In Stardust As A Wizard

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Downtown Battle

Balthazar was trying to decide if he should fly with the eagle or take his car. I heard his contemplation and offered a solution.

"If being seen is the issue, I have a solution. I learned a certain spell called the Disillusionment Charm, that should make us temporarily invisible." I explained.

Balthazar seemed very happy at my words but then stopped and decided to ask.

"How long will it last? And will it work on the eagle? The flight Downtown won't be that long but..." Balthazar said leaving his last word open to interpretation.

"Don't worry, it will last long enough to get there and come back depending on how long it takes to retrieve the Grimhold." I explained.

"Sounds good." Balthazar replied as he gestured with his head to the eagle before going towards it and casting his spell again to bring it to life.

I followed Balthazar and stepped on the eagle easily. Dave followed as well, but only tentatively stepped on it.

"Come on, we don't have all day Dave." Balthazar replied apathetically.

Dave got on the eagle and I quickly took out my wand and waved it while casting the charm on myself, the two others, and the eagle.

It was lucky that charm itself isn't affected by the size of an object as long as it is not a living thing. If it was a large animal like a dragon, it would require more magic to make them invisible.

After the spell was cast, we took off towards Chinatown.

(20 minutes later)

Horvath arrived in Chinatown and saw that some sort of festival was going on, complete with a dragon dance show. He also saw Dave and the other brat.

'Damn, they got here first, but it seems they don't have the doll yet otherwise they would've left.' He pondered as he planned to make his way inside the building that the two were standing outside of.

Just as he was about to move, he had an idea and quickly changed his form into that of an extremely beautiful woman with full lips and long silky black hair then went inside. If Balthazar had been there, he would've recognized her as Veronica.

The reason I didn't notice is that when Horvath arrived I was with Dave and had been testing a theory of mine.

"Hey Dave, you mind if I see your ring for a second?" I asked wanting to test if the rings that Sorcerers used truly acted similar to a wizard's wand which works as a medium or focus for magic.

Dave, seeing nothing wrong with the request handed it right to me.

I quickly put the dragon ring on my finger and I felt a rush of power, even more than my wand which augmented my magical strength.

My best guess is that Merlin's Dragon Ring to a Sorcerer is the equivalent of what the Elder Wand is to a regular wand. It was that powerful. I was also able to confirm that I could actually use a Ring the same way I'd use a wand.

I was planning to learn how to make a magic ring like this as I know that a wand is very flimsy as it's just made of wood, a ring is made of metal so it's obviously more durable and easier to hide. And if I can make it augment my magic the same way my wand does, or better, why not.

Despite the fact that it'd be insanely easy to steal the ring and leave as all I'd have to do is apparate, I had no plans to do that as I needed Balthazar's and Dave's trust, mostly Balthazar as I would hopefully be able to learn magic from Balthazar.

The magic I am most hoping to learn is the Immortality magic that allowed Balthazar, Veronica, and Horvath to live for millenia and still retain their looks and age.

I had originally wanted to find a way to the Harry Potter universe and use the Sorcerer's Stone to make the Immortality elixir, but what I discovered from my research on Alchemy is that the elixir would only keep the soul inside the body, but wouldn't protect the body, essentially it'd make me like a walking corpse as my body would age normally.

That is a big fat No Thank You for me. I was actually slightly worried that the Babylon Candle would take me to the Harry Potter universe because my thoughts were only on a magic that could help me with my goal to attain Immortality.

But it seems that the Candle knew that I meant true Immortality, so it sent me here.

Speaking of the Babylon Candle, I only have a forth of it left and it is probably only enough to get me back to my home universe.

The only reason I even used the candle without finding a way to replicate it's effects is I didn't feel confident enough in my own skills and I wanted the help of someone a lot more experienced.

If I am able to explain it away as just being a type of magic that allows for quick transportation, I might be able to get Balthazar to help me recreate the effect.

I just have to see if it will allow for travel between universes. If it does, I'm going to be heading to another magical universe to learn even more magic. And if Balthazar and I can recreate the magic of the candle in such a way that it isn't used up, or at least used up slower, then it'll be even better.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of glass breaking.

I saw Balthazar falling from the 4th story window and pulled out my wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" I shouted as Balthazar slowly stopped falling and gradually landed on the ground.

The surrounding people thought it was some sort of performance for the parade and all cheered. While Dave and I looked at Balthazar questioningly.

'This doesn't make any sense, by using the eagle we shouldn't have been any slower than Horvath in getting here, so why did Balthazar still get attacked?' I pondered.

Just then a head poked out of the window where Balthazar was just sent flying out of.

"You're still the same Balthazar, still so easily fooled. Ta ta!" Horvath said.

It seemed that when Horvath went inside in the guise of Veronica, he arrived at the door right as Balthazar opened it.

Seeing his lover and friend after so long caused Balthazar to freeze and he let his guard down. After which Horvath sent the same Air canon spell that he sent at Dave and I, at Balthazar as he simultaneously grabbed the doll with his magic.

"There's no time, get the grimhold, I'll explain later!" Balthazar said in response to our questioning gaze.

We quickly made our way inside as Horvath vanished from the fourth floor.

Having been the protector of the Grimhold for over a millenia, Balthazar could clearly sense when it was near.

"Over there!" He shouted as we rushed up the stairs.

Balthazar was in the front, I behind him, and Dave at the very back.

The two of us stopped at the top of the building as there was a Chinese man standing in the way. He had a single braided ponytail, a shirtless upper body, and armor on his waist with a dragon motif on it. Standing in the middle of the roof blocking the way to Horvath.

'Sun Lok' Balthazar grumbled internally.

"Hey guys why'd you sto..." Dave started to say until he saw Sun Lok.

Balthazar was conflicted, he couldn't fight Sun Lok and chase Horvath at the same time.

He knew he had to hurry as he saw that Horvath had conjured a pterosaur from a picture and was only slightly smaller than the eagle and flew off.

Seeing the Pterosaur myself made me grin slightly. What are the odds he'd conjure something similar to my own animagus form.

Although I'd love to see the look of shock on both Horvath, Balthazar, and Dave's faces as I transformed into my Animagus form, I can't trust Dave to fight Sun Lok alone as there is no guarantee that the fight would go the same as in the movie for two reasons, one, this is real life not a movie, and two, I have already made changes to the story, and plan to make more changes, and I don't know what to effect they may have on the future, of the story.

I also planned to tactically acquire Sun Lok's ring for myself

"Follow Horvath, I'll handle him for now." I said to Balthazar as I took out my wand.

Balthazar frowned as he thought about it for a moment before nodding and rushing past Sun Lok.

He'd have to leave it with Robert as he had already fought Horvath to a standstill and Dave was needed to eventually fight Morgana.

Balthazar then was going to make his way past Sun Lok who didn't seem willing to let that happen.

"Where do you think you're going?!?" Sun Lok shouted as he sent a bunch of silver needles at us.

"Arresto Momentum!" I shouted as the needles stopped in mid air.

Balthazar took the interference that I caused as the perfect distraction as he rushed past Sun Lok and summoned the eagle that was on a nearby building to land on the roof where he had Dave get on with them as they prepared to go after Horvath.

They were almost stopped as Sun Lok tried to cast a spell, giving up on controlling the needles which fell to the ground, he began to cast a spell at Balthazar when he heard words and saw a blue light heading towards him. He stopped it with a wall of fire which gave just enough time for the others to get away.

Sun Lok was very unhappy for the interruption and he planned to take his anger out on me.

Sun Lok was a Morgannian from China that Balthazar defeated around a hundred years ago and he specialized in both fire and transmutation magic.

"Now it's just you and me." I said with a sly grin.

Sun Lok, enraged by my 'mocking' grin in his eyes, started to conjure a large fireball in his hands after it was fully formed, he shot it at me and it flew like a cannonball.

As soon as his magic started I had already activated the Protego Charm and a shield had appeared around me in a bubble. At the same time I had cast a more powerful version of the water making charm Aguamenti and the flame freezing charm.

I suppose I overestimated Sun Lok, or underestimated my own skills as his fire attack only barely hit my shield and there was only a small crack.

I was surprised as both the flame freezing charm and the water making charm were not actual combat spells and were only supposed to slow down the attack, but it seems that they actually decreased the strength of the fireball by at least half.

Although even that half was enough to make a crack in my shield. So maybe he is still very powerful. I had hoped to make my upgraded version of the protego charm to be strong enough that regardless of the strength of the attack/spell the only thing that would happen is the shield breaking.

That, I believe, would be the most overpowered version. Because if you think about it, imagine I was hit with fiendfyre which is said to be in essence, unstoppable, what if it hit my shield, and then immediately shattered it, but the spell was also disippated.

That is the version of the spell I was trying to create. The principle was to use the strength of the spell against it. It would be as if the shield using the very magic of the attack to shatter the shield and dissipate the spell.

Anyways that's all for the future, now back to the battle.

The battle was actually not even a close fight as technically speaking, I am both a lot weaker than Sun Lok and able to kill him easily, he is a centuries old Sorcerer, but I have the Killing curse which is unblockabke by any magical means.

While all this is true, I will only use the killing curse as a last resort as what I actually planned to do was to capture Sun Lok and use the Imperius curse to force him to teach me Morgannian magic.

This is to help me increase my power by another level as I am of the mind that there is no Dark magic, just magic in general. It all depends upon how you use it as even simple charms can be used to kill.

I have to be careful as I am constantly dodging or blocking fireballs and I know that Sun Lok can also summon a dragon to help him fight which I don't feel confident beating.

Seeing that his fire magic wasn't doing any damage, he finally decided to switch to his other magic and began the spell that transformed the dancing dragon on the street into a real black eastern dragon.

The dragon had jumped up and was climbing up the building, I had partial transformed into my animagus form and my wings came out of my back. It is strange because a pterodactyl normally has their wings connected to their arms, but when I don't fully transform, they come out of my back, I'm not quite sure as to the reason why.

Regardless, I flew up in the air and then used Fiendfyre again and made it a giant snake and had it curl around the dragon, doing its best to burn it.

Dragons are naturally resistant to magic, and fire dragons are naturally resistant to fire, my only option to deal with the dragon was to release some of my control over the Fiendfyre to damage the dragon with dark magic.

This was only to distract the dragon as I finally use my plan to stop Sun Lok.

This would have to be timed well as I didn't want to kill him. If I did I simply could have set the dragon figurine on his waist on fire like Dave did in the movie, but I wanted to acquire his knowledge of magic.

As he was struggling to attack me with his fireballs, all the sudden he stopped and realized he couldn't cast magic anymore. I then cast Petrificus Totalus.

With Sun Lok being incapacitated, the dragon stated to fall and slowly transformed back into the artificial dragon and the fiendfyre was canceled.

'Well that was anticlimactic' I joked internally.

What had happened to Sun Lok was that when he was busy controlling the dragon to try and attack me and escape the fiendfyre is I tried a spell that I didn't think would work, but I suppose the difference in our magic systems and his distraction, it worked. All I ended up doing was casting the Disarming charm.

Once he was fully paralyzed with my spell, I cast a different spell to tie him up as I wasn't confident that the Full-Body-Bind Curse would work long against a Sorcerer of his caliber.


After my words thick rope came and wrapped all around him. After that was done, I cast the Stunning Charm and prepared to deal with him

I stared at his focus which was not a ring, but a bracelet with two rubies on it.

I hoped the spell would work as he would essentially be a normal dude without his magical focus.

I decided to put on the bracelet and was surprised when it automatically fit to the size of my wrist.

"Cool." I said aloud in joy

I knew I needed a way to hide him so I pulled out my shrunken suitcase from my pocket. I was very glad I decided to bring it with me when I came here.

I already had an excuse to explain what happened to Balthazar, I was going to use the same story that happened to Dave in the movie where he used fire magic to burn the dragon and he died with it.

If he asks why there was no evidence of an explosion, or why no one remembers it happening, I will explain the use of Reparo and the Memory Charm

I apparated to the roof where we were before, enlarged my suitcase, grabbed Sun Lok, and opened it and apparated inside to save time.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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