In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


We finally exited Laurelorn Forest in the evening. Currently camped a distance away from Laurelorn forest I am giving birth to that Slaangor’s spawns. My belly swelled bigger than ever before. Even more than when I am pregnant with the Tuskgors. It took a while and when finally finished, I gave birth to a dozen Caprigors. Nine of them are female. I checked our current population and found that after me and other womens gave birth, our number is just 252. Our number cut in half from the humans and elven ambush. Most of our new additions are dead. But fortunately most of my children survived with Mal bestowing my mutations to those who survived. Hopefully their alliance just stands within the Laurelorn forest and only the humans chase us further. I gaze upon the forest warily, hoping they would chase us as slow as possible before Kal arrives.


“Mother, the women have given birth and we have rested enough. What should we do now?” he asked. And truthfully I don’t know what to do either. West of Laurelorn are just wasteland and coastlines. Further west is a human fort if I remember correctly and down south is Marienburg. There are plenty of hiding places for ambushes as the terrain is surrounded by hills. Not to mention the amount of food we carry will only last us for one or two days.


“Find some villages we can raid for food. We already have enough women, so prioritize food. Tell the herd to not touch the women too. It will only slow us down.” Kal leaves to relay my order. First gather some food. Then like usual, we will find some place we can camp and breed. Hopefully we can defeat this army chasing us before another comes from Marienburg.


Bertrand's POV, Middenland captain tasked to hunt Valariel

“Didn’t you say we will catch up on them in no time? Or is your elven magic not as powerful as you said it is.” I chided Calal? Calael-something? The elven captain who acts as our guide as we chased after the golden herd.

“The forest is not listening.” He answered shortly, ignoring my chide. Besides, what was that supposed to mean?

“What was that supposed to mean?” My sergeant, Dagobert, asked my question.

“It means they listened to another power. You have seen what the daemon is capable of.” True, it would be a lie that I wasn’t shocked when dozens of my men cleaved in a single strike. The thought of returning to Middenheim to ask more men flashed across my mind. But that would mean many more would fall victim to the daemon. A third of our number are lost during the encirclement. But we get another three hundred elves to help.

“Erien, how is the path ahead?” He asked in Reikspiel. A courtesy for us I guess.

She looks at us then at him before answering also in Riekspiel. “I don’t know what happened. I have walked this part of the forest for as long as I have lived and I cannot recognize any part of it. What should we do, captain?”

“We have given our word, we will help them and rescue our own. You may have arrived at an auspicious timing but don’t forget you are still trespassing.” He said the last sentence to me.

“Yes, and we are about to trespass one more time as soon as we exit the forest. How about we finish this quickly so that we can go back to our respective homes.” I have done one illegal border crossing, why not add one more? He nodded at my suggestion and we continued our chase without speaking.


Good news, There are plenty of villages at the western border of the forest. The bad news is that most of them are walled. It’s wood but fortification nonetheless protects a village of twenty households or so judging by the number of buildings. Fortunately we have more than a dozen Bovigors to break the gates. The rest are quick. The militia doesn’t have the chance. The populace was quickly butchered for food and their barns looted. The current raid are so quick that most agree they can take another one with similar size. However, I commanded that we go a little northwest. We can raid them later. Beside, we cannot carry anymore loot if we do so.


It was at the evening that we found a nice spot for us to replenish our numbers. It is a small valley between two hills near a river to the north. However as we made our way, I saw three longships landed near us. Great, norscan raiders. Seems they use the river to make their way inland. My children, already down because they cannot raid another village immediately perk up in the prospect of another fight. I checked my bone whip sword and found that it has many cracks. Seems like it cannot handle the amplified attack. As the norscan starts to disembark, I put it away. Maybe I will fix it later but for now I can fight empty handed.


I gaze incredulously as the Norscan are led by a naked chieftess. There are six dozen of them, two dozen from each longship. All of them are naked too and hold no weapons. But my confusion ends as the moon rises, then all of them turn into werewolves. Now that explains things. And so hot.

“We can keep the females this time”

We both charged as soon as I finished my sentence. Howls met roars. Claws met axes. The werewolves claws easily wounds us as if the metallic skin are just normal skin. However their charge soon halted as one clean hit from the Bovigor immediately knocked them unconscious. The same thing happens to those attacking me. My modified strength is enough to crush the skull of one werewolf that attacks me. The Caprigors however fought on equal grounds. But we have numbers on our side and before long the werewolves are subdued. I felt anger when I noticed three dozen of my children died in the melee. But appeased as forty of them are female. Bringing our female captive number to 75. 120 if you also count the beastwomen. Seems like we will be very busy tonight.


After setting up camp between the two hills, we also bring the longship to the camp. They won’t be using it again and it might draw attention. Another pleasant surprise is that they brought alcohol. I don’t know what kind and with the men now food and the women busy, I cannot ask anyone. I chug one down and it tastes disgusting. I don’t know how to compare but there are solid bits that shouldn’t be in a drink. The only good thing is the pleasant heat. But I won’t be drinking this one again.


Then Lak finally returned. I have tasked her to use her magic to conceal our tracks. I gave her some headpats before she promptly joined the fun. Then an idea comes to my mind. I called Kal and Druig. Both arrived while fucking a women each, all of them returned to human form after knocked unconscious. Druig claimed the chieftess. She charged and strike Druig. Only to him to take the attack and immediately knock her unconscious. Then judging by the similarities, Kal fucks her daughter. Kal has a claw wound on his right eye while the chieftess’ daughter has one of her eyes purple.


“Pull out.” I asked them. “Hurry up, there’s something I want to try”
They obediently pull out their dicks. Drawing gasped sighs from both women. Then like when I gave Mal my mutations, I prick my finger and give Kal and Druig a mutation. Both grunted in pain before their dicks swelled. Knots formed at their base and barbs grew along the shaft. I gave them the Slaangor’s dick. I absorbed his mutation when he’s busy fucking me. Then I rubbed my crotch. Finally testing how I can switch mutations through my Blood powers. I groaned in pain before a sensation of a new body part took over. After finishing, I look down and see another monstrous dick. Of course this took the attention of the camp. I vaguely heard Lak wanting one too but I ignore her for now. The concern of my Slaanesh alignment increasing appears in my mind. But it is gone immediately, besides I have to know how much my 40% self alignment works. Yes, this is for research purposes.

“Druig, you can continue fucking your prize. Kal, I want you to fuck me as I fuck your women.” 

The chieftess opens her mouth in protest before moans put in her mouth as Druig fucks her in full nelson. Then I put the chieftess’ daughter on her back. I fold her leg and fucks her in mating press. I didn’t need to wait long before another dick entered my own pussy. Then he starts pounding too. Enjoying the sensation of his new dick as I enjoyed my own. Being pleasured in both pussy and dick are quickly becoming too much, I relied on Kal’s pounding to move as I can only dumbly moan. Echoed by mother daughter duo. Our three moans are easily the loudest in the camp. Overwhelmed with pleasure, Kal pounds one last time and pushes his knot inside me. Then with the help of his force, I also jammed my knot on the norscan. The orgasm rocks my entire body. The feeling of both piercing a cervix and being pierced flooded my mind before being numbed by the copious ejaculation. Then feeling filled with hot semen and being hugged in warm folds that are also being filled. Our scream of ecstasy before silenced with another orgasm. I vaguely remember that I usually blacked out right now.


But then a big hand pulls me. Forcing my knot out from the norscan as another took her. Another orgasm jolts my overly sensitive body as Kal pulls his knot out. It was Druig. Then like Kal, he claimed me. Using me like he usually does but with his new mutated dick. I saw Kal also uses his twin sister. What follows is orgasm after orgasm before Druig finally knots me. The pause finally gives me reprieve to think on why I am not blacking out. It was the Nurgle’s bonus. That I can maintain my sanity according to my willpower. So it seems I would stay conscious even with overwhelming sensation. This might be bad if I ever get captured. I moaned again as Druig lies on his back. Then something interesting happens. Lak approached me, moving on top of Druig before slamming her hips on mine. Impaling herself on my dick before finally noticing Kal as he hilts his mutated dick on my asshole. I am double penetrated by kal and Druig while Lak is hopping up and down on my dick. This family bonding might not be that bad. We can do it more often. Those are my last thoughts before pleasure is the only thing on my mind.

Finally a Futa lewd scene. Suddenly got creative on this one. How is it? more Futa?

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