In the end of the ice age, I hoarded tens of billions of supplies

Chapter 414

The two bases, Zhaoyu and Yangsheng, both believed that victory was just around the corner.

But no one expected that there would be such a violent explosion among their soldiers all of a sudden!

At this time, all soldiers gathered around the shelter, and the density was very high.

The Snow Worshipers detonate their own soil explosives, and they can take away a large group of people in no time!

Although it is a very common explosive, as long as the amount is enough, it can kill people.

The flames soared into the sky, and the violent explosion covered all areas around the shelter!

Xiao Honglian and Wei Dinghai's eyes almost popped out.

"What's going on here, where did the explosion come from?"

When they attacked, in order to prevent Zhang Yi from planting landmines, they had already carried out detonation.

Where did these explosives come from?

A soldier under his command reported nervously: "It's those lunatics from the Snow Worship Cult! They have explosives on them, come and find us and die together!"


Xiao Honglian and Wei Dinghai turned pale with shock.

"Those damned bastards dared to take the opportunity to attack us!"

By the time they realized something was wrong, it was too late!

Zheng Yixian commanded the worshipers of Baixue Cult who were not afraid of death, and charged towards the troops of the two bases!

The two bases suffered heavy casualties at this time, the battle damage exceeded 70%, and the combined number of soldiers was less than 200!

And Snow Worship Cult has always maintained a lot of vitality.

At this time, they attacked from behind, immediately causing a huge impact on the unsuspecting two major bases!

Although their weapons are simple and they don't have good armor, each of them shouted fanatical slogans and came here with red eyes to fight hard!

The enemy who is not afraid of death scares the enemy the most.

A touch of madness appeared in Zheng Yixian's cold eyes.

He raised his hands, controlled two huge chariots, and slammed into Xiao Honglian and Wei Dinghai's car from a high altitude!

"You bastard, you're plotting against us!"

Wei Dinghai and Xiao Honglian saw Zheng Yixian from a distance, their eyes seemed to eat people.

If eyes can kill, then Zheng Yixian has died ten thousand times!

Wei Dinghai controlled a large amount of ice and snow to block the chariot.

But Xiao Honglian had a fiery personality, and rushed out directly through the roof of the car, sweeping the chariot away with just one punch!

Zheng Yixian stood in mid-air with a crazy sneer on the corner of his mouth.


"Xiao Honglian, Wei Dinghai, you two damn fellows, you have today!"

Bai Xuejiao forbear for too long.

In every dispute, they have to pay a painful price and compromise with several major bases in exchange for living space.

Zheng Yixian waited for the opportunity to raise his eyebrows, and naturally laughed wildly, venting his inner distress!

"Go to hell with all of you! From now on, Tianhai City is no longer a place for you to show off!"

Zheng Yixian led his men and launched a crazy attack!

And the actions of Snow Worship Cult also caused the soldiers who attacked the shelter to suffer from both sides.

Zhang Yi raised the corner of his mouth, "We can close the door and beat the dog!"

The Snow Worship Sect is in the front, and they are in the back. People from the two bases have no way to escape.

The door of the shelter opened, and Liang Yue and the others had already eaten the supernatural food made by Yang Mi and recovered.

They rushed out and started killing the soldiers and aliens of the two bases from behind!

The situation on the field changed so fast that no one could have predicted this unfolding.

Even Xing Tian, ​​who was putting on airs in the back mountain, was dumbfounded.

"Why did the Snow Worship Cult suddenly rebel?"

He frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly felt a chill down his back!

Only then did he realize that an agreement had been reached between Baixuejiao and Zhang Yi long ago.

If today, he was also the one attacking Zhang Yi, then he would face the same situation as Yangsheng and Zhaoyu bases at this time.

Although you may not lose, you will definitely suffer heavy casualties!

"Fortunately, fortunately!"

Xing Tian patted himself on the chest, very grateful for his original choice.

"Now I'm making big money without doing anything!"

Suddenly, he thought of something, and the smile on the corner of his mouth widened.

"If they fight like this, wouldn't the strongest in Tianhai City be our Qingpu base? Hahaha!"


The situation on the battlefield has reversed.

The sudden attack of the Snow Worship Cult made it unbearable for the coalition forces of the two bases, which already suffered heavy casualties.

What's more, Zhang Yi's team did not suffer any casualties.

Zhang Yi opened the door and released a group of beasts, another naked killing!

Uncle You was carrying two Gatlings and was covered in bullet belts. He roared angrily and started shooting!

Liang Yue stabbed each other, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, like chopping melons and vegetables, one knife could kill one's life!

And Zhang Yi's gun is more ruthless, keeping the speed of one head in 2 seconds to harvest.

Even in this chaotic battle, he started to attack the aliens in the two bases!

Within a distance of 300 meters, Shenwei's sniper ability is extremely terrifying, because it can lock the head!

What's more, in the chaotic battle at this time, no one will concentrate on guarding against his ability, which is the most suitable for him to attack!

A foreigner was thinking about breaking out or turning around to deal with Liang Yue and the others behind him.

Suddenly, he felt a huge force pulling the space around his neck.

Then, his neck was snapped, and his head flew out of the cranial cavity.

Until the moment of his death, he didn't know how he died.

Xiao Honglian and Wei Dinghai panicked just now.

They hurriedly tried to find a way to contact Xing Tian, ​​hoping that Xing Tian would bring his army to rescue them.

But this time, they couldn't contact Xing Tian's people anyway.

"This damn bastard, he...he must have betrayed us too!"

Wei Dinghai's back felt cold.

Houshan's previous attack was so powerful that he thought that Xing Tian had already led someone to launch an attack.

But until they surrounded the shelter, they didn't see a single member of the youth base.

No matter how stupid Wei Dinghai is, he still understands what this means.

"Quickly retreat! The three of them have secretly colluded together, and if we don't leave, it will be too late!"

Without hesitation, Wei Dinghai immediately called on his defeated soldiers to retreat.

Xiao Honglian was startled and angry, she couldn't understand why Xuejiao and Qingpu base would backstab them!

But now, anger is of no avail.

If they continue to fight, they may have a slight chance of winning, but the possibility of annihilation is even greater!

As the leader, it is impossible for her to keep fighting!

"All troops retreat!"

Xiao Honglian poured down a big gulp of pure alcohol, and spit out a fiery fire dragon toward the Snow Worshipers in the rear. Dozens of people screamed and were burnt to charcoal!

Green smoke rose all over her body, and her whole body seemed to be on fire, with red magma-like markings flowing on her body surface.

Xiao Honglian jumped high, and then forcibly killed the Snow Worshipers in front of him!

Seeing this, Zheng Yixian did not dare to resist.

The top combat strengths of the four bases are all transcendent, and it is difficult for ordinary soldiers or aliens to stop them.

All he wanted was to weaken the combat power of the two bases as much as possible, and he never thought of destroying them with this battle.

Otherwise, if the fish dies and the net breaks, they, the congregants, will all be wiped out!

Zhaoyu and Yangsheng base teamed up to carve a bloody path through the crowd.

The aliens from the two bases teamed up to open the way. Although the Snow Worship Cult had a large number of people, it was like a snowman encountering a soldering iron, and a path was quickly cut!

The engineering vehicle driven by Wu Huairen had given up cutting and wanted to run away.

But for this person who can threaten the safety of the shelter, Zhang Yi has long been eyeing him.

Just one bullet smashed his head, completely eliminating the aftermath of the shelter.

In the end, less than a hundred soldiers from the two bases escaped from the siege.

They left countless corpses, chariots, and weapons and headed eastward in embarrassment.

Neither Zhang Yi nor the Snow Worshipers chased after him.

Those who worship the Snow Sect are incapable of chasing cars.

Zhang Yi, on the other hand, didn't want to provoke the wild beasts and cause casualties to his own personnel.

Zheng Yixian looked at the direction they were going away, and raised his fist high: "Victory!!"

The congregation behind them cheered excitedly, each of them looked excited, and even hugged each other excitedly.

This is the first time their Snow Cult has ever won against Al Qaeda!

Although the number of their deaths in this battle exceeded 500, for Snow Worship Cult, this was still a beautiful turnaround.

After all, most of their deaths were ordinary congregants, which could be made up for.

The two major bases killed the elite, and they would not be able to train without spending a certain amount of time.

After this battle, the vitality of the two bases was severely damaged.

In the future, it will be difficult to launch an invasion of the Xishan and Lujiang areas.

Not to mention harassing the Snow Worship Cult's sphere of influence.

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