Indestructible God King

Chapter 185.2 What Is It That You Are after? (2/2)

"Se Yutian is merely using you; he doesn't appreciate you! I, on the other hand, am different. What others discard like trash, I pick up like precious pearls! I really appreciate and value your socializing capability! Tong An'an, join my God Wang Company! I will give you a good leadership position! You shall never toil in risky tasks like assassinations or infiltrations again! You can fully unleash your talent; all you need to do is to make friends with everyone! And then you shall step onto the grandest and most glorious stage of your life! Not only will you enjoy a high pay! Countless people will also admire your position! You will never be worried that people might try to sneak-attack you. God Wang Company will assign personal bodyguards to protect you at all times! Position, money, and safety! These are things that only my God Wang Company can give you! This is the wisest choice you can make; it’s your life’s calling!" Wang Ke continued his speech passionately.

Tong An'an felt his heart thumping more rapidly as the speech progressed; Wang Ke's words were obviously tantalizing. His blood began to boil, as he really wanted to accept Wang Ke's proposal on the spot. However, the last bit of rationality suppressed his impulse. He said, "Humph. What can your God Wang Company amount to?"

"Nothing much! Just safety! Respect! A high salary! And that is certainly enough! I'm really curious. You’re doing spywork for Se Yutian, while also being a goon, and assassin, doing all the dirty work while exposing yourself to extremely high risks. And yet, you have no money, no position, and no respect! What is it that you’re after?" Wang Ke asked.

Tong An'an: "..........!"

Yeah! What is it that I'm after?

"Why don't you think about it first? It's not an urgent matter; give it some thought first!" said Wang Ke in a reassuring tone.

"Okay." Tong An'an nodded with a strange look.

Long Yu looked shocked. Tong An'an nodded? He almost succeeded in inciting a rebellion? All that's left is a triggering point? What did Wang Ke do? I remember Tong An'an has a quick wit… But, did he get lost in Wang Ke's ranting? He can't snap out of it?

"We’re here!" Long Yu said.

"Oh?" Wang Ke looked around. They arrived at a massive valley, right behind the Crystal Palace; there was a blood mist looming over the entire place.

"The Demon Sovereign kept this place heavily guarded; looks like the Parlor Lord relocated them," Tong An'an said.

"There's a pool of blood in this valley called the 'Ten-thousand Blood Pool'! It's a place that stores countless bags of blood essence. The Demon Sovereign uses it to store the rewards that will be handed out to the demonic disciples. We’ll be going in through there!" Long Yu said.

"But this place is covered in blood mist. It looks like a spell array! Can we really go in?" Tong An'an asked worriedly.

"The Blood Nourishing Dragon Array?" Long Yu muttered with narrowed eyes.

"The Blood Nourishing Dragon Array? Isn't that the spell array that Se Yutian set up during the Dragon Gate Assembly? For killing people?" Wang Ke asked curiously.

"This is a variant of the same array; it should have a different effect than the original one! It no longer drives people crazy; it uses the blood essence in the Ten-thousand Blood Pool to nourish the dragon spirit, and should also have some defensive effects!" Long Yu explained.

"Are you sure we’re going there?" Wang Ke asked for confirmation. His eyes looked expectant. They had an agreement to enter the Crystal Palace through the back door, which seemed to be in the Ten-thousand Blood Pool valley.

"That's right! " Long Yu nodded.

"Good. Let's go in, then!" Wang Ke said in excitement. "What are you two trying to do? Trying to sneak inside? You’re toast if the Parlor Lord finds you! Aren't you here to find Zhu Hongyi? You’re really not going to look for him anymore?" Tong An'an asked in astonishment.

However, Wang Ke ignored him and took a step forward.


Suddenly, the massive blood dragon’s head emerged from the blood mist, giving menacing looks at the trio, as though telling them to get lost.

"The leyline gold dragon?" Long Yu said, "Heh, looks like Se Yutian gathered the remnant soul of the dragon that exploded during the Dragon Gate Assembly, healed it, and placed it here so it could rejuvenate by absorbing the pool’s blood essence. Be careful; the gold dragon has recovered much of its original size and won’t be easy to deal with!"

"How did you know?" Tong An'an asked curiously.

"Wang Ke, what are you doing?" Long Yu cried out in shock, "Don't anger the leyline gold dragon! Its roar alone will alert everyone!" She then saw as Wang Ke held a large brick and used it to smack the blood dragon squarely on the head.


The blood dragon fell to the ground, seemingly passed out.

The blood dragon fainted? The blood dragon had indeed fallen unconscious due to the blow. The blood mist parted right before them, revealing a path leading in.

Wang Ke kept his God King Seal and said, "Good. The blood dragon is down; let's head inside!"

Long Yu: "............!"

Tong An'an: "..........!" "You... How did you do that?" Long Yu couldn’t understand what happened.

"Just bash until it faints! It's not the first time!" Wang Ke replied, wondering why she was asking.

Long Yu remained speechless for a moment. This... is... really freaky!

Wang Ke walked ahead, followed closely by Long Yu and Tong An'an. And so, the trio passed through the Blood Nourishing Dragon Array; but this time, the array didn’t have the power to drive people crazy.

"Are we really going in? We won’t look for Zhu Hongyi first? Don't tell me you lied to She Qingqing! You were never here to find him?" Tong An'an questioned Wang Ke, feeling worried.

However, his eyes widened when the three passed through the blood mist and went deep into the valley. He rubbed his eyes, thinking he was seeing things.

"Zhu Hongyi? We found him?" Tong An'an was in a daze.

How did the two of you know he was here? You never needed me to guide you, did you! Damn it, you just walked in blindly, and yet you found him? Why?!

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