In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


Long Chapter as I am unwilling to drag this into 2 chapters.

We cleared this floor with ease. As most of the books in this floor already raided the amount of horrors are sparse here. Unfortunately there is no survivor in this room. Again all rooms is fully enclosed

“This is my first time in this tower. Why are there no windows outside?” I asked Rivandil

“Oh, it's for security reasons,” He started to explain. “To prevent theft mostly. As the tower is walled, another avenue for theft is to send flying familiars. The tower are fully enclosed in case of such attempts Besides, the wizards can focus more on their studies”

“Surely there are rooms that are not fully enclosed.” I said as we prepared the usual formation.

“At most it is the floor for guests just above the main library on the ground floor. That is the last floor that is accessible for the general public.” We get down the stairs.


To my surprise there are still many survivors on this floor. The entire floor is one large circular library with many elf hunkering down inside a circle of light barriers. I noticed because there is a significant concentration of Hierophants or light wizards. They are those always responsible for exorcizing daemons. Even so they seemed to not be able to last much longer behind their barriers of light. There are also a large number of Screamers. Purple manta ray-like daemons of Tzeentch with a jagged spiky body that eats extreme emotions and souls. They fly in the air like it is water, leaving trail of weird colors.


“I will take care of the Screamers.”

Rivandil nods, then he orders his wizards to focus on the pink horrors surrounding the barriers while the guards all protect the wizards. I flew up and cleaved a Screamer. It screams as it dissolves into motes of magic. Like sharks drawn to blood the rest of the screamers chased me in a swarm. I led them away as Rivandil and his men started fighting the horrors in melee.


Now there is me with the Screamers. I channeled my magic as I wanted to test something. If I remember correctly, Screamers are not intelligent. Once I gathered enough, I focused all my willpower and Authority


The Screamers halted. Shaking in and out of reality


You have tamed 27 Screamers

A subsection of Sanctuary is made to house daemonic beasts/pets

Authority level up

Level 7 -> level 8


Nice. It works


I gave my command. My Screamers start attacking those not submitting to me and other horrors surrounding the barriers. I lunge at one of the pink horrors. Then cut down the blue horrors before they fully formed. The elves within the barrier of light start counter attacking and before long the floor is cleared.

As the battle finished, my Screamers flew into my Sanctuary. Looks like I can tame daemonic beasts. Doubt this will work on even Lesser Daemons though. Then I checked how many survivors are on this floor. At least 50 of them but it is clear the Hierophants are exhausted and plenty of them collapsed unconscious.


“What spell is that?” A sudden question by a female high elf wizard caught me off guard

“I doubt Amber magic could control daemons.” She start circling and inspecting me

“Is it because of your unique situation?”

“Or does the Daemon possessing you teach you something?”

“Or did those daemons obey you because you are the daemon currently possessing the body?”

She excitedly barrages me with questions as she starts touching my wing. I slapped her hand away as she almost tried to feel my horns. Then I start to think whether I should answer the third question or not. Defending myself could make me more suspicious.


“Miriel, stop bothering her.” Another guard captain beside Rivandil said

“Allright. Just curious, that's all.” Miriel complied.

“Well now you have my name Valariel.” She spoke to me again. 

“Oh and don’t worry about my last question. I have casted banishment spell to check. I’m just teasing you.” She then adds.


Well, now I am glad that I have that trial bonus.Then Rivandil came up

“Valariel, this is Miriel. One of the few wizards that studies the lore of Qhaysh/High magic.” Qhays is the magic art that combines all 8 magic lores into one powerful magic. It is also the hardest to master. Only elves and Slanns, the venerated caste of ruler and wizard giant toads that rule the lizardman could utilize this magic.


Rivandil then starts to explain the current situation.

“While we have some casualties, Talion agreed to give any men and wizards he can spare. But most will stay on this floor to recuperate before going down. I, however, will be leading an advanced party to at least try to save as many as possible. Valariel, many thanks on your contribution but it is not your obligation to follow. You can stay here until the rest recuperate if you want”

That’s the nicest thing I have heard since I am in this world. Though I understand his viewpoint it is stupid to ask that after going this far. He clearly doesn’t like seeing his men die but still wants to go and save as many as possible.

“That’s a stupid question. Of course I will follow you.”

“In that case I will join too. Want to see what other unique spells you have. I have a variety of spells from all other lore of magics to support. I also could cast a few High magic spells though it will take some time while I channeled the magic”

Rivandil closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

“Words cannot explain how thankful I am. Meet me near the stairs when you have finished your preparations.”


“What spells can you cast to help us?” I ask Miriel as Rivandil leave to make the same offer to his men.

“High magic? Just Walk between Worlds. It will imbue us with great speed and Agility. The other I know is Arcane Unforgiving. I just started learning.”

“Can you cast that? I am curious about how it works.”

“Very well.” She looks pleased enough when asked to demonstrate her skill in High magic


Then she starts channeling her magic. The process is excruciatingly slow. Took a few minutes until the magic power needed was fully channeled. I never need so much time. Seems daemons have a natural advantage on channeling magic. Makes sense since daemons came from where magic originates.

With casting it is all we need, we went to Rivandil’s group. Everyone of his men that still can follow him and with few additions. There are 32 of us now. 23 guards including Rivandil and 9 wizards including me and Miriel


As everyone gathered in formation and went down the stairs Miriel cast the spell. To us we move normally while the world is in slow motion. This floor layout is the same as above. Though unfortunately none survived. I and the guards charged at the horrors. They are dispatched very quickly as the last one is cut down before the spell ends or any of the wizards have the chance to cast any spells. Just this one spell is so worth the few minutes to wait. I have observed how the spell works and I might be able to replicate this. But not now since it will make me suspicious

We start systematically clearing one floor after another. I cast fewer spells to hide from Miriel’s scrutiny. Only taming more Screamers if can. The presence of the horrors directly related to how big the collection of books is on one floor. And how much the books have been taken. We found plenty of survivors on floors with private study rooms. While we rarely found anyone alive if the entire floor is one big library

To my surprise, the floor with most survivors is the Druids/Jade Wizards floor. The druids encase themselves within the central part of the library in thick trees that heals faster than they are burned by the pink flames from the pink horrors. More than a hundred survive. They heal anyone of us that is wounded and even regrow limbs that are cut off or fully burnt. Then they went up to see if there are some whose souls still desperately cling to life that can be revived.

Cleared a few more floors. Finally I reached the floor of the guest rooms that have balconies. Thought of just running away appeared as continuous shaking and roars of magic spell came from the ground floor. Seemed Teclis and the Lord of Change is having a magic duel downstairs


On the ground floor a vertical tear of an Infernal Gateway spell sucks everything in the vicinity. Teclis closed it after many difficulties. His cadre of wizards continue to drop as a few have their eyes blinded from what they see on the other side. They are pulled back to other incapacitated wizards. Some have their mouths gone. Others pulled into forceful nightmares and visions. While a few that already dead visibly mutated beyond recognition. The frontline are desperately held by a line of guard healed by druids and supported by hierophants


“Ah! The spell of phoenix flame. Delicious.” Stru’Kas, the Eater of Knowledge said on the other side of the library as he ate another spell scroll. In the price of being unable to learn magic in the usual manner. He can cast any spell which transcription he has eaten. Stru’Kas have two arms on the left side and only one enlarged arm with maw on the right side. The maw on his right arm is the one he usually use to ate spell books or scrolls and allow him to cast the spell as he ate the knowledge.


“Oh. the spell ends already? Hand of Glory.” 

Stru’Kas recasted the spell. The blue and pink horrors hits become harder and throws their flame even more frequently


“Shield of Saphery.” 

Teclis casted protective spell on his men. Reducing the brunt of the increased power from the horrors. He then saw a gathering of pure white flame on Stru’Kas hand. Channeling magic as fast as he can, Teclis cast the same spell


“Phoenix flame.”

Both casted at the same time. Two bursts of pure white flame clashed in the middle until the spell ended. This back and forth has lasted for a while. Teclis is forced to use the same magic to fight as attempting to dispel a magic against a Lord of Change is a futile endeavor. The Lord of Change is also content on making this a battle of attrition while he gladly tests high magic spells one by one and Teclis has grown weary. The realm tear above give the Lord of Change even more advantage in channeling and casting spells. While Teclis could only last this long by sheer willpower alone


“This one is…”

A pink horror run along from the side and give another scroll on Stru’Kas awaiting maw on his right hand

“Fiery convocation”

The Lord of Change announces in delight as he starts channeling the spell. Teclis wearily channeled the same spell. However it is clear this time he will not be able to cast in time. But an unseen magic struck Stru’Kas. Disrupting his concentration. With his head bleeding he looked at the interloper


The plan is simple. Miriel distracts the Lord of Change. While I use my invisibility to strike him from the back, Rivandil and his men help dispatch the surrounding horrors. The Lord of Change shrieks in anger and Miriel is instantly enveloped in pink flames. I leapt and swung horizontally with all my might to behead the Lord of Change. But his right hand somehow managed to move between my sword and his neck. An enlarged eye on the hand gazing directly at me even before my invisibility spell fades as my sword makes contact. I managed to cut down his right arm but he has moved his long serpentine neck away. He screamed in pain as he grabbed me in midair with one of his left hand.


“YOU!” He starts gripping tighter. Attempting to crush me in his hands. Then a bout of flame struck the Lord of Change from the back. The flame circled him in the form of a flying phoenix. Burning me and the Lord of Change alive. I grit through the searing pain and stab his torso while he hunches in pain from the flame. Multiple spells also struck his back by other desperate wizards besides Teclis that saw the opportunity.

But he focused on me as he envelops me in an additional layer of pink flame. I start screaming in pain as I continue to grip the sword. Twisting it and forcing it upwards. The continuous torrent of spell continued until the fire died out as the Lord of Change fell and I lost my consciousness.


You have died

Select soul to sacrifice:


Leslie Leoncoeur

2 Bretonnian Knights

1 human herbalist

Nevermind. I have died. Guess I will see how this extra life works. Sacrifice the human herbalist. I felt myself suddenly pulled away.


In Drakwald. The human herbalist within the golden herd suddenly screamed in pain. A hand bursted from her chest. Valariel slowly crawled out from the body by carving the body open from inside. As she opened her eyes, she saw the familiar sight of golden beastmen surrounding her. They roared in joy as their Mother has returned


Finally finished. no doubt the some of the last few chapters are the worst I have written so far as I have said that I lost sight of my original plan. things should be back to my initial plan.

Please comments parts or aspects that you think I can improve upon.

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