on Yusheng Ryunosuke’s face, the tall, dead fish-eyed man took the child as if he had met a confidant, and immediately dismembered the child.

“My name is Gil de Ray, and you are really an interesting person.”

Gil de Ray, who had just arrived, thought that his master had a good affinity with him, and he reported his name very satisfied.

“My name is Yusheng Ryunosuke, are you a demon?”

“Devil, how could I be such a lowly species, I am a hero, a hero!”

“But for the sake of your and my similar interests, I don’t care so much. Are you preparing these children for me?”

“Of course, they can all be your food!”

“Food? No, no, no, these kids can be perfect works of art.”(Read more @

Speaking of the former French marshal, Gil de Rey killed another child and dismembered his body.

In an instant, Yusheng Ryunosuke was attracted by Gil De Ray’s murderous tactics.

“Can you teach me this technique…”

“No problem, it seems we are too suitable!”

“But first, we need to solve those little mice who eavesdrop!”

Halfway through the conversation, Gil de Ray directly destroyed Tosaka Rin’s hidden door with his hands, and pointed directly at Tosaka Rin.

“Father, how can you do this kind of work yourself, I should do it!”

With that, Yusheng Ryunosuke rushed towards Tosaka Rin regardless of the children who were still alive.

Seeing this state, the young Rin Tosaka had no choice but to run away.

Now she has no way to fight against an adult with knowledge of magic.

0 ··········Find flowers········

Opposite the murderer Yusheng Ryunosuke’s pursuit, she could only escape.

Although there was a lot of guilt in my heart, none of my friends were saved.

But in order to save his life, Tosaka Rin directly chose to leave this place quickly.

As long as he returned to his own home, no matter how powerful the other party was, he couldn’t compare with his father Tosaka Shichen.

……. … …….

No matter what, Tosaka Shichen is also a powerful magician, and it is easy to deal with a small Ambu Ryunosuke.

But Rin Tosaka thought about Amosyu Ryunosuke too simple. After all, Amos Ryunosuke was also a super killer who killed dozens of people without being discovered..

Even if Rin Tosaka knew some basic magic, he might not be able to escape the pursuit of Yusheng Ryunosuke.

Just when Rin Tosaka fled to an alley in a panic, she bumped into someone head-on, and she had to stop.


Rubbing his painful forehead, before he had time to apologize, Tosaka Rin wanted to go around the figure in front of him and escape from the pursuit of Yusheng Ryunosuke.

But a familiar voice made Rin Tosaka lose the idea of ​​running away.


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