In order to find a job, the black technology was announced at the beginning

Chapter 25 Handcuffed, Take It Away

Chapter 25 Handcuffed, Take It Away

Ye Chen directly reported Director Feng and his son to the chief's office.

Hearing such a voice, Secretary Zhou frowned. As expected, Ye Chen was in trouble.

"Tell me what it is first, don't get excited, don't get excited, I will give you justice."

Secretary Zhou frowned.

It can be seen how much the country values ​​Ye Chen, before he asked anything, he directly said that he would uphold justice for him.

"I reported Director Feng and his son of the scientific research center. My energy-concentrating battery was sent to the testing department, and it was this father and son who maliciously dismantled it. They wanted to obtain the technology in it to occupy the magpie's nest. Evidence"

Ye Chen talked about what he had seen and heard in the scientific research center in the past few days on the phone, saying that Director Feng and his son in the testing department are simply the local emperors there, all kinds of lawlessness.

Secretary Zhou immediately understood the seriousness of the matter.

Technology can be taught, but if you want to acquire technology and occupy the magpie's nest, this problem is very bad.

"I'll take care of this, don't worry."

Secretary Zhou finally gave Ye Chen a satisfactory answer.

"Okay." Ye Chen was in a good mood.

After hanging up the phone.

He had dinner with Director Shen at the research institute, and then went for a stroll around the laboratory.

In the laboratory, the scientific research team of nearly [-] people did not slack in their work.

Even when it was off-duty time, they were still accumulating experience and building the Ark Reactor with little sleep and food.

Ye Chen glanced at the process, and asked Director Xiang Shen: "How's the progress?"

Director Shen introduced: "There are difficulties, and with a little bit of experience, I believe that it will not take long to fully master the technology of the Ark reactor."

Ye Chen nodded.

It can be seen that this team is working hard.

They were divided into several working groups, each performing their duties and coordinating with each other, which greatly promoted the thorough grasp of the principle and structure of the Ark reactor.

Then, Ye Chen explained to everyone on the spot, until very late, he returned to his residence to rest for the night.

The next day.

Ye Chen was woken up from his sleep.

It was Director Shen who called, informing him that he would go to the scientific research center for a disciplinary inspection today.

"Okay, I'll wait for them at the gate of the scientific research center."

Ye Chen hung up the phone, cleaned up in the shortest possible time, and went straight to the scientific research center. When he arrived at the entrance of the scientific research center, he found eight men in black beside the two black cars.

Wearing an official seal, the man in black was talking to Dean Chen about something.

Ye Chen walked over.

The man in black and Dean Chen greeted Ye Chen with a smile.

"Hello, Dr. Ye, according to the instructions, we were ordered to arrest Feng and his son."

They directly stated their purpose.

At the same time, he did not forget to look at Ye Chen with surprised eyes, as if he was curious about the identity of this young man.

Ye Chen knew that the eight men in black were the discipline inspectors. Whether it was the chief or Secretary Zhou was unknown, but one thing is for sure, the higher-ups have always attached great importance to and taken care of Ye Chen.


After a brief greeting.

A leader of the Disciplinary Inspection Director, Chu, said seriously: "The official business is important, let's go in first."

"Okay, okay." Dean Chen nodded hurriedly.

In fact, he was extremely worried. Since yesterday, he knew that the matter was beyond his control, and as expected, he came to arrest him without any charges.

Everyone entered the scientific research center and walked straight towards the testing department along the corridor of the corridor.

There was almost no publicity for such a big battle, but within a short period of time, it caused a sensation in the scientific research center.

In the scientific research building, many people heard that the discipline inspectors were coming, so they appeared in the corridors and corridors under various guises, and whispered a few words with their classmates from time to time.

"It's the discipline inspector."

"The man was arrested yesterday."

"I knew that if I broke something, I could leave as soon as I wanted. Is it possible?"

"It is estimated that the purpose of arresting him is to restore what happened yesterday."

People discussed in low voices, and agreed that Ye Chen's appearance was brought back by arrest.

After all, no matter what, they all knew that Ye Chen had smashed something in the testing department, and even saw him angry at Director Feng with their own eyes.

Dean Chen felt dizzy when he heard the gossip in the corridor.

What was captured? They just cooperated with the discipline inspection to arrest Shen's father and son.

But Ye Chen completely ignored these people.

Soon, a group of people entered the testing department.

After everyone entered the inspection department, Feng's father and son hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem at all, and saw Ye Chen coming with the Disciplinary Committee.

Immediately, the father and son looked at each other, and they could see happiness in each other's eyes.

Ye Chen was arrested!

Their father and son think so.

Director Feng changed his face, and spoke earnestly to Ye Chen, educating him: "Ye Chen, don't act impulsively in the future, reform well, and strive for a chance to perform."

Feng Hui also jumped out, regretting: "It can be regarded as a lesson, at least it can let you know what kind of consequences will be brought about by being frizzy."

Ye Chen looked at the resentment and hypocrisy of Feng's father and son, and was completely stunned.

I came here by myself just to cooperate with these discipline inspections. I am here to arrest you. Look at you father and son and you are still installed.

Team leader Chu of the discipline inspection team took a step forward and said, "Hello, Director Feng, we are the discipline inspection team, please cooperate with us."

"Okay, okay, I will definitely cooperate."

Director Feng hurriedly agreed, wishing to send Ye Chen to the prison immediately, only in this way can the turmoil of the energy-concentrating battery be completely subsided, and will not endanger his father and son.

Everyone in the discipline inspection team looked at each other, feeling a burst of surprise.

In the past, people who wanted to be arrested were all kinds of uncooperative, but this Feng and his son were straightforward.

"Please follow me to the monitoring room."

After Director Feng finished speaking, he led the way, and everyone followed into the monitoring room.

After turning on the monitoring, Director Feng and his son began to perform hard on the spot again.

"This is a copied video material, everyone please go through it."

"That's what happened"

"Ye Chen first worked hard on the tasks assigned to him by his superiors, and then he was dissatisfied with me educating him, so he did impulsive things."

"Everyone in the department can testify."

After the father and son performed, all the blame was pointed at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen lay innocently on the gun.

Fortunately, the discipline inspection team couldn't stand it any longer, and Team Leader Chu said, "Have you two finished talking, father and son?"

The scene was silent for a few seconds.

"Uh, I'm done." Director Feng opened his mouth, but actually wanted to add a few more words.

Team Leader Chu waved his hands and said, "Cuff it up and take it away."

Immediately, Feng's father and son breathed a sigh of relief, and the big stone that had been weighing on their hearts for many days finally disappeared.

As long as Ye Chen is handcuffed.

The father and son will no longer have a dime relationship with the concentrated energy battery, and they can continue to dominate the testing department.

But soon the smiles on the faces of the father and son disappeared.

Several discipline inspectors took out the 'silver bracelet' without hesitation and handcuffed the Feng father and son together.

The father and son stood in place and their minds went blank.

How to fatten four?

What's happening here?
Feeling the unique cold touch of metal coming from his wrist, Director Feng came back to his senses, and immediately panicked. While struggling, he kept yelling, "You tortured the wrong person."

(End of this chapter)

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