In order to find a job, the black technology was announced at the beginning

Chapter 12 I'll Make That Factory Stupid

Chapter 12 I'll Make That Factory Stupid

The smile on Ye Chen's face disappeared.

Full of confidence, he froze in place, as if his head had been hit hard by something.

This is completely different from the script he had imagined before. Shouldn't it be in essy mode? Why does it directly pop up into hell mode.

Please, since you don't understand at all, please don't put on a look of confidence.

Someone asked doubtfully, "Is there something wrong with Dr. Ye Ye?"

Ye Chen took a deep breath, forced a smile and said, "It's okay, it's okay, since you guys can't understand at all, I'll start from the beginning."

The expert team of nearly a hundred people are not narrow-minded people, and they will not feel jealous because Ye Chen is young and his achievements surpass them.

Because of this, they realized their own gap, and instead became more serious. After Ye Chen finished speaking and wanted to start from the beginning, these people took out pens and paper in a very tacit understanding.

The inventor of the Ark reactor personally explained, which is more efficient than being confused.

Ye Chen saw that everyone at the scene had entered the state one after another, so he also entered the on-site explanation mode, constantly analyzing the operating principle and process of the Ark Reactor for everyone.

"Although there is no finished product here, we can see from the video that the reason why he shines is because he is powered on, so do you understand here?"

In a spacious experiment, Ye Chen taught like a teacher.

When pointing to the information on the projection screen, no details were missed word for word, and when it came to selflessness, he even asked the expert team specifically.

The expert team listened fascinated and benefited a lot. Of course, it is not known whether they can really understand it.

At least, they have taken notes, so they can only use this method to digest the contents of these records carefully at night.

After all, what Ye Chen was talking about was knowledge hundreds of years later, which was too far ahead for him and the others.

Therefore, they could understand every word and every sentence that Ye Chen said, but after thinking about it carefully, they couldn't understand anything!
Ye Chen cleared his throat, and said earnestly: "As we all know, the Ark Reactor adopts αβγδθηζε technology, which contains palladium elements of not less than one centimeter, and cooperates with the operation mode of схфрп, according to the control of the cold core thinking, and stably ignites and debugs it. "

The expert team of nearly a hundred people suddenly realized, nodded again and again, and said in their hearts: "???"

As experts and professors in the physics field, they really want to learn the knowledge of the Ark reactor, but everyone feels that sitting here is listening to heaven.

So seeing Ye Chen's ecstasy in speaking, all he could do with a dazed expression was to take notes when he wasn't bothering him.

"Let's move on to the next one."

Ye Chen speaks in a way that he thinks is profound and simple, vivid and easy to understand.

However, this only applies to being backed by his own black technology system.

Over time.

Ye Chen fully integrated into the Ninth Research Institute, and spent the whole day explaining and manufacturing the Ark reactor to the expert team, or going out to the Patrol Corps to relax.

Finally, after spending half a month, Ye Chen explained tirelessly.
0 The expert team of nearly a hundred people finally got the hang of it, and they finally could barely understand the specific parameters of the Ark reactor.

this day.

Ye Chen continued to explain until the ninth study was about to take a break, then put down the semi-finished product in his hand, and said, "Let's stop here today, you go back to the place where you can't communicate more, I will go back first."

Everyone looked at the time, it was indeed getting late.

After tidying up, the researchers of the Ninth Research Institute left one after another.

They are all people with families in the capital. Although these people are engaged in top-secret work, they are almost the same as ordinary people when they leave the Ninth Research Institute.

Especially Ye Chen, a pure social young man walking carelessly on the road.


When he returned to the villa, he heard the phone ring.

The caller ID was a stranger, and he connected without hesitation.

A middle-aged man's voice first came from the other end of the phone: "Is it Ye Chen?"


Ye Chen thought of a lot in an instant.

There are spies?
Or is your privacy leaked?

I still remember that Captain Song of the special operations team mentioned it before.

Once the foreign powers get the news about the Ark Reactor, they will inevitably try to win you over immediately, spend money, use pressure, and even send top-quality female agents to lure you and test your weakness!
When Ye Chen was thinking this way, another voice came from the other end of the phone: "I am your uncle's comrade in arms. Your uncle asked me to take care of you often. He should have told you about me."

Ye Chen suddenly realized.

It turned out to be the comrade-in-arms that the old uncle mentioned.

Ye Chen's tone relaxed, and said, "He told you before."

A treat.

In the end, Ye Chen and the old uncle's comrades agreed to meet at XX Park at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

The next day.

Ye Chen called Director Shen of the Ninth Research Institute, and then left for XX Park in the capital.

We arrived at XX Park at exactly nine o'clock in the morning, which was the time we agreed to meet.

Ye Chen glanced across the park.

The entry is screening the characteristics agreed yesterday.

Beautiful girls with long legs, beautiful girls in black stockings, and niggas are not.

In the end, he locked on a middle-aged man in light-colored casual clothes and holding a newspaper. This man perfectly matched the attire agreed last night.

Ye Chen walked over, and the man also saw Ye Chen.

After the two confirmed each other.

"My surname is Wang, Wang of the old Wang next door, full name Wang Yu, your uncle's comrade-in-arms."

"Hello, Uncle Wang."

The other party is an elder.

Ye Chen stretched out his right hand first and held the opponent.

Wang Yu was very generous and said with a smile, "Don't be cautious. When we were in the Legion, your old uncle and I were brothers who lived and died together, so his nephew is also my nephew."

Ye Chen nodded, expressing his understanding. In the legion, he gave his back to his comrades.

Wang Yu patted Ye Chen on the shoulder and said: "After I was discharged from the army, my family background gave me a position in charge of industry and commerce. The factory won’t let people go, right?”

Ye Chen looked embarrassed.

How did these people determine that the Ninth Research Institute is a black factory?

"Uncle Wang, thank you for your kindness. I really don't need to worry about this matter. In fact, the factory is quite good, and the work is quite easy. The main reason is that the salary is good."

Still remembering to keep it a secret, Ye Chen is not good at revealing the specific content of the Ninth Research Institute, so he has to be vague.

But these words, in Wang Yu's ears, have a different meaning.

He widened his eyes and pretended to be angry:

"What a fart, wouldn't it be nice for me to arrange an iron rice bowl for you?"

"Let me tell you, now every factory is squeezing the blood and sweat of the workers. This is what I'm in charge of. I've seen it a lot. It's all one way before entering the factory, and another after entering the factory."

"Don't worry, Lao Ma and I are brothers who live and die together. You don't have to be polite to uncle, tell me which black heart factory it is, and I will lead people to death if you find out!"

Ye Chen was stunned and didn't know how to answer.

He knew that the old horse mentioned by the other party was his old uncle, and he also knew that the other party had good intentions, but well, there was no way to explain this matter, and the key point was that there was no news from Huangyan Academy.

It seems that the only thing left to do is to notify Captain Song of the Special Operations Team to deal with this matter.

Seeing Ye Chen's silence, Wang Yu immediately thought he was offended.

Therefore, the tyrant's spirit is fully released.

While patting Ye Chen's shoulder to comfort him, he showed a micro-management winning expression, and sneered: "I want to see how crazy this black-hearted factory is. If you dare to blackmail the old horse's nephew, if you find out, I will let you go!" That factory will immediately become stupid!"

(End of this chapter)

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