In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


Mother will be here soon. Whatever is left of Wolfe rises from the now murky depths of the river within the abandoned city of Kor Immammor, northeast of Tor Lithanel . And with him rises the forest around him. All trees bear the twisted visage of elves silently screaming in torment. Amongst the many daemons following the trees and the amalgamated abomination, is a blind and old high elven archmage hobbling behind them. Darlohan was his name, though now it doesn’t matter anymore. During the war of the Beard between the elves and the dwarves 3000 years ago, in desperation to fend off the dwarves, he unknowingly struck a bargain with Nurgle. He unleashed a disease to the dwarves that even the Book of Grudges only mention as the “Blinding Death”. And now Nurgle has called him to claim his end of the bargain. Along with all the elven souls Darlohan has binds to the forest trees as to not let them be consumed by Chaos.


“Attack!” At my command, beastmen roars as they charge at the Nurgle daemons and corrupted ents and dryads besieging Tor Lithanel. As usual I oversee the battle from above, channeling magic in advance in case of unexpected scenarios.


On the west side, Lak finished her chant and a pulse of blinding golden light spread across the battlefield. Outright banishing many daemons and severely burning those that manage to resist. The rest of the corrupted forest spirits are immediately rained by volleys of fireball as they are now nothing more than target practices for the shamans with their spell slots. Their rotting wood body and putrid sap from their bodies provide good burning material, though they still charge on until their body crumbles from being burned.


From the South, Dorn practically just walks through the marshes. Purifying the land as he walks. Cleaving through ents and deamons alike if they managed to come even close to him that the other three Cygors with him misses them. The three other Cygors are equipped with pure waystone artifacts that I made. One has the giant hammer that can be recalled, one with an even bigger tower shield that primarily will reflect magic, and the last one has a power fist that amplifies impact force on his right hand. Each of the three weapons given to them are weapons I plan to be mass produced to give to my herd after securing Laurelorn


While on the east, Kal and Druig battles the daemons and the corrupted spirits conventionally. They have the bulk of my forces and slowly overwhelm their enemy. The progress is slow as while they have the majority of the number, none of them wield ranged weapons and with limited battlefields in between massive trees, their progress is slowed even further. Another point that I need to rectify. I must give them guns or at least some form of ranged weapons. That I have neglected for too long since my herd had practically stopped raiding, we did not have a proper supply of metal for the arrowhead.


With the battle practically progressing smoothly, I turn toward the magic vortex dome surrounding Tor Lithanel. Almost every building within the city is adorned with bright gems, added with the three tall silver towers. I understand why the city is nicknamed the city of glass. If the dome is gone and the sky is clear, this city will reflect quite a lot of light.Then I see some dragons leaving the second tallest silver tower then some hippogriff from the shortest tower. Nice, if I can claim this city, hopefully I can claim them too. Wonder what would happen if I breed with one of the dragons. There’s significant movement of Eonir troops to man the wall though they are still reluctant to sally out


Pushing those thoughts for later. I refocus on the battle. It is pleasing to see the full might of my herd. The beastmen fight the Plaguebearers in equal terms and without the advantage of the marshes as the land surrounding Tor Lithanel is still relatively free of Nurgle’s corruption, they steadily overwhelms the daemons. Added with the cygors and Lak’s shamans, the battle should be over soon. What worries me however, is that there’s no sign of Wolfe anywhere. The battle is a little bit too easy too. Not to mention the lack of many other Nurgle creatures like plague toads, rot flies, and the rest


Then suddenly a chill runs down my spine. Immediately I spent all the magic I have channeled in advance and cast a veil of death magic to protect my entire herd. As black shimmering veil covers my herd, a black mist streaks fast through the air and strikes the Eonir’s barrier. Corrupting the barrier vortex into black and obscuring any vision inside. The magic grows unstable before exploding with a flash like an atomic bomb. Searing heat like a melted metal poured into my eyes while I desperately cast healing spell as I am not in the radius of my veil of protection high above.


Blinding Death contracted

Eyes will rot and melt to flesh, skin, and bone

Directly spread to brain after eyes fully melted



I look down and open my eyelids.Letting my eyes slowly melt and drip down as I hold back the spread to my brain with my divinity and magic. What follows is the sound of screaming from the Eonirs. My herd roars as they continue to fight but I don’t know if they are properly protected or not. Then the sound of crackling thunder and something breaking.


The collapse of the gathered magic above Tor Lithanel creates a tear through reality

Making a direct connection to the warp

Large enough that it attract the attention of all four Chaos Gods

Nurgle daemons and beasts floods into reality to claim Laurelorn

Slaanesh gaze at the souls embedded on the gems of Tor Lithanel’s architecture in desire

Khornate daemons butts in as there’s a fight to be had

Tzeentch manipulate the magic to open another tear, smaller but his daemons need not to fight with the others to enter reality

And each send one of their Greater Daemons


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