In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 27 – Lost things

The next morning, in the Great Hall, everyone was talking about what happened the night before, starting with Ravenclaw’s table the rumor quickly spread through friends towards the other tables.

What’s funnier is the fact that the guy, Roland Riddick was the one to get most of the bad attention, as he was the one speaking louder and even shouting the night before, not taking into account he was the one to lie about what happened, while Elaine Rossi finally decided to recount what happened, and never tried to lie to the professors. Even if she lost to a first-year, she didn’t try to blame him for attacking from behind.

“So, it was true? A freshman really beat a fifth-year?”

“No! It was two fifth-year! And at the same time!”

“You have to be kidding me! How could he do that!?”

“That’s what’s even more amazing! He disarmed them both with Expelliarmus before using a binding charm on them!”

“Wow! That firsty sure got balls!”

“Balls!? He’s a first-year and already knows how to use the disarming charm!”

The conversations were coming and going, during the breakfast, that was the hottest topic everyone was talking about.

At least, until one particular student came into the Great Hall, making the students that gave a glance at him shut up, before whispering to the other students. Gradually, the entire Great Hall quieted down.

“Mm?” Logan, who was only now entering the place, suddenly stopped on his way to Ravenclaw’s table. He glanced around and caught some students looking at him from all the houses, some others he saw them evade his eyes, and he could even swear some of them were pointing at him while whispering something.

But as quickly as he stopped, he started to walk again. Reaching his friends and sitting beside them, making the entire Great Hall return to its normal rowdy state.

“Hey, what’s happening? Why did everyone just turn to look at me like that?” Logan asked his friends before grabbing something to eat. Slowly, but surely, sending some of the food into his inventory for later.

“Are you really asking because you don’t know!?” Roger asked while lifting both eyebrows.

“Of course, why else would I be asking, man?” Logan tilted his head.

*sigh…* You…” Roger shook his head in incredulity.

“Me, what?”

“Come on, man! You beat two fifth years asses yesterday!” Roger whispered to him in a really excited tone.

“That wasn’t even a duel.” While Logan just rolled his eyes.

“Even then, man. It’s not precisely normal for some first-year to beat two fifth-years. Beating a second-year? Possible. A third-year? It would still be believable…” William intervened. “But even talking about a fourth-year, that would be stretching it a lot. And you beat two, not one, but two fifth-years.” He shook his head.

“Yeah!” Roger nodded excitedly. “There’s no way people won’t look at you with those eyes!”

“Oh well, if you say so…” Logan shrugged while eating, but as he looked up at the ceiling, he closed his eyes for a moment, before rubbing them with one hand and then turning to look down back again.

“Mm? It’s something the matter?” William asked.

“No…” Logan shook his head. “Just a little dirty in my eyes. Nothing really bad. Either way, did you guys finish tomorrow’s homework?”

“Don’t even talk to me about that! *sigh…* Snape want to kill us!” Roger said.

“Come on, it’s not that bad. I already finished it.” While William just rolled his eyes at his friend’s complaints.

“Pfft… That’s true, man. I know it’s quite hard, but it’s not impossible to do, you know?” Logan said.

“Oh, shut it!”

With that, they all went to talk about homework and their assignments during the rest of the lunch, Logan only turning a few times to catch the look of a few of the upperclassmen, and even from Tulip, who quickly hid her face in the food.

He didn’t pay too much attention to her and just focused on finishing his food. After all, he had something to do right after.

“Hey, man. Where are you going?” William asked Logan as he stood up.

“Sorry, man. I have to go study in my room.” He shrugged with an apologetic smile. “But see you both on lunch, what do you say?”

“Sure, man. It’s not quite rare for you to disappear after all.” William said.

“Yeah, see you then, man!” Roger waved at him.

“Okay! Oh, by the way. You better work on your homework, man. Time’s tickling.”

“Why do you have to cut my fun!” Roger said while clutching his head.

*chuckles* After a little chuckle, Logan looked at him again. “Well, if you still can, I can help you after lunch, but don’t expect too much. I’m not that good in potions.” With an awkward smile, he went out of the Great Hall, with a lot of curious glances being thrown at him.


Walking through the castle towards the 7th floor, Logan was thinking deeply about what he has to do.


“I need to find a way for me to be in two places at the same time, or whatever it’s closer to that…” I muttered while walking up the stairs. “Mm?”

In front of me, one of the steps of the stairs looked as if it was some kind of shining blue mist.

“Oh, right.” I nodded, crouched, and touched the step, which disappeared at my touch as if it wasn’t there. {Having this thing is quite amazing, really.}

One of the passive spells I got when I acquired the Arcanist vocation was called Arcane Eyes, which allows me to see through spells, jinxes, hexes, and charms. It would be shown as some kind of blue mist, and depending on the type of charm, jinx or hex, and the strength of it, the color of the mist would be deeper or lighter.

{Now I’m not that worried about the vanishing steps on these goddamn stairs…} I thought to myself while walking past the missing step.

Being a passive spell, I didn’t have to focus too much on it, but I could concentrate more magic into my eyes, and I would be able to see a lot farther, including a lot of the charms used inside the castle.

But sometimes it was quite a pain too, as it was too distracting seeing a lot of mist suddenly appearing in front of you, like what happened during breakfast when I looked at the ceiling of the castle.

{*sigh…* Where can I find something to do… Wait.} Getting close to the seventh floor, I suddenly remembered something. “Hermione!” I muttered unconsciously.

{She had a freaking time machine! Or time-whatever! That little necklace of hers is my best choice.} I thought while hurrying up. {Sadly, I can ask for one to McGonagall, but I know a place where I can find it.} While smiling mischievously, I made my way towards the location of the RoR, but instead of thinking about the Room of Requirements, I thought about that other form it takes, the Room of Hidden Things.

As usual, in an otherwise empty wall, a door appeared, and opening, I noticed that it wasn’t the room I’m accustomed to. It was a vastly enormous room full of mountains and mountains of items and weird stuff.

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden quest! You’ve found the Room of Hidden Things that not everyone knows! This is a true treasure trove! Used for hundreds or thousands of wizards and witches to hide their most valuable and treasured trash! And some other dark stuff too! Have fun playing hide and seek here!]

[50pts have been earned]

“Holy… Fuck…” I looked around once the door closed, and I couldn’t even identify a lot of the things that were in front of me. “There has to be a freaking time machine somewhere in here. I deny all possibilities of it not being here!” I shouted as I started walking towards the closest items.

A funny thing I noticed was the fact that I could see a lot of magic traces around me, mostly weak ones, and those came from some magic items.

“Mm? I remember this.” I said while grabbing one of the items that was emitting blue mist. It was a small Crystal Ball. “Wasn’t this that thing Neville had on the first movie? What was it called? Remember-something? Oh! Rememberball!”

[Close enough. Remembrall.]

“Oh. Well, I was close.” I shrugged while putting it inside the inventory.

[A new quest has been generated! Access your quest interface!]

“Mm? Why suddenly I got a bad feeling?” I tilted my head before opening the quest interface.


New quests!

- Any means necessary! Being an orphan, there aren't too many things you’re able to do without money, so take the first step into thievery and take anything in here that could be sold! (Rewards depend on the amount and value of items taken on your first visit! Do your best!)

     Stolen Items: Remembrall x1


“…” I looked at the new quest for a moment. Before suddenly concentrating more magic in my eyes and looking around for the bigger and deeper colored mists. Before activating my usual grate haste spell and a similar spell from the Arcanist vocation, Arcane Rush, that helped me increase my speed too.

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden quest! You’ve combined two active spells from two different vocations for the first time! Now you can slowly create your own fighting style while mixing what’s best from two different paths of magic!]

[60pts have been earned]

“I love this place already!” I shouted as I started running around, towards any kind of blue mist that looked remotely important. And anything that looked like gold or silver. {These may be worthless to wizards, but muggle’s gold and jewelry stores don’t think the same.} I thought while taking a few things that weren’t jinxed, charmed, or cursed, but looked a lot like gold and that was enough for me.

I’ve been running around for who knows how many times, rushing here and there picking anything that looked quite decent or in a good state, filling my inventory to the brim, until I almost reached my max capacity.

“Fwee… Thankfully I find this before I ran out of space.” I said while putting another goblet made of what I think is gold inside a small pouch that just sucked it in.

This little pouch was apparently magically expanded and had a lot of space inside, so I just went around filling it with any stuff I found around.

“Damn… The weight doesn’t increase no matter how many things I put inside.” I mutter while walking and looking at the little thing. “Mm? Wait a moment…” I took a lot of the stuff I put inside my inventory and then put them into the pouch. To then put the pouch into the inventory.

“Ha… Haha… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I suddenly started laughing like a maniac. “I found a way to trick the system!” I shouted.

[That’s not tricking the system. You could always do that, and other things. You’re just too idiot to notice them before.]

“Oh, shut up. I’m happy, let me have this.” I rolled my eyes at the system. “And I thought you stopped being such a prick…”

[No comments.]

“…” Shaking my head, I continued running through a lot of the stuff I found here.

A few Remembrall, some kind of weird robes, gold and silver for lots, some weird cuffs, quills, amulets, cauldrons that I planned to sell to some pawn-shop, a Deluminator, and something that looked like a telescope, and a lot of things. But no such luck finding the time machine.

“Mm? The hell is that?” While looking through a few mountains, I find a different kind of mist. It wasn’t blue, it was black, and gave me an ominous feeling. “Oh… Maybe it is that thing?” I tilted my head while rushing there.

“Ho…” Among one of the small mountains of items, a decolored diadem with an oval-shaped sapphire was there, letting a black mist fly out of it. “Isn’t this Ravenclaw’s Diadem? Mm… It looks quite creepy.” Taking the magic power from my eyes, I could look at it more clearly, as it seems I’m not able to detect the black mist without focusing magic on my eyes.

“Huh? So, this is dark magic huh…” Picking up the diadem I could feel something trying to enter my mind, trying to parasite me. “Tough luck, friend. Between my Occlumency and Mind Protection, there’s no way you can do something to me.” I shrugged while looking at the diadem.

For the record, Mind Protection was the other passive spell out of four, and it gave my mind slight protection to mental magic and debuffs, but, combined with Occlumency, my protection against mental magic is quite big right now.

Also, the other two passive spells are Arcane Armor, which was basically passive protection against magic that reduces the power of any offensive spell thrown at me, and its effects, and the last one, Arcane Mastery, which is the reason I’m able to use the Arcanist Spells, as it gives my magic core the ability to form my arcane spells.

“Mm… Hey, system, can I sell this thing to someone?”

[Sure, any Death Eater would be pleased to buy it from you.]

“Mm… If I decided that I wanted to be a Dark Lord, that would be great. But no. I’ll destroy this shit by myself. But not now.” I was about to throw the diadem in the same place, but after a little pondering, I put it deep inside the mountain of items. “I won’t have a problem finding this thing later, so I’ll just leave it safer. I don’t want any bullshit happening, like someone finding this place and taking it out by luck.”

After leaving the diadem, I started looking around until it was lunch-time.

{Ha… Fuck… I didn’t find the goddamn time machine this time… I’ll have to look for it later.} I thought to myself while walking towards the exit door, picking anything I find on the way and putting it into the magic pouch.

[You know. I’ve been trying to tell you this from the start, but it’s called Time-Turner.]

“Mm? Why just don’t say it?”

[I wanted to know how much time would you call it a time machine.]

“Let me answer that for you. Until you told me its name.”

[I’ve figured it out.]

“Sure.” I said while picking things here and there. At this point, I just grabbed whatever I had at my hand’s reach that looked enough to sell. I’ll later ask the goddamn system to help me sort things out.

Once I went out of the Room of Hidden Things. A message appeared.

[Congratulation! You’ve completed the quest ‘Any means necessary’! You’ve stolen for the first time, even if those items were ownerless, they were once from someone who either lost them or tried to keep them safe in the Room of Hidden Things, only to forget where they put them.]

[Stolen Items: Remembrall x 17 / Omniculars x 2 / Cauldrons x 4 / Amulets x 5 / Anti-Cheating Quill x 2 / Auto-Answering Quill x 1 /  … Re-Visibility Spectacles x 1]

[300pts have been earned.]

{Mm… You know, it’s quite ironic that the highest number I got was from the Remembrall, those are supposed to let you know if you forgot something.} I rubbed my chin while looking at the long list of things I took out and walking towards the great hall. {Also… I just had to come here sooner and I would be able to acquire a lot of points. Instead of going to the Forbidden Forest.}

[You wanted to go to that forest.]

{Oh well, that’s true.}

[And in a sense, it did help you grow.]

{I’m not that sure if it was the kind of growth I wanted.}

[By the way, why haven’t you asked about the disarming points.]

{Mm? I figured it had something to do with choosing Baptism of Blood instead of Advocate of Life.}

[Okay. I didn’t expect that answer. I’ll give you a tip.]

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden quest! You’re not a big idiot anymore! Your accomplishment has surprised the system!]

[10pts have been earned.]

“At least give me more points if you’re going to be such a jerk.” I muttered between my teeth.

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