In One Piece with Gacha System

Chapter 18: Chapter 16: Syrup Village

The children woke up and heard that Usopp had left a while ago, and they didn't know where he had gone. They also learned the names of the three children: Piiman, Ninjin, and Tamanegi.

"He's gone?" asked Piiman.

"He said it was time to leave, and then he just left," said Zoro.

"Then it was time for him to go to the mansion," said Piiman.

"The mansion of that girl?" asked Nami.

"Yeah," replied Ninjin.

"And what does he do there?" asked Luffy.

"He goes there to lie," said Ninjin.

"To lie? But that's not right," said Luffy.

"No, no, actually, it's good. Right?" said Piiman.

"Yeah, very, very good!" said Tamanegi.

Luffy and the others didn't really understand, so the children started explaining.

They told them that Usopp went there to tell her stories so she could have fun, even if they were lies.

"I see! He's a really good person!" exclaimed Luffy.

"So he lies to the girl to make her happy," said Nami.


The kids started talking about why they admired Usopp, saying things about him that were completely bizarre.

"What exactly are you proud of?" asked Zoro, sweatdropping.

"And does that make her happy?" Luffy asked the children.

"Yeah, she seems much happier now than before," said Ninjin.

"Well then!! Let's go to the mansion and ask for the ship!!" shouted Luffy, determined.

"We already said no!!" yelled Nami.

Despite what Nami said, they were now standing in front of the mansion.

"Hey! Can you give us a ship?!" Luffy shouted loudly, but he got no response, so he started climbing over the gate. "I'm going in!"

"Why does he even bother greeting them?" the three kids wondered.

"Even if I tried to stop him, I couldn't," said Nami, resigned.

"We better go in with him," said Zoro.

"One undeniable thing about Luffy is that he's pretty fun," said Oliver.

Luffy was already inside, so the rest of them moved to enter as well.

"Should we climb too?" asked Ninjin.

Oliver thought for a moment, then walked up and simply pushed the gate open.

"I don't think climbing was necessary," said Oliver.

Everyone entered, and the kids led them to where Usopp was.

He was sitting under a tree, telling Kaya a story.

"The dwarves were so grateful that they started calling me..." Usopp was saying.

"Captain," the three kids said.

"Yeah, Captain. Huh? What are all of you doing here?" said Usopp, eyes wide as he saw everyone.

"This guy told us to bring him," the three kids said, pointing at Luffy.

"Who is he?" asked Kaya.

"Oh, you're the girl!" said Luffy.

Not knowing what Luffy was about to say, Usopp quickly moved to his side to come up with one of his lies.

"These people have heard of my greatness and came to ask if I would let them join the Usopp Pirates."

"None of that. I'm here to ask you for a favor," Luffy said, denying what Usopp had said.

"A favor? From me?" Kaya asked.

"Yes! We want a big ship!" Luffy said happily, excited that he might get one.

"What are you all doing here?!" A man shouted angrily.

The voice came from a man with short black hair slicked back, round glasses, and dressed in a black butler suit.

Kuro. How did they not think his name was so similar? Oliver thought as he saw him.

"It's not right to enter someone else's house!!" The butler shouted.

"Kurahadol," Kaya said as she looked at the butler.

"Who's he?" Luffy asked, not knowing who he was.

"Kurahadol, these people are..."

Kaya was about to tell him that they wanted a ship, but she was interrupted by the butler.

"I don't want to hear any excuses right now, Miss Kaya. You all better leave immediately, unless you have something to say?" Kuro asked them.

"Can you give us a ship?" Luffy asked happily.

"No," Kuro replied.

Kuro's rejection slightly depressed Luffy, who was comforted by Zoro with a few pats on the back.

"You, Usopp..." Kuro said, looking at him. "I've heard a lot of rumors about you."

"Of course! You can call me Captain if you want. A lot of people adore me," Usopp said, telling yet another lie.

"The guards already know not to let you in, so tell me, what are you doing here?" The butler asked, adjusting his glasses.

"Mmm... well, I saw a giant ant near the mansion, so..."

Usopp was about to tell another lie, but Kuro interrupted him.

"Your stories are disgusting," Kuro responded.

"What did you say?" Usopp asked, offended.

"I know who your father is. You're the son of a low-class pirate, and no matter what you do, you will never get close to Miss Kaya again."

Kuro directly insulted his father.

"His father is a pirate?" Luffy asked, curious.

Everyone present was feeling a bit uncomfortable, but Oliver was simply watching Kuro's pathetic show.

"Low-class?!" Usopp said, getting a bit angry.

"You're nothing like Miss Kaya. What do you want from her? Money? And if so, how much?" Kuro asked him directly.

"You're going too far, Kurahadol!! Apologize to Usopp right now!!" Kaya shouted, furious and demanding an apology immediately.

"Why should I apologize to this trash? I only spoke the truth. What's so wrong about that? I understand you might be upset about having a worthless father. A father who abandoned his family to go out to sea in search of treasure, not caring about them at all," Kuro said, being extremely derogatory towards Usopp.

"Stop it already!" Kaya shouted.

"Stop insulting me!" Usopp yelled angrily, barely holding himself back from hitting him.

"Are you mad? You're not very smart. Why not lie and say you're not his son?" The butler mocked as he adjusted his glasses. "Or that your father is a merchant or anything else but a pirate?"

"SHUT UP!!" Usopp screamed in anger, delivering a powerful punch to Kuro's face, knocking him down.

Everyone watched the scene. Kaya and the three kids were shocked, but Luffy and the others just observed.

"See! You're a violent person, just like your father!" The butler shouted as he adjusted his glasses.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!! I'M PROUD THAT MY FATHER BECAME A PIRATE! AND THAT MY FATHER IS THE BRAVEST PIRATE IN THE WORLD!!" Usopp yelled, pouring out everything he felt about his origins. "Even though I love lying, I would never lie about my heritage! And even less about my pirate blood! I AM THE SON OF A PIRATE!"

"Now I remember… he is…" Luffy muttered, recalling someone he had met long ago.

"The bravest in the world? Don't make me laugh! It's clear you inherited his barbarity. The moment you meet someone who doesn't think like you, you attack them violently. The only thing you care about is Miss Kaya's money," Kuro said as he got up and dusted off his clothes.

"What?! I..."

Usopp was about to deny it, but he couldn't.

"I don't want to hear excuses! You're the son of a pirate, that says everything about you!" Kuro shouted, making Usopp furious.


Usopp, enraged, was about to punch him again, but Oliver stepped in, placing a hand in front of him.

"Don't do it. It's not worth it," Oliver said. "Hey, Cat. You better calm down and listen to your boss."

Kuro froze momentarily upon hearing him call him "Cat."

"Does he know about me?" Kuro thought as he glanced at Oliver before regaining his composure. "Get out of here!"

Oliver knew that everything would come to light eventually, but that didn't change the fact that he was angry after hearing all the insults directed at Usopp.

"Calm down. He'll get beaten up later," Oliver reassured himself.

Usopp glared at Kuro before leaving the mansion without looking back.

"Idiot! Our captain isn't like what you say!"

"You're so stupid!"

"Yeah, yeah, stupid!"

The three kids yelled angrily at the butler for insulting their captain.

"Idiot!" Luffy shouted angrily.

"Hey, stay out of it," Zoro told him.

"Let's go after him!"

The three kids tried to attack Kuro but were stopped by Nami.

"You'll pay for this!" Luffy shouted in the same way, but Zoro stopped him.

Everyone left the mansion, some angrier than others.

Usopp had left the area while the group stayed by the side of the road. However, in a moment of distraction, Luffy had also disappeared.

"Where's Luffy?" Nami asked.

"He probably went after Usopp," Zoro said, leaning against a tree.

While they were talking, Oliver was doing some exercise to test his Talent, Warrior Mentality.

"If you're looking for the Captain, he's probably in that place," Ninjin said.

"Yeah, by the beach. He always goes there whenever he's stressed," Piiman added.

"Do you want to go?" the two kids asked them.

"No," Zoro replied.

"By the way, where's the other kid?" Nami asked, noticing that he was also gone.

"Tamanegi? He always disappears," Piiman said.

"And after a while, he comes back screaming," Ninjin added.

Just as the kids had said, Tamanegi arrived shouting about an imminent danger, claiming that a man was walking backward towards them. The kids didn't believe him.

"Liar," both of them said.


He pointed his finger in the direction he was talking about.

Zoro, Nami, and Oliver looked and, sure enough, a man wearing a hat and heart-shaped glasses was approaching while walking backward.

'What was his name again?' Oliver thought, trying to remember.

"Who says I'm weird? I'm totally normal," the strange man said.

"Well, I think you're weird," Nami replied.

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm just an ordinary hypnotist," the hypnotist answered.

"Hypnotist? Incredible!"

"Do a trick!"


The three kids encouraged him to perform a trick.

"What? No, why would I? You shouldn't reveal tricks the first time you meet someone," he said, taking his hat. "Alright! Watch closely—stare at this ring!"

"Didn't you just say you wouldn't?" Zoro said, a drop of sweat running down his temple.

"When I say One, Two, Jango, you will all fall asleep. Got it? One... Two... Jango..."

As soon as he said "Jango," both the hypnotist and the kids collapsed into sleep.

"Why the hell are you falling asleep too?!" Zoro shouted angrily.

'His name was Jango, now I remember. His ability could be annoying… Is it a Devil Fruit power?' Oliver thought as he watched him sleeping on the ground.

"How about we just leave him here?"

"Y-yeah," Nami agreed.

They picked up the kids and left the area, leaving the hypnotist sleeping behind.

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