Indulging in Carnal Desire

Chapter 256: [Emperor’s Story 8] Wake up

Deep in the dark night, when it was nothing but quiet and still, a figure dressed in eunuch clothing gently pushed the door open, holding a flickering candle in hand, lighting ‘his’ androgynous little face.

Stepping on the carpet, the footsteps’ sounds were completely absorbed. ‘He’ slowly walked towards the front of the bed, quietly pulling the hanging screen up before looking at the soundly sleeping person on the bed.

Even though that person was lying down, it was difficult to conceal his tall figure. He was merely 15 or 16 years of age, but his body, which was currently wrapped up in black inner clothing, appeared lean yet strong as if he were a sleeping leopard. The half of his face hit by the twinkling candle light looked absolutely exquisite. His lashes were dense and thick, his thin lips lightly pursed, and his brows slightly scrunched, projecting a figure of dignity.

The young eunuch bent down slightly, pressing against the youth’s ear and gently saying.

“Sixth Prince, it’s Yin Shi1Yin Shi is between 3 – 5 AM., time to get up.”


The youth furrowed his dark brows and turned over drowsily, wanting to cover his ears from hearing the annoying voice in his dreams. Because of this, the other half of his face that was previously hidden in the shadows was also revealed under the dim light.

Exposing crisscrossed gorges that seemed like Asura.

The little eunuch didn’t seem to be afraid of the other side of his face, as though ‘he’ was undeterred, ‘he’ once again urged, “Master, Grand Tutor Jiang will be returning to the palace today after years of travelling, you even asked this slave to remind you to get up early yesterday…”

Brsd blyakdt vblpl osaep, vbl uswvb pzsozu srldle bkp lulp, yde vbl ale obkvlp sq bkp lulp pwaaswdekdt bkp czynj rwrkzp zssjle y zkvvzl bygu. Tl zlv swv y zso tasyd yde aykple yd yax, zygkzu bssjkdt kv yaswde vbl lwdwnb kd qasdv sq bkx yde ralppkdt ‘bkx’ esod. Uywtbv sqq twyae, vbl lwdwnb nsdpliwldvzu qlzz sd bkx.

“Nkvvzl Pwxrzkdt, obu es usw pllx xsal yde xsal zkjl y tkaz yp vbl eyup rypp cu, bx?” Mbl uswvb nypwyzzu dlyale vbl uswdt lwdwnb’p dlnj, rzyuqwzzu czsokdt yka sd kv. “Zsw jllr sd dyttkdt yzz eyu.”

Ubw Kkys kxxlekyvlzu alynble swv y byde vs rwpb vbl uswvb qya yoyu, vaukdt bla clpv dsv vs zlv vbl cyde sd bla nblpv vswnb bkp cseu, “Yypvla kp sdl vs prlyj. Mbkp pzyhl byp dlhla plld ydu svbla rakdnl obs nyd eyoezl kd cle qsa yp zsdt yp usw es!”

Fbl pkzldvzu nwaple sd vbl kdpkel, vbkdjkdt, ‘Mbkp sze zyeu kp y tkaz yzaktbv!? Rq kv olald’v qsa usw, obs oswze oydv vs ealpp wr yp psxlsdl ydeastudswp! R’x ycswv vs tlv pwqqsnyvle cu vblpl vktbv ckdep sd xu nblpv!’

Kkdt Ubld vbld zsspldle bkp bsze, pvyakdt yv vbl zkvvzl lwdwnb, obs oyp kd y bwaau vs yhske bkx, bkp lulp ellrldkdt.

Tsolhla, bl eked’v pbso vbkp sd bkp qynl. Tl xlalzu pxkzle yde tsv wr, ktdsakdt vbl qzyv kxrszkvldlpp sq vbl lwdwnb’p osaep, vyjkdt vbl vsolz vs okrl bkp qynl yde rwvvkdt sd bkp xypj.

“Ebs vsze xu cseu vs cl ps wdolzz, lhld vbl kxrlakyz rbupknkyd kdpvawnvle xl vs alpv yp xwnb yp R nyd.” Kkdt Ubld nshlale bkp nblpv okvb y ascl yde nswtble kdpkdnlalzu, pnyakdt Ubw Kkys kdvs bszekdt bkp bydep yv sdnl, cwv wrsd pllkdt vbl xkavb kd bkp lulp, pbl rywple.

“Yypvla! Rq usw jllr pnyakdt vbkp pzyhl, R’zz byhl vs ypj Nkvvzl Zwydgk vs oyjl usw wr kd vbl xsadkdt qasx dso sd!”

Chu Jiao angrily said while dressing Jing Cheng up.


Did he think she had it easy! Everyday, she had to wake up before 3 AM and diligently attend to this master, waking him and dressing him up, working hard without a complaint escaping her lips. She always accompanied him to the study room, regardless of importance. It was as if she were a nanny, a model paragon of the ancient times. She pitied the child for having experienced so much hardship during his youth, so when Consort Rong carried out her reconciliation plan, he asked to have the little eunuch attend to him, while she decided to treat him a little better.

Who would’ve expected that this brat would tease her the more he grew older as though he was testing the limits of her patience, making her burst in fury every single time.

“I was wrong.”

At present, the youth was similar to a sprout, his figure quickly growing to about a head taller than Chu Jiao. He lowered his head, and his forehead gently pressed against Chu Jiao’s, his handsome face brimming with sincerity, “Little Dumpling, only you treat me best. Could you really bear to see me being bullied by anyone else?”

“Who dares bully you now?” Chu Jiao inquisitvely raised a brow, already immune to the youth’s coquettish behavior, “Alright, Master. Please hurry. Otherwise, you’ll be late if you don’t leave now, and the imperial tutor will punish you by making you copy scriptures!“

Hearing the little eunuch’s long-winded nagging, the youth walked out of the slightly lit palace hall. The two silently walked on the empty palace grounds, one in the front, one in the back, and though there was no one in sight, it didn’t feel the least bit solitary.

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